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  • in reply to: weight #15563

    don’t worry if ur docs haven’t said ne thing. be glad that you haven’t gained tons of weight. i’m 26wks 3 days and i have gained almost 20 lbs…..and as what is said the aveage wieght by the time ur 5 months you should gain ne were from 10-20…so…..

    in reply to: Watermark You PHOTOS #15562

    wow…thanx for that info……i’m gonna go look at my pics now and see of they can be stolen…..

    in reply to: his mind is made up #15561

    don’t let him guilt you into an abortion or adoption if u don’t want to. it’s his baby too, so wether he stays with you or not he has a responisbility to you and that baby. i wish you all that luck.

    in reply to: MORNING SICKNESS #15559

    there is nothing wrong…i didnt have morning sickness either. some girls get it and other don’t…feel lucky that u don’t have it!…..

    in reply to: HI #15410

    we can’t help you if we don’t know what help you need…..

    in reply to: preg. test question. please help #15409

    hun if ur got ur period and u still took a test and got a neg ur not preg….getting ur period and being preg usually isn’t possible, spotting is ok but not a period…..

    in reply to: need advice please! #15408

    a doctor will let you this–> when ur preg travel were you are sitting for a long time is not good unless you can stop and get up and walk around (this is because when ur preg you can get clots in ur legs very easily and not moving ur legs for long periods of time makes the chance of getting clots higher) and if it’s a flight the don’t allow women 7 months or futher along to fly because of the risk that they could go into labor in flight…..i hope this helps…..

    in reply to: how old1/!? #15407

    well the average age that boys hit puberty is 13 years old, and males produce sperm through their entire lives unlike females who are born with the only eggs they will ever have……so can i ask y you are asking this and how old u r?….

    in reply to: adoption or be a mom #15406

    look in to your heart and listen to it…don’t let the people around you make a decision that you will reagret…and if ur family will support you in the choice you make, don’t let their opinions change what you want to do….and if decide to give up the baby, there is open adoption which lets you keep in contact with the baby and the family that has him/her….good luck in whatever you choose….

    in reply to: so i might be? #15309

    u sound like i may be preg….i suggest taking another HPT, and if it comes back negative then go to ur doc because u maybe preg and the HPT just can’t pick it up..or u may be sick or something……

    in reply to: pregnant, benadryl?! #15308

    no…ur baby will be fine, it won’t hurt the baby…

    in reply to: School #15307

    many many colleges give scholarships and such for single moms… don’t give up on ur dream of going to college… may take a little longer to get there or finish school but hold on and be patient….you can do it….

    in reply to: i really need advice. #15295

    let her know that you want her in the childs life and also want her to still be part of ur life but if she chooses not to then it’s her own doing………please do not have an abortion just because your mom is trying to guilt you into it……..besides ur 19 ur an adult and it’s ur choice if u want to have a baby, and she can’t change that…….
    best of luck!

    in reply to: boy names? #15294

    well i had decided to name my little boy David Isaiah, mostly because it’s sorta tradition in both my and my husbands families to have the boys have part of thier name be from the father, and my husbands middle name is david…..and i like really unique names, so that’s why if we were gonna have a girl we were gonna name her Kodie Laine…..

    in reply to: So relieved #15276

    you should be very happy that ur going to have a baby into such a loving family, if ur parents are happy that ur going to bring a new life into the world then you should be very happy that they aren’t being unreasonably angry or ne thing like that…..just keep that in mind…..
    remember there are people who love you and will help you….
    good luck hun

    in reply to: How should i feel about this? #15275

    i agree with stephie.b….theres no specific way u should feel, and u will get preg when it’s supposed to happen, not before….just keep ur hopes up….

    in reply to: big issue, i need help #15274

    i agree with fullyalive77…..she has a very good idea….and if u fear for ur life or any such thing u may consider going to the police before u tell ur parents and inform them of ur fears and see what they say….just keep in mind that it’s illegal for ur parents to force u to get an abortion or force u to give ur baby up for adoption…
    i wish u all the best….good luck….

    in reply to: Worried after what happened w/ my niece #15273

    u should talk to ur sister about ur fears….and don’t worry, God has his reasons for doing what he did and just remember that little Emma is with God in a better place, and if that was to happen to ur little one God would have a reason to do so…..just remember that if u worry too much and get pregnant and still worry alot it is not good for the baby……
    wishing you the best of luck….

    in reply to: Baby Names #15272

    that’s exciting….i’m having a boy…how far r u?…i’m 24 wks….i’m naming him David Isaiah….

    in reply to: c0uld it be?!* #15264

    u can take the tet now…i was like a day or two late when i took mine….

    in reply to: early pregnancy days #15239

    sometimes early pregnancy signs are the same as signs of ur period comming on…..but whereas ur 2 days late u can take a test and see…..i wish u the best of luck in what u want that test to say…..

    in reply to: Pregnant????? #15238

    i wish u the best of luck, but like i’ve told lots of other girls trying to gt preg and wanting immediate results after having sex around and on their ovulation day, it’s not that easy…….although we wish it was…..ur just gonna have to wait and see if u miss ur period……i know waiting sux really bad, but that’s all i can tell u….

    in reply to: Am I pregnant???? #15237

    don’t get ahead of ur self….ur only 5 days past ur ovulation day…although some girls can start to gt and feel the symptoms of pregnancy upto the few days after conception and implantation, ur just going to have to wait and see if u miss ur period or not….i wish u the best….

    in reply to: does anyone know??? #15236

    all i can think is that sometimes pregnancy symptoms can be the same as symptoms from ur period….

    in reply to: when do you start to show? #15235

    i started to notice that i was showing around 4 months…..and what they say is that you show sooner after ur 1st baby… that’s what i’ve heard…lol…. 🙂 ….one of my friends started to show when she was about 2 or 3 months, and another one of my friends who is one wk behind me (i’m 24 wks) has been in maternity pants for like 3 wks now…and it’s her 1st baby….it’s all dependant on ur own body type…i’m just glad that i’m still fitting in my pre pregnancy size 7 (that were slightly too big when i got them)….lol

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