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  • in reply to: Future #26774

    [color=#FF0080] daughter is called; ella louise

    i am now pregnant with my second baba; 11 weeks today πŸ™‚

    other names are;

    rebbecca ann, stephanie rose, jessica marie

    connor jay, harvey edward, oliver (not sure on middle name for oliver)

    i don’t really have any plans for the future, just gonna take each day as it comes tbh, i’m not working atm as i’ve had to quit my job coz to injuries; i think due to this pregnancy.

    hoping for a boy πŸ™‚ but will be happy whatever i have!!

    love from charlotte, matt, baby ella & jelly bean <3 xXx[/color]

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26638

    abortion is never the right thing to do in ANY point of your life, i am completely against abortion. i am 19 and expecting my second baba and yes things are hard, but i would never think of killing my baby because he/she was an inconvenience to my life, at the end of the day it isn’t their fault they were conceieved, it’s yours for getting pregnant. don’t have unprotected sex unless you can handle the consequences. ABORTION IS NOT THE ANSWER. in my eyes it is murder, and trust me you will regret it for the rest of your life, there is absolutely no point in asking for POSITIVE abortion advice. abortion is in no way positive, it kills a baby, and yes even if you are only like 4 weeks along… it is still a baby, abortion is murder. simple as.

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26479

    i tooka test just after i missed my period, and then tested again just over a week after, the first one was neg and ive done 2 since then that were positive πŸ™‚ best thing to do is wait a week or so and test again, if it’s still neg and you still don’t get your period then go to the doctors. then can do more accurate tests πŸ™‚ good luck xx

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26456

    [color=#FF0040]hey girls πŸ™‚

    took a test this morning, and got a faint positive πŸ™‚

    gonna go docs on monday so will update onb what the doc says πŸ˜€

    i’m so excited atm, trying not to get my hopes up too much till monday tho πŸ™‚

    love from charlotte, matty, ella & *bump no.2* πŸ˜€

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x.. ..x..[/color]

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26451

    [color=#FF0040]i was due for my period on the 23rd jan, took a test the day after… as figured it was negative.

    it’s now a week later tho and still no period. been having cramps last few days and thought maybe this was stretching making room for the baby. been super tired, having 2-3 hour naps every afternoon, been peeing a lot more. being having really bad backache last few weeks as well. i know these are all signs.

    gonna test again tommorow… so will keep everyone updated πŸ˜€ xx[/color]

    in reply to: showing #26414

    oh right, it’s just i think i’m preg again but i’m only about 4 weeks… and i feel huge lol, i’ve put on loads of weight recently and just thought i might possibly be carrying twins. but not sure if i’d be showing this early on, this would be my second pregnancy tho, so i dunno xx

    in reply to: showing #26406

    does anyone know when you will start showing if your having twins? xx

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26382

    thanks, that’s what i was thinking i’d do. well i’m due on the 23rd jan, so if i don’t get my period then i will test then.

    i’ll keep you all updated tho πŸ™‚

    love from charlotte, matty, baby ella and possible *bump no.2*

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x..

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26375

    when is the earliest i can take a test tho? i’m due for my period on 23rd jan πŸ™‚

    thanks for the help!!

    love from charlotte, matty, baby ella & possible *bump no.2*

    ..x.. ..x.. ..x..

    in reply to: Im new to this whole thing. #26081

    hi, firstly i would like to tell you that you NEED to go see a doctors, they need to do all sorts of checks on you and the baby to make sure you are both ok. if you don’t then this pregnancy could potentially be life threatening if something is wrong.

    in reply to: so confused… need some help :) #26037

    ok, so just an update, have basically stopped bleeding now πŸ™‚ which is a massive relief!
    so when i’m deffo sure i’ve stopped we are gonna start trying for another baby πŸ™‚
    i will update you all on our progress and when we finally do get preg again πŸ™‚
    wish us luck! xx

    in reply to: When is your due date? #25783

    if i am pregnant again, my edd is 14th june πŸ™‚ xx

    in reply to: Abortion/Adoption/Pregnancy #25782

    i am so glad that you have chosen to give life to your baby (if you are pregnant) as i am completely against abortion too!

    i am in a similiar situation, i am also 18. my daughter is 3 months old. in my mind i think i am 2 months preg, but the tests say diff, but whatever happens i am going to keep this baby.

    yes you will struggle, i’m not saying you wont. one baby at a young age is hard, it puts stress on the relationship, trust me ive been there too. and throwing another baby into the mix will make things more difficult, but as long as your children have love and a secure environment then you will get thru the bad times, your children will help you.

