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ParticipantHaving an abortion and experiencing a miscarriage are two totally different things. And you are right, a mother who loses her child when she wants so badly to hold on experiences a ton of hurt which is beyond description. But i think that people need to realize the tremendous amount of hurt a woman feels after she has been through an abortion. The fact that there was a choice involved makes it hard to live with yourself. I’m not saying one hurt is greater than the other, all i’m trying to do is help people to understand that many women regret their decision to abort and have to live with the guilt and the hole in their heart for the rest of their lives as well. There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better in either situation, and I think it would be benificial to the girls on this site who have experienced one or the other to know that what they are feeling is valid, reguardless of whether there was a choice involved or not.
ParticipantContinue to take the pill until it is time for your next period. It wont be harmful to the baby, so dont worry. Do make an appointment with your dr to explain your situation and get a preg test. Request a blood test, even though it is more expensive, it is more acurate and can detect lower levels of hcg than the urine test. I hope all works out for you.
ParticipantIf your doctor is trying to make you wait, but your gut tells you that you are pregnant, you should ask for a blood test. It is more sensitive than a urine test and more accurate.
ParticipantWhat do you mean by it showed negative and positive? I’ve never heared that one before! I wouldn’t stress too much, maybe in a couple of days take another test. If your period hasn’t come by then. Good lick and keep me posted.
ParticipantYes, it can cause late or missed periods, so i the test said negative you probab;y arent pg. GL.
ParticipantPrednisone is a cortisteroid, not an antibiotic. It is usually prescibed to releive inflammation.
ParticipantPrednisone can cause absent or missed periods, so it probably is the medication! No worries for you now! Take care.
ParticipantHi, my name is April and I am 20. I got pregnant the first time at 17 and had my daughter Caely Nov. 24. I got pregnant again nine months later and made the horrible decision to terminate my pregnancy. I do not reccomend it to anyone, in fact i will do everything in my power to talk someone out of it. I got pregnant with my son shortly after and he was born July 8, now ten months later i find myself pregnant again due the 6th of January, but maye I’ll go early!!?? I feel blessed that God has given me the chance to have more children when i threw away the beautiful one he tried to give me. I am married to the father of all my children, and he is wonderful, although he’s never really experienced me pregnant head on so hes surprised by the moods! I am in school to become a nurse, and one day a nurse practitioner. But I am soooo tired all the time that I rarely make it to class. Thank goodness I have easy courses! That is about all there is to know about me. I look forward to getting to know you girls!
ParticipantIf you are a week late, and are usually regular then you should take a hpt. No matter the results, you should go to the dr. If it is positive, then you need to start your pernantal care, and if it is negative, then you should get checked out to see if there is a serious reason why. But a lot of things can mess with your cycle; drastic weight gain or loss, stress, switching bc and many other things. I hope that helps.
ParticipantI havent been through the exact sitation because i wasnt alone. But i have had an abortion, and it was the worst decision of my life. I thought i would be fine with it too, but now i struggle with it everyday. I went through a deep depression, and the guilt and shame never go away. Giving up your child for adoption would be hard too, but at least you gave it life. Thats the best gift you can give. You should try telling the father. Maybe he will be supportive. And if not, there are a lot of groups for single moms that will help you. I hope everything goes well for you. If you need to talk im here.
ParticipantHey, I know where you are. I was in that situation a few years ago, and i went through with the abortion. My boyfriend and I were both pro life, but when it come to us we made a horrible decision. Now it is a black cloud that looms over our marriage. I can’t tell you what to do, but the fact that you are struggling with this choice now tells me if you go through with it you will have a very hard time. It will stay with you for the rest of your life. You said you didn’t want him to hate you if you chose to keep the baby. But oh well if he does. It will be a lot easier to live without his friendship, then to live with the pain of killing your child. Ohter girls are talking about how you will miss out on being wild. You wont. I had my first at 17 my second at 19 and i am pregnant with my third. During the brief time i havent been pregnant i have partied with my friends, taken vacations ect. Yeah it is harder because you have responsibility, but you made the choice to have sex. The baby didnt make the choice to be concieved. Have your baby and give it the greatest life you can. Or give it up for adoption. Both are easier consequenses to live with then having an abortion. I’m here if you need to talk. Keep your head up and good luck.
ParticipantThere shouldn’t be any reason for antibiotics to cause your period to be late. They don’t affect your hormones which is what controls your cycle. I would try not to worry until you actually miss. I have heard though that antibiotics can mess with bc and make it ineffective. But my knowledge in this is limited. Best of luck.
ParticipantI cant tell you if it is normal,but I am 8 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and have been experiencing the tightening. It’s not painful at all so I am not worried about it. If yours is painful though, you should go talk to a dr. I hope that helps.
