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  • in reply to: Some-one Help Me Please! #18822

    Hey Chrissy, my names Anna I’m 15 and 36 weeks pregnant with a little boy. I found out I was pregnant when I was 5 months and 1 week, I had gotten the deprovera shot but was pregnant before so I had no reason to suspect I was pregnant, I found out by accident pretty much. I went to a regular doctor appointment and then remembered me and boyfriend that it was a good idea I get a pregnancy test, so if I was pregnant it would be only a couple weeks. Wrong. The test came back positive and my doctor, upon examining me felt a good four month lump in my belly. I was beside myself, when I went outside my mom wasn’t in the car but when she got there she asked me what was wrong and i said I was pregnant. Four months at least. … She was more excited than me I’ll tell you that much. Then I had to tell Daddy who lives with us when he got home from work and I was really scared because I thought he would be angry, or leave me. He took it well and said that we’d get through this. I was scared to tell the rest of the family, especially my Dad I thought he would lose it but I was wrong, he was excited and even said "what a wonderful thing". I was SO scared! I had to go to the hospital to find out how far long I was and I couldn’t look at the Ultra sound, i was so upset. I was five months and 1 week. The doctor said I had three options. Abortion, Adoption or keeping the baby. I wanted an abortion because I was so scared but first I had to know…was my baby healthy? Perfectly, she said. I was now left with the decision to kill a perfectly healthy, beautiful baby that could at this point, feel. I decided I couldn’t do it so my next choice was adoption or keeping him. I had to talk to my boyfriend and tell him I wouldn’t get an abortion, this was really scary because I love him so much and didn’t want him to leave me or be mad. He said, I don’t want the baby to be put up for adoption. and then he said: So we’re having a baby? and here I am 8 months and almost ready to hold my son Odin in my arms finally. I got a 3d ultrasound and couldn’t believe what I saw, a beautiful living baby inside of me, protected by me. I love feeling him kick and move around in me, I write him letters and prepare his clothes and everything. I can’t imagine how my life would be if I decided to kill him. It scares me. Sometimes I wish that I had waited a little while so I could have little Odin when I was older but he kept himself a secret for FIVE MONTHS! thats gotta mean something. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is BE BRAVE GIRL because you don’t know what you’re destroying and it could be the biggest mistake of your life. Your parents may be upset, your boyfriend may be upset but your BABY will ALWAYS love you and be so happy and thankful that you are there Momma. Think of all the poopy diapers, wakeful nights, scratched up knees and runny noses you’ll miss out on…It’s too good to give up, give life to your baby for you, give life to your baby for him or her. In the long run, you guys will make it through this and it will be ok. Good luck, I am always here if you need me.
    Lots of love,

    in reply to: HELP #18802

    You do what YOU need to do, not what he wants you to do, that sickens me how he’s manipulating you and offering you no support what so ever, what an ass. I’m fuming. Sorry hun but this guy really needs to get his shit togethor and understand how much he’s putting you through. Is he the same boyfriend that got you pregnant a year ago? If so, he expects you to get anotehr abortion after getting you pregnant for the second time?? If he doesn’t want kids so bad why doesn’t he go get a vasectomy instead of trying to make you suffer each time you guys are faced with such a decision like this. How many more abortions will he force on you? If you don’t get support from your boyfriend then just screw him, he’s not a part of it anymore, now it is up to you to make the decision whether you want to keep the baby or not. I choose life for my baby when an abortion was available…how about you?