    you have the strength to raise two beautiful children and thrive at being an amazing mum!

    i’m here if you need to chat πŸ™‚ xx

    in reply to: Could i be pregnant? #25759

    i got preg from having sex right after my period πŸ˜€ so it’s not absolutely unlikely x

    in reply to: Stressed and Confused, Help? #25724

    it is so nice to see a young ‘father-to-be’ so concerned about his options and the feelings of his other half. i myself am 18 and have a 3 month old daughter, so i myself am a teen mum. firstly i would like to say i am very proud of you for not choosing abortion, abortion in my eyes is murder and shouldn’t be legal. so well done for choosing to give your son/daughter a chance at life. you can go back to college because nowadays they have schemes to help with childcare costs while you go back into education, so let me tell you your life is certainly not over! and as for the whole parents not approving thing,it happened to me, throughout the whole pregnancy my family would not speak to me, then about a month before i had my daughter they realised just what they would be missing out on and slowly came round to the idea, now they see us on a regular basis and love her unconditionally. the dissapointment of your family will fade away and you will forget about it once you hold your son’daughter in your arms for the first time, see there first smile, hear their first laugh. being a parent is truely the most amazing feeling you could ever experience. it is also nice to see that you want to get a job and provide for your ‘family’ whenever you get a job doesn’t matter as your girlfriend is only a month pregnant. i hope everything goes well for your girlfriend during and after the pregnancy and you will make amazing parents πŸ™‚ i’m here if you want to talk x

    in reply to: unsure at 12 weeks? #25672

    i am unsure at 7 weeks, and had neg tests all along, but i got the same feeling that i had with my first so i reccon i am preg. it’ll be best to go the the docs and get them to do a blood test, it’d be more accurate if you are infact 12 weeks, i’m here if you wanna chat πŸ™‚ x

    in reply to: someone help please!! :S #25659

    i’m gonna wait till the 13th and test again, then if it’s still neg and no sign of my period then i’m gonna go docs πŸ™‚ x

    in reply to: is it normal? #25657

    well like i’ve said in other posts, i’m gonna wait and test in a couple of weeks, then if it’s still neg and no sign of my period then i’m gonna go docs.

    tbh i hope i am pregnant again, i’ve always wanted my kids close together πŸ™‚

    and twins would be amazing, i’ve always wanted twins πŸ˜› aha

    thanks for your opinion!

    love from Char, Matt & Baby Ella x

    in reply to: someone help please!! :S #25654

    no i don’t wanna do that, coz my doctor just looks down her nose at me at the thought i could be preg again. it sickens me why doctors pass judgement on young girls like that, i am living my life how i want it to be x

    in reply to: someone help please!! :S #25632

    i’ve taken numerous tests that all say neg, but i just have that ‘feeling’ again that i am preg. i’m waiting a couple of weeks to test again now. we are thinking of marriage and both want a abig family and we are both hoping i am preg again. x

    in reply to: someone help please!! :S #25622

    like i said prevoiusly, we are NOT having sex now till the 3rd.

    1) if i am pregnant them we will have this baby.

    2) if i am not pregnant them i am going on the pill for 3 months then we are trying for another baby.

    3) we are engaged, so yes we are thinking of marriage.

    4)my family was not supportive of my pregnancy with ella, but they are now very supportive.

    5) i don’t know how they will react if i am pregnant again, as they don’t like my fiance.

    6) we actually want more kids, so to be honest i am hoping that i am pregnant.

    we have already picked out names for future kids and have discussed how we are going to decorate.

    we know we can cope financially, and we have been thru so much together that we know we can easily handle another baby right now.

    if i am pregnant, i am approx 5 weeks gone.

    with ella i knew when i was 3 weeks pregnant that i was, i just had a feeling. i am getting that very same feeling at the mo, so i think i am. still gonna wait till the 3rd to test tho πŸ™‚

    love from Char, Matt, Ella &+ *possibly bump no.2* xxx

    in reply to: bleeding? #25577

    i think it’s summat like 8-10 days after sex, not 100% positive tho lol x

    in reply to: Father’s Day #25249

    well i am due 26th June, so unless she decides to make an appearance before then… we have nothing planned lol.
    but if she is born on or close to her due date i suppose it’s a late prezzie for my boyfriend πŸ˜›

    Soon To be Mummy To Ella Louise Smart – Due 26.06.09

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