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  • in reply to: Is it a possibility? #7928

    It is possible that u are pregnant for the simple fact that you had unprotected sex. But, symptoms dont usually start tis soon after. Wait until your next period, and if you miss then take a test. Thats all the help i can give for now. But if you find out you are, i will be more then happy to talk to you and help you through it. I’ve had two babies and am on my third. So i know a little about being pregnant! 🙂



    in reply to: HELP-LOST N CONFUSED #7927

    Your friend was right, hpt usually wont show a positive until you’re about a month along. They aren’t as sensitive as the doctors. Anywhere you go to get a test will be confidential because of the health information patient privacy act: HIPPA. But be prepared for it being positive. And if you are dont worry about your mom or you dad or anyone else except for you and your baby. If people blame your mom, you dont need them in your life anyways. You made the decision to have sex, not her. My parents were worried about their reputations when i found out i was pg. I was only 17, raised in a good christian family, and they figured people would lok down on them. Some did but my parents realized it didnt matter. I ws the one who made the choice, they did as much as they could, the rest was up to me. So if your father tries to blame your mom, tell him to back off. Let him know you take responsibility. And if he cant handle it too bad for him. If that is what is partialy stressing you out, you dont need it. Ans sweetie, dont ever think that suicide is the way out. If you think your dad will blame your mom for your pregnancy, who do you think he’ll blame if you die? And theres no joy at the end of that road. At least when you bring home that baby for the first time, they will see the happiness the future hold. I hope this helped. and if you ever need to talk i am here. Take care and let me know how it goes.



    in reply to: cramps????? #7925

    I would suggest going to your doctor. It may be the normal twinges of a growing uterus, or your body could be terminating the pregnancy. If there is any bleeding while you feel these cramps go to you doc immediatly. I hope that helps.



    in reply to: Is there anyone else? #7923

    I"m not in the same situation as you, but i have been there. i was a mom for the first time at 17. A little older than you, but still young. You can do it. Labor is painful, but the pain will bring you your beautiful baby. And epidurals are GREAT. Don’t feel that you have to go all natural. Do what is best for your body and the baby. I hope you have strong support at home. It is definatly easier with it, and im glad your bf is there for you. It will be hard, you’ll lose some friends for the simple fact that you dont have much in common anymore. Youll be interested in what baby is doing and theyll want to talk about whose hot and whose not today. But you will also get closer to your best friends. They will stick by you and love that little baby with all theyve got. Try your hardest to get through school. You need it for you and your baby. It wont be easy, but i did it and other moms have to. And love your little one with all youve got. She is the best gift you will ever get. Take care.



    in reply to: update #7920

    I’m not a doctor, so i cant give you "from the book" medical advice, but i have known a lot of girls who have given birth at your age. And i also know women who are very small; ie 90 pounds, who have given birth. So I dont know why he thinks you are too small. And yes it is an abortion. If you can try to talk to an adult outside the situation, a counselor, or friends mom and let them know what is going on. Maybe they can help you to get a second opinion. It could be your doctores bias, maybe he doesnt think that teenagers can handle being moms. And if your mom is open talk to her too. i dont know how she feels about your situation, but if she is supportive then maybe she can help you to find out for sure if it will be detrimental to your health. Keep your head up and good luck. Let me know how it goes.


    in reply to: Questions. #7888

    You dont say how old you are, but if you are very young then your breasts could be sore because they are growing. Weight change really isnt that great of an indicator, because most women only gain 3-5 pounds the first trimester. Mood swings can be caused by many things as well as you being tired all the time. Low iron is one that comes to mind. But if you think you may be pregnant, take a test. Thats really the one sure fire way to know if you are in fact pregnant. Good luck.



    in reply to: Metal Mouth? #7887

    Metal mouth is a symptom of pregnancy where you have a stong metallic taste in your mouth. Thats it, nothing special.



    in reply to: wondering about ‘mock’ pregnancy #7886

    Im not sure about it all being in your head. I would request a hcg blood test to see if y ou are in the early stages of pregnancy. Its possible that even though you havent had a cycle since January, you are only a few weeks pregnant. What symptoms are you having? There are other medical causes for some symptoms, as well as your missed periods. I hope this helps. Let me know what you find.