    in reply to: miscarriage(s) #18505

    Wow, honestly this seems like you’re putting your self dignity at stake here girly. I don’t see why you would wait for him to do something, haven’t you waited enough?? You are setting yourself up to become the used and abused sweetie and you need to stop before it becomes a lifestyle. This jerk has hurt you so many times in so many ways would you even waste ONE more second on him?? I’m angry, not at you but at him for being such a piece of crap and manipulating a "friend" into waiting by his side until he becomes interested in you again. You said should I wait till he breaks up with his girlfriend?? Why? So he can go back to you until he finds something better? This man has ravaged your mind and body, hurt you mentally and pyshically, and YOU are better than that and don’t need that bullsh*t in your life! If he ever loved and cared about you like he said he did your whole story would be completely different. What’s happening here is the direct result of someone seeing you trust them and setting you up to be USED and ABUSED! I know this because it has happened to me mannnny times before and although it hurt to realize that they never loved me I so desperatley wanted love. True love is out there waiting for you. I found my true love, forget this dumbass and go find yours!!
    Good luck and tell me how things go!

    in reply to: lower stomach cramps #18504

    Well we could all give you all sorts of advice but in truth you should really go to your doctor who could most certainley give you more accurate advice on what your going through. It could be a pregnancy in danger (if you are sexually active) or it could be some sort of medical emergency because these symptoms are worrying for me to hear. Go get yourself checked out ASAP and tell us how things are going.

    Take care and good luck!

    in reply to: !!!help help!!! #18503

    My suggestion is if you are really worrying big time then go straight to your Doctor and get a test there, it’s free and I find, a lot more accurate. Go there to put your mind at ease.
    Good luck, tell me how things work out.

    in reply to: birth defects #18502

    Hey I am Anna, I’m 15 and 6 months. Ok, calm down, I think we’ve all been through the deformed monster baby stage. I’ve worried about the same things myself many a times, I’ve had nightmares and the likes. Even after my first ultrasound proved that my baby was perfectly healthy and NOT deformed I still, was not convinced. I think with the percentages thing that while some certain abmnormalities, deformities, disabilities have a higher risk of developing if it runs in the family that most of the horror stories you here are in fact, purely coincidental. So yes, of course there is always a risk but those terrifying stories you read about most oftenly occur in third world countries as well, where the hygiene and sanitary conditions are scarce. If you are a reasonably healthy girl and so far have not had any complications you and your baby should be just fine. Stop worrying about what CAN happen and be confident that everything will be just fine.
    Good luck,
    love Anna

    in reply to: Im so happy #18497

    Good luck hun! I am 15 and 6 months, my due date is October 28th!! My boyfriend Neil is 21 and he has a 3 year old daughter from a previous relationship, my parents are behind us 100% as well, Neil doesn’t talk with his family so they don’t even know. We haven’t been told for sure what we are having but I am 99.9% sure it’s going to be a boy, we’ve named him Odin already but we’ll see!!

    Good Luck!! That’s real cool that our due dates are in the same month!! Keep me updated on how things are going!!


    in reply to: Something is wrong #18495

    I’ve had that happen before as well, don’t worry Baby is just taking it easy. I spent the whole day worrying and almost completely lost it because I felt n-o-t-h-i-n-g at all and it was very very alarming. The next day though Baby was back up and running and it all went fine from there on. As long as you haven’t expirienced any horrible pains or bleeding of some sort I think you should be alright. Tell me how things go sweetie.

    in reply to: No daddy.. should i feel guilt!? #18494

    I think what you are doing right now is the best and safest way of caring for your child. Congrats on standing up to an abusive relationship and taking the neccassary steps to creating a better world for you and your child to live in. My mother and I lived togethor while she was undiagnosed with bi-polar, these are my childhood years and I spend alot of time taking care of her. Bi polar is a hard and manipulative mental disease to be involved in and as of right now I truly belive everything you’ve done has been done in the best possible manner. The fact that he has been mentally abusive to you is in no way a healthy relationship but thankfully your young child may very well not understand the turmoil in the home. The fact that he has been psyichal with you is a horrible thing both for you and your child because that even a young one can understand and it would be taken as a very scary thing. You are his Mother and to him you are invincible, seeing you sad and hurting (or worse, being hurt) is a terrifying reality, after all, if Mommy isn’t able to keep herself self then who will keep him safe?? By protecting your family from a destructive person (who is not acting in the role of Daddy at the moment and therefore doesn’t deserve the title) you are ensuring that your child does not grow up faster then he should. I believe you are doing what is safe and proper for your child and yourself and that the Father should not be too involved until he is damn well ready to be. And this is up to YOU to decide when he is. I wish you the best of luck in all that you are going through and even though he has manipulated your friends into believing he is the victim you know what’s right and I applaud you for staying strong during this time. You are doing just fine, don’t feel guilty for being a good Mother.