ParticipantLobor does hurt, but try not to worry about it. It is different for everyone, and there are a ton of things that can be done to reduce to pain. Epidurals and other forms of pain medication are available, and for some people moving around and staying active during labor is enough. Hope that helps.
ParticipantHaving sex right after your period doesn’t leave a chance to get pregnant because there is no egg to fertilize. If you have sex 12-15 days after your period then yes, there is a chance to get pregnant because that is when you are ovulating. Guys can pull out before they ejaculate, but there will still be sperm released during the entire process. It is NOT a good way to prevent pregnancy.
ParticipantI don’t know about prenantal vitamins changing the color of your pee, but if you aren’t getting enough fluids that could be the cause. Hope that helps.
ParticipantHey, I’m here to talk, just let me know what you need. I’m pregnant with my third baby. Three in three years, talk about busy. But anyways, ive been through this a couple times before. So whatever you need just let me know.
ParticipantApple, you asked if anyone thought it was wrong that you are having sex so young. If you need to ask for others approval, then yes you are. Unless you are ready to take full responsibility for your own actions without relying on others input, then you shouldn’t be having sex. You are only 14 and have so much growing up to do. You said that you are ready to have a baby, but believe me your not. No matter how prepared someone thinks that they are, there is always a chance for the unexpected that willl make them realize how not prepared they really are. What if you get pregnant and your baby has serious problems, are you prepared to devote not only the next 18 years, but the rest of your life to taking care of them? It is a huge responsibility, and I’m sure you know that, but even i didn’t realize how enormous a task it was to raise a little one until i had one of my own. And i was 17. And sex does feel good, and once you start it is incredibly hard to stop. And if you choose to continue having sex, you need to start on birth control right away. Wait until you are a bit older before having a baby. If you are pregnant now then I wish you all the luck, and if you need to talk i am here, but if it turns out you aren’t then really look into waiting until you are older. Take care.
ParticipantI don’t quite follow when it was you slept with your ex, but if you have also been with your fiance, there is a likely chance that if you are pregnant, the baby is his. You should make a dr. appointment to get an hcg blood test. It will show whether you are pregnant before a home test will. But dont worry too much until you know for sure, and then take it from there one day at a time. Take care.
ParticipantOk I’ll start with Denise. Kick him out as fast as you can. He’ll have to support the child whether he wants to or not. He can’t be forced to visit, but he will be forced to pay. I’m sure it will be hard to have four children on your own, but it would be harder to live with the quilt that you let your baby die for some man. And even if you did terminate the pregnancy, there’s no telling how ling he’ll stick around for. And then you wouldnt have him or your baby. I hope i helped a little. Take care.
As for pink, do not get pregnant just so you can get married. You have two years until it is leagle to do so, if it’s love it can wait. And it is a lot easier to start off married life with no children then with one. You need a chance to gat to really know the person, all their habits and annoyances. Putting a child into that mix could hinder that process and potentially be detrimental to your marriage. Definatly wait. Please. Take care.
ParticipantThere is a chance you could be pregnant, although it is a VERY slim chance. So don’t worry too much about that, but do think about not using withdrawl as a form of bith control. It is not very effective for the simple fact that millions of sperm are released while you are having sex, not just when he ejaculates. As for his "pregnancy" symptoms, men don’t usually get them until the woman does. There may be something wrong with him and he should probably go to the doctor. Mono is one thing that comes to mind. So try to not worry until your next period, and use some form of birth control. If you aren’t ready to have a baby you need to be really careful, it only takes one time. Take care.
ParticipantYou may very well be pergnant. You don’t have to have all the symptoms, although you have quite a few. If you are a couple days late then you shoud take a hpt. Whatever the outcome of that go to the doctor to make sure. I know it is scary to think about being a mom. But dont stress about it too much. It really is a lot of fun. It’s hard work but so is everything else in life. Anyways let me know how everything turns out and if you need to talk im here. Take care.
ParticipantWell with my daughter i didnt show until 7 months, with my son i started showing at 4 months and i swear i am already showing with this one. But then again it doesnt help that i didnt lose all the wieght in between so i am already carrying extra. It really all depends on your size to start with, how you carry, and your rate of weight gain. Hope i helped.
ParticipantSperm is released the whole time during sex, so it is very possible that your friend is pregnant. I got pregnant with my daughter that way. He pulled out, but obviously it didn’t work. Oh to be young and stupid. And, sperm can live in a normal ph balanced vaginal enviroment for up to 72 hours. Otherwise pregnancies would be ultra rare. I hope that helps. Sounds like this guy needs to figure out how the whole thing really works before he starts having sex again. GL to your friend.
ParticipantHey I noticed from some of your other posts that you are only 4 weeks along. Im not sure what your job is, but that is a little early to tell your boss. its pretty clear by the way he responded that he does’nt approve, and now he may find a way to fire you. Let me know if you need any help. And tell me what your job is, chances are there is a lot you can still do. Take care.