    in reply to: SOMTHING HURTS!!!!!!!! #7884

    If you had sex that long ago, and your test came back you really need to go to the doctor. It is very possible that you are pregnant, and if you are you may be having braxton hicks contractions, which aren’t real contractions, or you may be in the early stages of labor. Whatever it may be, you really should go get checked. Have you noticed any weight gain, or other symptoms associated with pregnancy? If you have, be sure to let your doctor know. But really go get checked, just to be sure, and if you arent pregnant, there may be something else causing your problems that needs to be addressed. I hope this helped.



    in reply to: Athlete and Pregnant #7883

    You’re right, the last thing the two of you need at such a young age is a baby. But, and you may not like to hear this, you decided to have sex. You made the decision to play *with fire*, and now you got burned. Although things look all doom and gloom right now, it will work out.
    In this generation, it is almost normal to be a teenage mother. And while that doesn’t make it right, it does help to make it easier. There are a ton of support groups, and internet sites like this one. And depending on how supportive your parents are of your basketball career, and your baby, you could probably still play. There was an article in my citiy’s paper about a teenage mom who managed to stay in school and continued to play basketball, all while caring for her son. so it can be done.
    Please dont make the decision to kill your baby by yourself. You are too young to realize the pain it will inflict on you for the rest of your life. And i know because i had one. I thought it would all be ok. It was just a lump of tissue. but now i carry the guilt, and the shame, and i wish with all my heart i could go back and undo my decision. I wasn’t aware of the sorrow i would feel. I mourn my little baby everyday, and it is something i will probably do for the rest of my life. Adoption is another option, if you really feel you can’t keep his baby. I hope you search your heart, and really think about your options before you do anything you will regret. I’m here if you ever need to talk. Take care.



    in reply to: i need help! #7882

    A blood test is usually done early in pregnancy to make sure you are pregnant so don’t worry about hime wanting one. And if he didn’t finish, that doesnt make a difference. Small amounts of sprem are released the entire time you are having sex. And although it is difficult to get pregnant from just that, it is possible. That’s why withdrawl is not a recommended form of birth control. He may just be really scared at this moment. That is a lot of responsibity thrown at him all at once. If he wants a paternity test, go for it. Don’t be angry that he wants one. I know that it hurts to think that he doesn’t trust you, but if it will prove to him that he is the father and make him step up and help, then it is worth it. I got pregnant for the first time when i was 17. And even though my now husband knew it was his, his family pushed for a paternity test. But once our daughter wazs born they knew she was his and backed off. I hope that gives you some comfort. Sometimes it takes seeing the baby, whether through ultrasound, or after birth, for a father to step up and be involved. And do tell your parents, if you are in a safe situation to do so. Whichever one you are more comfortable with, go to them and let them know, then ask for help with the other. It’s better to tell them know than later. I know its hard, but being a teenage mom can be done, and with a little support its even easier. Take care and let me know how it goes.



    in reply to: TRYING #7822

    Hi I hope that I can help you. If your periods are regular, then you ovulate about 14 days before you are to start your next period. If they are irregular, then it is most likely 12-15 days before you start, depending on the length of your cycle. It helps to chart your periods for at least two months to have a feel for when you will ovulate. And when you know, start having sex about a week before. That way if you are off or you cycle is weird, you have a better chance of hitting a golden day. Another thing to make sure is to have sex every other day. Sperm live in your body for up to 72 hours, so going one day without wont hurt your chances, it may actually increase them. Postion doesn’t make much of a difference, but try to prop your pelvis up for at least 30 mins after to help the sperm travel. And try not to use any lubricate. It can hinder the process, and if you must, use olive oil. Also dont douch, it changes the ph levels in the vaginal enviroment and can make it difficult to concieve. And most importantly, dont stress. That has been shown to decrease your likelihood of conception. Just let go and hopefully in a few months you will find yourself pregnant! Let me know how it goes.



    in reply to: I DONT KNOW WHAT 2 DO #7733

    Do what your heart tells you. I think if you do that you will choose life for your baby. An abortion is not an easy way out of a pregnancy. It is a decision that will haunt you for the rest of your life. You may feel fine right after, but a few weeks down the road you will begin to hate yourself for what you did. I was there two years ago and I still think about it everyday. I wonder about how beautiful that little girl would be and what she would be doing. I was only 7 weeks, but even then the baby is already forming. You said your about 19 weeks. In another month 1/2 if your child was born they would have a chance at survival. Dont let your boyfriend make you feel like it is the only route to take. You have so many options. And if you do feel like an abortin is something you need to do, before you go watch the film The Silent Scream. It is of an abortion preformed at 12 weeks, and it will open your eyes to what the baby goes through. I hope you make a decision you will be able to live with for the rest of your life. Best wishes to you.