    Lots of Love,

    in reply to: so dam pissed #18426

    Uh oh, sounds bad. This is my advice too you, DON’T GO OVERBOARD!! That meaning don’t start harassing him with jealousy and supsicion, that’ll drive him mental, if you gotta do some snooping then do it discreetly but don’t push him to the point where he can’t handle your constant suspicion, especially if he’s done nothing wrong. If it becomes painfully obvious that something is up, maybe confront him, but not in an intimidating or aggressive way, that’ll just make him aggressive right back. Don’t take immediate action until you are positive, believe me though it is hard, I have to bite my tongue when my boyfriend hugs his 3 year old daughters Momma and they say I love you too eachother when they leave. It hurts to hear but I know for a fact he’s not out having a secret affair with her or something ridiculous, it’s simply the way things work between them and I have to appreciate that. Anyways, approach this situation with extreme caution, don’t provoke an unnecassary attack unless things become obvious. Then again, it all depends on your own situation. Good luck

    in reply to: Have To Let You Go .. #18425

    Just remember hun, you don’t simply have TWO options there is THREE readily available options for you. You have the option of Keeping the baby, Aborting the baby and putting the baby up for ADOPTION! Explain this to your Mother and the Father’s family. It is a win win situation for both you AND the baby! There are some couples (with homes, cars and financial stability) that are so sad because they cannot have a child of their own, you can offer that life to both them AND your baby. This does not simply have to be a live or die situation. You can put the baby up for adoption and move on with your life until you are ready to have one. Do not kill a perfectly healthy, very much alive baby….I couldn’t. Even then if your Mom still does not agree with your choice to put it up for adoption you sincerely need to think in your, AND THE BABY’S, best interest. Do it for yourself, and do it for your unborn child. Give another family a chance, and the baby.

    You really can help instead of hurt and that should be so much more rewarding, but after all that, believe in yourself and the answer for what is right FOR you will come. The decision is your’s choose wisely because you only get too once. Good luck hun.

    in reply to: My boyfriend dont want my baby anymore #18405

    Hey, I think I can recall your boyfriend leaving a post just awhile back?? You are the 14 and 15 year old couple right?? Wow, how awful, I can understand your feelings of bitterness, Well, the only advice I feel I can offer you is to talk to him face to face (not cell phone to cell phone) and see if his second thoughts are something he’s really set his mind on. Deciding you want a baby and then changing your mind is not a good place for you guys to be in. It takes two fully commited people (or at least one) to care for a baby. If you guys are stuck on indecision you may have to decide what’s best for the baby. I don’t support abortion but adoption is a win win situation. Anyways, think it out and tell me how things turn out. Maybe you guys need to go to a clinic and get a nurse or someone to lay it down for you, the realities and responsibilities, give you the information and provide you with full details about all 3 options you have to choose from. Either way, this child is going to be there (whether you choose to end its life or not) for the rest of BOTH of your lives and I believe it is crucial for you guys to make a decision based on proper information and decision making. Good luck and tell me how things work out. 🙂

    in reply to: Terribly Lonely #18390

    Thanks everyone for offering encouragement and hope, I teared up after reading each comment :blush: It’s hard, every day has it’s hardships but every time I feel the baby kick my heart jumps a little…I think it’s going to be ok.
    Thanks guys 🙂

