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Participanti am glad you didnt have an abortion adoption is best if you feel that you cant provide for the baby then go for it.
Participantdo not have an abortion you will regret it for the rest of your life thats if you want breast cancer 10 years from now or in the future when you do decide to have kids you might have problems later on . i am 19 yearsold and pregnant i plan on going to school soon dont abort this baby.
Participant😉 hi there you probably tested to early wait a couple of days you might also be stressing out too that can delay your peirod.
Participanthey gurl you are not alone i am 19 years old and i found out a couple of weeks ago that i am pregnant i might be about 5 weeks and a half what ever u do dont have an abortion you will regret it i myself plan on keeping this baby i am going to give this baby life morning sickness and sleepiness in the end is all worth it my mom had three abortion before she had me and my 5 yearold sister now i dont want to make the same mistake she did . abortion is freaky and scary to think about it . dont do it . plz. 🙁
Participantdon worry if i was you but take a prego test to be sure good luck .
Participantdont stress your self out tomuch you will be fine. 🙂
Participantdont have an abortion because you will regret it for the rest of your life . killing an innocent life isnt right at all so plz let the baby live.
Participanthi there sorry about what happen you are a strong woman i hope things work out for the better with you i wish you the best of luck you dont need that so called bf of yours he is a player big time.
Participantwell all i csn tell you stop stressing . and wait a couple of days to take a home prego test to find out i wish you the best of luck i waited a week till my missed period and found out i was prego i thought i was stressing but that was not stress it was pregnancy well i hope things go well with you much love.
Participanthey you could maybe be pregnant but i wouldalso go o the docors and take a blood test to be sure. do you have a regular period ? and stop stressing because stress can delay your period it is very unhealthy wish you the best of luck . i am also regualr and my period is now 22 days lae i took a prego test a week after my miss period and it showed postive twice i coulndt believe it .i had sore breast and nipples bloated and mild cramps dont know if you have that but that were my prego syptoms hope that helps.
Participantu need to calm down the stress is probable whats delaying your period too and from the birth control making your hormones crazy. but there is also a chance that you still might be prego wait a couple of days or so and take a home pregnancy test if you can it doesnt have to be the expensive ones i took a cheap one cost about a 1$ . i found out i was prego i am believed to be four weeks if i am right. i wish you good luck keep in touch with me tell me what happens.
Participanthi there marie congrats dont worry about the cramps i get cramps like you too. i found out i was prego i took two home prego test both postive me and my fiance we have intercourse and i am also worried aobut having a miscarriage too. but i heard that the baby is in a protective sack so it wont hurt the baby dont worry just be happy thats all.good luck and write back to me when you can.
Participanthey there i think you should wait a couple more days and teste again i was 11 days late and i found out i was prego i am 19 yearsold i went out to the dollar store and got those cheap pregnancy test i took two of them and both came out postive either your stressed out or could be pregnant stressing out delays your period big time so try to calm down. 🙂