    in reply to: 21, pregnant, engaged, confused #7666

    I dont know if i am in time to help or not, but as someone who has been there, an abortion is not the way to go. it may seem like it is an answer, but if you think life will be hard WITH a baby, imagine what it will be like knowing you KILLED your child, and never gave him/her a chance at life. I had my first child when i was 17. Still in high school, i managed to graduate, take care of my daughter and hold down a job. I found myself pregnant again 9 months later and i chose to terminate that pregnancy. It was supposed to be the easy thing to do, but now I live with the guilt and the shame and the longing for the beautiful life that i never gave a chance. I quickly became pregnant again thinking it would help to fill the void. It didnt. I love my son to death, but i still killed one of my children and nothing i do will ever change that. I am in nursing school now and just found out yesturday that i am pregnant agin. I know it will be hard, but i will finish school and find a flexible job. My husband is very supportive as is my family. You have a leg up. You have already graduated and all you need to do is find a job. Dont let anyone tell you it will be easy. it wont be, but it will all be worth it when you see that beautiful face for the first time, and hear the coos and the laughter. Babies are a precious gift from God. Please understand how lucky you are to have the opportunity to have a child of your own. not everyone gets that chance. I hope this helps. Let me know what you decide, or if you need anymore information. As a side note if you do chose to terminate your pregnancy, watch The Silent Scream first. Its a video that shows an abortion being preformed. If nothing i said convinces you to chose life, that movie will. Best of wishes.


    in reply to: The Aftermath…What can I do? #7337

    I had an abortion when I was 19 and have regretted it ever since. so know that you are not alone. I dont know of anyone who has gone through with a termination and not felt regret. But do know that God forgives, and his judgement is the only one that matters. I recently came to realize that fully through this site. It has been helpful for me to tell my story to girls facing the same decision, and also to read about those who have been there and see how they deal with the pain. I dont know if you have told your fiance, but you should. I was with my husband when we decided to have an abortion, we already had one child and felt that we couldnt handle another one. It was the dumbest choice i have ever made, and it has caused stress in our marriage. but on the days when i am really depressed and having a tough time dealing it helps to be able to talk to him because he understands some of the hurt i feel. I dont know that you have to tell friends and family what you did, i havent and i dont think i ever will. It is my burden to carry and i know that they would never understand. And are you for sure you cant have any children of your own or is that just a possibility, because they told me i might not be able to and i have a beautiful little boy, but if it is a sure thing there is adoption which is wonderful. You may be helping a young girl who is in a situation similar to yours choose life for her child, and you will have a beautiful baby to call your own. I hope that everything works out for you. I’ll keep you in my prayers

    in reply to: help!!!!! #7336

    I can’t give you all the answers, but I think it might help to talk to your mom and really let her know how strongly you feel about having your childs father in her life. Tell her you know it is proabaly a bad idea to be with him, but that you want him to have a relationship with your child. Because if he really wants to see her he can sue for custody and if you are found to be keeping them apart he would probably win. And then you wouldnt have a say as to when he could visit and so forth. I hope that helps a little, and i hope all goes well with your baby.

    in reply to: labor #7300

    Some ways you know you are in labor… contractions starting out somewhat far apart and not very strong, to close together and really intense. Your water can break and there will be either a trickle or a gush, for me i thought i had lost complete control of my bladder and was very embarassed. you may notice in the days before you go into labor that there is clear and sometimes bloody mucusy stuff when you wipe, that is your mucus plug and if you notice it it means your cervix is starting to dialate. I have heard that birthing pools help to eleveate pain in labor, and the amount it hurts depends on you. If you have a strong tolerance for pain then it may hurt less. If your babys head is facing up you will experience back pain worse then the contractions in your belly. It helps to be on your side or kneeling if that happens.And i highly recommend an epidural if the pain is too intense. It will help you to enjoy the experience more. I had one with both my children, and for me i could still feel everything but not as strong. I hope this helps, and good luck to you and your baby. 🙂

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