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  • in reply to: cramping first days? #14385

    ok…so not to lecture because u seem to already know that having uprotected sex is a dumb idea….so onward….don’t worry, just wait until your period, if you don’t have it then worry about being preg..but until then just be safe and dont do anything that could harm a baby if you are preg…but like i said don’t worry….

    in reply to: how do i tell them?? #13958

    you need to just tell them…the more you wait the worse it will are preg you and your baby need the doctor, and need prenatal vitamins….don’t worry about how they will react, most of us imagine the worst and it is never as bad as we thought…just sit them down and tell them straight up…don’t hide it…..and tell them through a leter or text or anything like that…i told my dad while i was at school and he was at work over a hundred miles away, that is the only reason he was really mad at me…….so just learn from others mistakes…..if you need to talk you can eamil me….GOOD LUCK….

    in reply to: the Pill #13957

    no…it TRICKS your body into thinking your preg so you don’t release any eggs…but you would not have the pregnancy horomone HCG so it would NOT tell you that your preg unless you really were….if you are really worried about it go look it up online or ask your doc….

    in reply to: 9 weeks pregnant and don #13956

    wow…i’m srry that happened to you…i agree….we are all in here for the same basic purpose…because we either don’t know what to do. need help, or just want to talk about our situations….once agina i’m srry about that….

    in reply to: CAN I KEEP MY BABY OR WILL MY LIFE BE RUINED???! #13911

    just to let you know it’s ILLEGAL for your mom to even say anything close her forcing you to get an abortion….no one can make the choice for you, and it’s illegal for ANYNODY including parents to force their daughter to get an abortion…so if you want this baby you can keep it…and you will be 18 by the time you will have it, and even if you weren’t she couldn’t force you to give it up for abobtion either, because once you have a baby you are an adult (even a thirteen years old)….so good luck with your situation…

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #13910

    yes these are the most common symptoms of early pregnancy….just go get a test or go to you doc and they can do a test….that’s the only way to find out for sure!….:)

    in reply to: prego or not? #13775

    IT’S NOT CALLED MENSTRATION, that is your period which is the release of an egg and all that, when you are pregnant it is spotting, and if it gets to be more than like lite bleeding then it could be a problem, but don’t worry, spotting is a normal thing for some……sorry to sound harsh or ne thing…..

    in reply to: I am terrified! #13773

    i know how you feel…but i have yet to get an utlrasound(i am about 14 wks), i have a doc appointment today at 3:30 and should get one then, but i am still so worried that there is something wrong with my baby….no matter if your baby is fine and your doctor even confirms it we will still worried because we can’t control the way the baby develops when it is inside our belly…..the worrying is perfectly normal…trust me, almost all pregnant women worry about their baby….

    in reply to: Wondering!!! #13772

    it’s not your period, it’s called is normal, but if it gets to be alot of blood go see your doc because that could be bad, but just some lite bleeding is just fine….

    in reply to: ectopic… #13523

    don’t let what your doc scare you…..ectopic pregs are very rare…..i know one girl personally who has had this happen….it was my oldest brothers girlfriend….he was so upset because she had to get an abortion that he puncked a brick wall and broke his hand…this was a few months ago..but they already have a healthy little boy…..
    the only way you can tell if you have an ectopic is if the doc does an ultrasound and sees it……until then don’t worry…just focus on trying to be healthy for your baby…..

    in reply to: Backpains #13522

    yeah…it is….just because ur only 5 wks doesn’t mean ur back can’t be hurting….the baby is rapidly growing and so is you uterus trying to accomadate the new baby… your uterus is pushing on ur other organs and those push on your back causing pains………if they get too bad go to you doc..her.she may be able to do something for you….

    in reply to: Scared and Excited! #13521

    ok so i first want to say congrats!!!!!……but if you want a cute idea about how to tell the parents your way good news…try when everyone will be home, go buy a cheap baby doll from the store and if your mom cooks dinner or is going to use the oven BEFORE she does discreetly place the baby doll in the oven….hence the saying bun in the oven….she’ll ask why is there a baby in the oven?……and just smile………she should catch on……

    in reply to: No Symptoms #13520

    you and your baby are fine…..i have only had minimal symptons….mostly i am tired, eat alot, and go to the bathroom quite a bit….i usually only get nausous feeling…i have only thrown up four times and i am 13 wks…….if you haven’t had symptoms you are lucky!…..

    in reply to: really confused #13519

    if your on the shot you won’t have your period…..didn’t theu tell u that?….and the shot makes you gain weight because it makes you crave food……so if you really thing your pregnant GO TO THE DOCTOR……

    in reply to: No Good Baby Father #13518

    i have two words for you CHILD SUPPORT……..if he thinks that he can go out and cheat on you then get that girl and you pregnant and not pay then he has another thing comming!!……..i’m srry for sounding forward but that’s just how i feel…..

    in reply to: Confused and Scared.. Support?! #13516

    i’m so srry for your situation. I believe the same about God, that it wouldn’t have happened if He didn’t want it to. I also trusted the pill too much and i missed one or two days….just enough that I am now about 13 wks pregnant, i’m 17 and a senior in HS, but i am graduating early (so i get out in jan)…the father of the baby and i have been together for 2 yrs. and almost 6 months…we are planning on getting married (NOT because i’m pregnant, because we were already planning on getting married, my getting pregnant just upped the date a little) i believe that you can still go to school and have a baby….it WILL be harder but you sound like a very brave and srtong girl, i believe you can still go to college and be what you want…it may just take a little longer than you might like……..just remember to make the right choice for you and NOT let ANY body tell you what is right for you!
    i wish you the best and if you need to talk you can email me.

    Post edited by: lisa, at: 2006/11/29 22:55

    in reply to: Is exercise allowed on trying to get pregnant #13423

    docotrs tell you to stay active when your pregnant, so i bet walking or yoga (low impact stuff) won’t hurt…..

    in reply to: Um… #13349

    the answer is yes… will not hurt you or your baby…..and the great thing is your already preg so it can’t happen again!…lol….so don’t worry if you want to have sex, you can……

    in reply to: do u think i could be pregnant. #13257

    i agree with the others….all you can really do is take the test….

    in reply to: am i pregnant? #13255

    this site should help with your question……

    i’m 17 and i’m 12 wks preg…..don’t worry everthing will work out the way God intends it to….

    in reply to: PLEASE GiVE ME ADViSE ON PREGNANCY #13254

    you may be preg…just wait and see if your period comes….

    Pregnancy Symptoms on StandUpGirl

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/21 13:29

    in reply to: Dont kow what to do #13253

    hun i’m betting on you being pregnant….even if you only throw up once every week, no matter what time of day, you have morning sickness….morning sickness can happen at anytime, it happens because your blood sugar leves drop and it makes you sick…..i’d go see a doc….

    in reply to: How soon to tell if your pregnant #13252

    it all depends on your own body….some girls feel symptoms starting the day of implantation and others never get symptoms….i have a few like frequent urination, headaches, sore breasts, and fatigue….but i don’t throw up every day like some….

    in reply to: 8 weeks preg & heartburn #13251

    try tums…..

    in reply to: I want to know #13250

    i’m 17 and 12 wks preg….i met my fiance, the baby’s father, in june 2 months after i turned 15…a month later he asked me to marry him, and about a month and a half to two months we began having sex….i am preg now and we have never been happier…..we are still together and love eachother so much…yeah we fight and have arguments but what couple doesn’t…..we are planning on getting a marriage license in jan when i get out of high school and not haveing the ceramony until after the baby is born…the due date is june 8, 2007……i can’t wait….i wish you all the best of luck….

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