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  • in reply to: Premature Girls Wanting Babies #20783

    hey. I understand your point, but can I please remind you that it takes two to make a baby and that if you didn’t want one, you could have ( and probly should have) protected yourself as well. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t sit right with me when you say that you impregnanted a woman and then call her crazy for wanting to keep her baby. Wanting to keep a baby, no matter what age, is a woman’s instinct, (and in my opinion the right thing to do) whether she planned on being pregnant or not. I’m in a similar situation, the guy acctually told me I was crazy for being pregnant, and it’s not like I did it to myself. The process is 50/50.

    in reply to: TORN, need help #20768

    Hi. you will have to work harder for what you want and make more sacrafices than you would have otherwise, but you’ll have the inspiration to do so. you’ll have a social life, but alot of times when your at home you’ll wish for a night off, and then when you finally get it, all you’ll be able to think about is your baby at home. but you can do it. Find support and friends who accept that you have a baby and need to be responsible. I like to say that my actions leading up to pregnancy were a mistake, but having a baby never is. Life will change, but just becuase it changes doesn’t mean it’s over. About the questions about happiness, having a good life, and things being ok, you need to become your own best freind and be able to reassure yourself of these things. It takes time, but those are all decisions you can make. you choose to be happy, you choose to have a good life and you refuse to take no for an answer when it comes to things being ok. You may have to fight for it everyday, but they are your decisions. And trust me, nothing puts the fight in you better than someone who loves and needs you unconditionally.

    in reply to: weight gain #20767

    It’s just frustrating becuase I feel like I’m always stuffing my face, but it doesn’t seem to be enough. when I decided to keep, I figured I might as well be as healthy as possible, but it’s kind of disheartining. I guess I just don’t feel pregnant withouth gaining weight but as long as the baby is healthy, i shouldn’t worry.

    in reply to: telling my parents. please help. #20738

    another thing to think about, if your a minor, is that your parents essentally, if their the type, could end up making the decisions for you, since you are still under their care. In most states, however, they cannot make you abort or adopt with your consent.

    in reply to: help me thankoo #20724

    hey. I understand comletely. I don’t drink heavily, but every once in a while I want a beer or a glass of wine. But let’s face it: we can’t do what are freinds are doing and won’t be able to again, until our freinds start having kids.

    in reply to: Birth certificate and child support #20723

    hey, it depends on your state, but as far as I know, as long as you can legally prove he is the father, through a paternity, his own admission, the birth certificate, ect, he owes you child support. how much depends on how much he makes ect. this is what I have heard, but google you state with something like "(your state) child support laws".

    in reply to: telling my parents. please help. #20672

    hi, I went through this a few weeks ago. one thing that helped me was having a few plans in case they weren’t supportive, and since they were, it showed that I had thought about my decision alot already.
    for example, know the names of some maternity homes, get the facts on wic, housing aid, section 8, medicaid, and, if your still in school, how you plan on continuing. this way it shows that your responsible and willing to to whatever it takes to make it work.
    Also, it might be good to approach it as " I respect your opinions, but have decided against abortion and/or adoption and ask that you respect that" if keeping the baby and raising it is the choice you have made.
    as far as their behavior, a grand child might just be what they need to kick their habits. But, maybe not. Maybe you can come to a comprimise of some kind. Although it sucks, this was your decision, and although what they are doing isn’t right, you can’t make them change their ways.
    tell her, but have a back up plan and a place to go just in case things don’t work out for the best. Sometimes the best future grandparents need a little time to think and cool off without their pregnant child in their face. Your boyfreind sounds great, and although young relationships don’t always work out, I have seen them happen if your willing to fight for it. So, if he’s a positive and supportive source in your life RIGHT NOW, then lean on the shoulder he is offering. Some of the best fathers I know, including my own, were young ones who really steped up for their children. I hope it all works out for the best.

    in reply to: Going Crazy: Last week of Pregnancy #20648

    I’m only in my second trimester and I’m moody, I’m glad to know it gets worse though. I dropped my dog off at the groomers yesterday, and they were busy so they put him in a cage. when asked the start time, they told me one hour. (I live in a foreign country so communication is difficult) I tried to tell them that I would bring him back, and was getting gysterical at the though of him being in a cage. I literally had a breakdown in the middle of a pet store and the locals were looking me like i was crazy. I love my dog, but usually it wouldn’t have bothered me so much.

    in reply to: 4 days late? #20605

    Hi, usually pregnancy tests take at least 7 days after your missed period to show the truth. Usually leg and back pains don’t show up in pregnancy until you have gained a significant amount of weight, or if you have underlying medical conditions. my advice? wait a week, test. if it’s negative, wait another three or four days and test again. in the meantime, don’t stress out. stress over the possiblity of being pregnant will often present symptoms similar to those of the first trimester, which will only make it worse. And take care of yourself, just in case. ! 🙂

    in reply to: I dont know what to do.. #20603

    Abortion is a tough decision and no one can make it for you. I was always swearing that I would have an abortion if I ever got pregnant, and here I am, in my second trimester happy as ever. I am still pro choice, but ask that you consider all options before you go through with it. also, make sure that it is your decision and you arn’t being pressured by anyone else.
    I know the issues with school, I graduated a year ago from my undergrad and am currently taking graduate classes. once the baby comes I know it will be 10 time harder, but I also know that the fact that it is the best chance for myself and my baby to not only survive but thrive will motivate me. ‘
    good luck

    in reply to: What was your first pregnancy symptom #20602

    hi, mine was fatigue and moodiness. and an aversion to certain foods. I missed out on most of the first tirmester morning sickness, luckily.

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