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  • in reply to: Need Advise #12658

    yes….i’d go get a test and see…..or go to the doc…either way get tested…..*hopes for the best*

    in reply to: Why Me #12575

    you didn’t screw up….youre just like all of us teens on here…u had sex and happened to get pregnant………i believe that if God wanted it to happen then that’s why it happened…..i am 17 and pregnant and i was even on bc and i still got pregnant……don’t hate your self for doing something that was supposed to happen and don’t be afraid to tell your parents…..if they are really the religious type than they will forgive you and help you……..
    you are their daughter……….and they will love you no matter what!!!!
    hugs and good luck wishes,

    in reply to: scared to go the doctors #12423

    go to the doctor…….you could be pregnent and just not have high enough horomone levels to show up on the home tests……

    in reply to: Pregnant #12422

    i am about 7 1/2 wks to 11 wks preg and i just had morning sickness this morning……i do go to the restroom frequently….it all depends on ur own body…….every girl is different…..

    in reply to: what do u think of thie letter 2 my mom? #12421

    wow….u and ur mom really need to talk… how old are you?…how far along?…and when did u find out?….i told my dad in a txt while he was at work and i was at school….i don’t like that i did it that way but what ever works for you….it must have been hard to write that letter reading how she doesn’t like whoever the father is…..

    in reply to: help #12385

    if ur taking meds for ur infection they may alter home tests, i’m not sure….just go to the doc and get a blood test done…they are 100% accurate…..

    in reply to: am i pregnant? #12384

    i agree with the other GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!! and then get back to us…..

    in reply to: am i pregnant #12383

    you should go get a test and see…..because not all girls get the same symptoms of pregnancy….

    in reply to: Why am I not getting pregnant? #12382

    i agree with the other girls… need to just relax and let it happen…..i have heard this old wives tail thingy that says if you are trying it won’t happen but if you just wait and let it happen it will……not that helps ne….but u should be patient… being on bc that long might be one reson you haven’t gotten preg yet…..sometimes it takes time for all the horomones of the bc to leave your body and for your ovaries to start ovulating again…….although that wasn’t the case with me…i was taking bc and i missed like 2 days and got preg……

    in reply to: Fetal Movements #12381

    as per what most all doctors say is you don’t usually feel your baby move until 5 months…..around the same time you find out the baby’s sex……..

    in reply to: confused #12379

    [color=#800080][size=4]i’m 17, and somewhere about 7 1/2 to 11 wks along…sooooo….i can tell u what my symptoms were/still are……
    first my breasts started to get tender(and still are), then i started to get really tired and sleep alot, i got/get car sick when ever i’m not driving, then i missed my period….now i am still really tired all the time, i get sorta naseaus sometimes, especially if i don’t eat every so often, i get headaches alot and i have to go pee frequently…….ne more questions you have i will be more than welcome to answer…………….[/size][/color]

    in reply to: What are the chances? #12378

    you are just going to have to wait and see if u get ur period or not on the 27th………

    in reply to: teenage pregnancy #12377

    i will fill onout if ur still doing it….

    in reply to: am i? #12282

    ok….well all i can say is that u will just have to wait till u either have or don’t have ur period….then if u don’t have it take a pee test….

    in reply to: missed period,i think im pregnant #12281

    [color=#FF0000]if it’s been that long scince ur period then u need to go get a test and make sure…..the antibiotic won’t hurt(but if ur still worried u can ask ur doc.) and neither will the vits…..if u r pregnant u should start taking pre-natal vits asap and go see an ob/gyn….
    keep me posted plz….
    and good luck…

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/16 13:05

    in reply to: my first and only #12263

    oh hun…why did u let him talk u in to doing that?…..u should never let anyone influence you in your decisions….especially when it involves the life of someone who has no choice in the matter……i hope ur nightmares stop soon……

    in reply to: help #12260

    [color=#800080]have you even been to a doc yet?…if not u NEED to get to one very soon….you are past due for many vital checks if u haven’t gone yet……and also u could have gotten an abortion up to like 20 wks….now it’s too late….i hope all works out for you…..besides, i’m 17 and pregnant…..i am going to be graduating early and i’m not due till about may……and ur mother would get in big time trouble if she tried to kick you out whereas you are pregnant, that would be child endangerment to you and you baby… trying to not write a novel here, best of luck and keep posted…

    in reply to: Im 14 and preganant #12259

    jst sit them down and tell them…don’t send them and e-mail, or txt, or letter…..just pick a time that seems right and sit them downa dn tell them they are going to be grandparents……..i’m 17 and about a montha nd a half pregnant, i told my dad while he was out of town through a txt, that was the only reason he was mad at me…..and he’s kinda excited….so just keep me posted on how things go….

    in reply to: 16 yrs old nd mayb prego #12258

    hey if u are pregnant and u do not want to do another abortion DO NOT let ANY ONE pressure you into it….that’s stupid to do, u could end up regreting it for the rest of your life….so just do what u want and be happy……with him or not…..

    in reply to: What are the chances? #12256

    go to ur doc and get a blood test….because you could have just gotten pregnant right before you period and it takes like 3 wks for your hormones to get to the levels for a pee test to work….

    in reply to: am i pregnant? #12255

    you can still be pregnant…….even if you bf didn’t cum in u…u can still et pregnant because the pre-cum has sperm in it…not a lot of it but it still has enough to do the trick….

    in reply to: pregnancy #12254

    not to sound mean or ne thing but that was stupid….even if a guy doesn’t cum in you, u can still get pregnant because the pre-cum has sperm in it……you can even get pregnant on ur period……all u can do is wait till u either do or don’t have your next period and then u’ll be able to find out if your pregnant……

    in reply to: Rape and abortion #12253

    i’m 17, a senior in high school and i found out last wk that i’m pregnant..although i’m excited…i don’t know what it’d be like to find out ur pregnant at only 14, especially after being raped…

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/14 17:35

    in reply to: pregnant or not pregnant #12252

    i’m betting on u being pregnant, because that’s most of the way i feel and am right now and i’m a little over a month pregnant….and if you are pregnant then congrats…..

    in reply to: Wondering if I’m pregnat? #12251

    well have u had ur period?….or are u due to have it for a little?….just don’t let ne one push on ur tummy and go to the store and get a test or go to the doc if u r really worried…..
    keep me posted plz,

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