MKH Post  Editing


The father of my children recently got in a car reck with 4 of his friends:Shep- is home but still not himself, Enaja- lemping and not himself, David- broke his arm, Benjamin- brain deaad, not doing good at all, might not make it.................................

miscarrying scare

i was on my way home on the bus, and i was having serious abdominal pain i was so scared. and more when i felt like blood was coming from down there, when i got to the actual bus station i called my dad and he sent my stepmom. i was on the phone and i was crying...

Dear My Baby Angel

Dear my little sugarplum.Mummy and Daddy still miss you baby. We love you so much, no one will ever take your place. Its mummy 17th next month. Im getting a tattoo- for you. so you will forever be with me. If you could see it when its done, i think you'd like...

confused about being pregnant

hey i really need your help.i came off the jab on march the 10th and have being having unprotected sex. on the 8th of april i got my period and it ended on the 14th of aprili since have had unprotected sex on the 15th, 16th, 17th and 19th of april. i havnt...

What should do?

Hi i am 25 years old i have a 1 year old daughter and i just had a son he his 4 months old and now i am pregnant again and its not by my son father and i am scared and i dont want to have this one because i am living with my mom a single parent i do  work...

my 1st appt.

december 1st i remember it so clearly my so very best friend marquise went with me because i was so scared to go by myself. i remember when we walked in and everyone thought we were couple and having baby. i remember playing around and acting like we were. he made...


i just feel completely empty- my world is wrapped around two dates:15th March 2008, the day my child, my little baby was convieced.1st July 2008, the day my little one was taken from me in the the most un-natural way.i have so much resentment towards my mother; i...

my story

i found out i was pregnant at 18 and although my parents were not angry, them and my boyfriend at the time said they wud like me get an abortion because i hadnt finished my education. i know i should hav listened to my heart telling me not to, i went ahead and did...

thinking about things

Ok here's the thing,  I looked at the signs and symptoms of pregnancy earlier today and aside from 1 symptom I have nearly all of them. I don't know what to do. I have had scares before and everytime it ends up false and I feel so stupid, so what...

the beauty of the growing belly

talk about a 360! i have been saying fast in my faith and praying enough for my baby's heart and mine combined. My boyfriend has really come around ; ) he rubs my belly every now and again and communicates with me about as much as he can. He has made a...


Everyone says your sapposed to live life to the fullest without regret...i had the "perfect"life i was a small town girl with my "country boy" who i thought was the love of my life...i was living life to the fullest and had ablolute no regrets...

17 and pregnant

My name is krista and about a week an a half ago i found out i was pregnant. since then i have changed and rechanged my mind on what to do, besides the fact i just got out of a course that can get me killer jobs using forklifts, working in confined spaces,...

My Story

Hi everybody my names simone im 17 years old i was 16 when i found out i was pregnant and me and  my bf was'nt together he was with another girl but now were back together im haveing a baby girl her names going to be ebony-lee i go in on august the 4th i...

Finding out i was expecting.

I had just got back from a trip from vegas. I went for my birthday, to see my Godmother. I turned 17.  The trip was long and hot, and more so i was nausteated the whole while. which was new for me because i never get sick in the stomach. when i went to school...

What does it mean??

Last night I started bleeding.  It happened again today and there has been a lot of tissue in the blood.  I've been getting random pains and cramping these past few days... Is this all normal?? I'm really worried. The blood is a dark red and other...

Having a troubled 2-year old son

Hi to all the young moms out there who have a two year that just drive you totally insane and you feel as if you can pull all your hair outI know what you are going through, my son is at this stage and I sometimes feel asif i can shout at him and just force him to...

Date Rape?

Hey everyone, my name is Sierra.  I'm 18 years old and will be graduating soon.  I'm so glad I found this website because I need advice badly.  I want to tell you all my story.  I met a guy at a club in January.  It was the 1st club...

turn around.

 I found out I was pregnant with my best friend / boyfriend's baby in march. I was too excited to be a mommy. But at the time, I didn't want to tell him. I was really scared. So I was stupid, and selfish enough not to quit my habits ... drinking, drugs...

my story

hey my name is jennifer im 17 years old...september 1st i was suppose to have my period me and my fiance had unprotected sex the same day and later on that night probably 12am or later i had got my period...on september 22nd me and my fiance went to the clinic for...