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      Hi. Don’t know if any of you remember me. But i posted last week. I said i hadn’t gotten my period in two months.
      Well my mom saw that i had been to this site. She brought me to the doctors.
      guess what?!?!
      I’m 10 weeks pregnant 🙁 The doctors said that i need to terminate the pregnancy because because i’m too small (i’m only 12 going on 13) and it could cause big health problems. But i’m confused. isn’t that the same thing as an abortion? should i do it?


        I’m not a doctor, so i cant give you "from the book" medical advice, but i have known a lot of girls who have given birth at your age. And i also know women who are very small; ie 90 pounds, who have given birth. So I dont know why he thinks you are too small. And yes it is an abortion. If you can try to talk to an adult outside the situation, a counselor, or friends mom and let them know what is going on. Maybe they can help you to get a second opinion. It could be your doctores bias, maybe he doesnt think that teenagers can handle being moms. And if your mom is open talk to her too. i dont know how she feels about your situation, but if she is supportive then maybe she can help you to find out for sure if it will be detrimental to your health. Keep your head up and good luck. Let me know how it goes.



          You’re right about termination being the same thing as an abortion. I can also tell you that it is illegal for anyone to be forced into an abortion against their will. If you don’t want to have an abortion there are people out there who will help you. One way to find this help is to e-mail me. You can find my e-mail address by looking under Community, then Member Pages, and then JenLo, or you can click one of the many OptionLine links you see around this page. They have a place where you can find a center in your area that will talk with you about all your options, and also talk with you about your legal rights. They also have a phone number that you can call which is 1-800-395-4357. The girls that work there can get you connected to one of those centers I was talking about!

          I hope this helps you!


            first of all congrats a baby is a huge joy no matter the age. i want to ask you one thing if a 5 month baby was setting ingront of you rigt now and you had a knife could you stabb that baby and kill it . chances are no so why would you kill a baby that hasnt even got the chance to live 5 months. ask your self what if your mom had terminated you. please dont get an aboution if you dont want the baby their are millions of people like me who cant have any children give it up for an addoption. what right do you have to decide if a nother human being lives or not and thats what your baby is as soon as the sperm hits the egg a human a baby your baby think about it 🙁


              O my, this is your decision…not the doctors!! In the past, young teens would marry as early as 12 and bare children! Our bodies tells us when we can have babies, when we start our periods…thats when we become women. It might not be whats going on in our world today but your not the only young woman pregnant with a precious baby. No one can force you to do anything! People can tell you that your too young to have a baby but you got pregnant because thats when your body told you that it was possible.

              Think about your baby, there are so many couples who can’t concieve their own children, give your child life. There are so many other options than abortion. Adoption! You can get all your bills paid for etc. It may be hard to give your child a new life away from you but you will feel a lot better rather than giving him/her no life at all. Your babys heart is beating RIGHT NOW and you can never have another child exactly like this one. When I got pregnant, no one accepted it but as the months went by, I had my baby boy and my family can’t get enough of him. You may be to young to have a child but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a grown up choice and choose life!!

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