
by | 2009 | Real Stories

The father of my 2 kids left me when I told him I was pregnant with daughter . But now he wants to come back in the picture he told me if I didn't let him he would go to court to get custody to but the only reason I won't let him see the […]

The father of my 2 kids left me when I told him I was pregnant with daughter . But now he wants to come back in the picture he told me if I didn't let him he would go to court to get custody to but the only reason I won't let him see the kids is because he hasn't done not one thing for them since they been in the world. I am 18 and I'm raising to young kids on my own with no help from him and now he wants to come back in the picture after not doing anything the last 2 years. my son is 2 and my daughter is 11months. I just need help figuring out what I should do let him see the kids even though he has not done one thing or risk going to court and he gets shared custody.

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