    in reply to: Scared and Lonely! #18389

    Wow hun, when I saw this I thought for a moment that I had written this! Our situations are very similiar and I just want to start by letting you know it’s a great thing that you’ve come for help, because believe me, there are people out there willing to give it you. I am 15 and 6 months pregnant, I also live in a very small town and here everyone know EVERYTHING about everyone else, and then some. Luckily for me I am still with the Father, he’s 21 but lately things have been pretty strained between us. Adjusting too a new baby is hard, not that I need to tell you that! How far long are you by the way?? Anyways, Neil and I found out I was pregnant when I was 5 months so it was a big shock and believe me, you have to be strong. I’ve been through a lot in my life to, I’m a recovering crystal meth addict, I’ve lived on the streets, been in foster care, dealt with severe depression and even ended up in the hospital then psych ward because of a suicide attempt…I lost a good friend of mine in a tragic accident and I’ve dealt with betrayel, hurt, rejection, I self mutilated from when I was 11 till about 14…Life throws your hardships to keep you on your toes AND to test you, you gotta keep moving on or you’ll never make it. Be strong, that’s truly all you can do. Today even I was crying because I am so scared of having a baby, and even though Neil promised to always be there and one day marry me I always worry he might leave me, you’re facing that reality AND living with it, honestly I don’t know if I could handle it if he left me. I came here for the exact same reason you did, I even made my own forum thing call Terribly Lonely, so I can relate to some of the scary feelings you are expieriencing, I would love to be your friend and help you through whatever situation you are facing, maybe you could help me while I help you, anyways, stay strong and I’ll keep in touch ok?

    in reply to: more scared than ever #18325

    That’s such a terrible thing to happen to you, but be strong. Look through your tears and grab on to anything you can, accept all the support you can. Everyone has a guardian angel and I believe yours will be standing by you the whole time. I can’t say this will get better, because maybe it won’t but if you just get pushing through this you’ll come out from this dark time and reach the light where you can finally take a deep breath and let it all out. Please be strong, you can’t quit now, your children need you and you need them, togethor you guys will make it through this and come out stronger. No one should have to struggle (especially over the selfish act of your husband) but the life loves to test us and I believe you are strong enough to get through it. Cry till you can’t anymore and take one day at a time. I truthfully hate that advice, especially when I’m getting it, but I’ve found it to work in situations like these. I believe in you, and I believe in your children. Hold on to eachother for dear life because finally, at the end of it all you are NOT the only one there for you, your children are they too, and they love you for loving them. Believe, and you can do it.
    Good luck always,

    in reply to: anyone need help? #18324

    Hi my name is Anna I am 15 and 6 months pregnant. I am a recovering crystal meth addict and homeless person. My boyfriend of 8 months and I moved from town into Sooke to live with my mom and get our lives stabilized. I got a job at Fields and he took a course that paid 8.00 an hour for training on how to be a good employee. We recently found out that I was pregnant (when I was five months) and even though it was hard, we’ve decided to keep it. Money shouldn’t be a huge problem, we have a savings fund set up that is rapidly adding up daily (100 dollars was contributed randomley just today) and we’ve accumaleted quite a few baby things, stroller, jumper, snugglies, clothes…etc. etc. but now and then I find myself bawling my eyes out uncontrallably. Sometimes I even feel that I don’ want the baby which makes me feel absolutely horrible and guilty…I just want to be able to provide and support our child and be the best Mom I can be but I am so terrified. I have lots of feelings of isolation and overwhelming loneliness…I have been having a little bit of nagging depression but after on suicide attempt a few years back that left me with an impaired liver and a trip to the psychiatric hospital I have chosen to remain here and do the best damn job that I can. I just feel so hopeless at times and I’m sure you can relate…This website may very well prove to be a blessing for me because I swear, I’m getting pretty tired of my old friends asking me if I’m drinking tonight and then looking really stupid and saying Oooh right…I guess I’ll see you around then. I just want someone to tell me that they’ve been there and that you can make it through all this. I’d love to here from you. Thanks, Anna

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