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  • in reply to: ITS A GIRL #22146

    thanks everyone im still not sure on a name i think im going to go through some of the websites that offer you baby names.

    in reply to: measuring large #22050

    Don’t worry nothing is wrong and your probaly right your due date was probaly off..its normal for babys to get a little bigger towards the end and some get bigger than others because well your just doing a damn good job at feeding that little one:P it has nothing to do with your eating habits(unless your constantly eating wich pretty sure your not lol) and even if you were if your eating healthy sumwhat then theres no problems you are just going to have a big baby and usually when doctors predict baby to be big there somwhat wrong your baby will be perfect and healthy expeacially if its got an extra pound on it the baby will probaly lose it after birth anyways.

    in reply to: Overreaction? #22018

    you could be pregnant i got really sick with this pregnancy and with my daughter and im actually in tthe beginning of mmy 5th month and still sick…but the breast hurting could be your sign there go to your doctor and get a blood test not a pee test its never accurate i did 7 pee tests with this pregnancy and nothing came home did a home pregnancy test and came out positive right away lol so go to the doctors definatly tell him all your sympotoms and make sure you tell him all of them.

    in reply to: Diapers, formula, etc.? #22017

    i use pampers and huggies I HATE HUGGIES they make her pee smell wierd and she poops right through them expeacially at a younger age because there poops are so runny and the formula has always been good start try not to use formula with the extra iron added into it it tends to constipate them and then your in trouble but i love pampers they have a fresh smell to them and they hold more pee in so if your child doesnt wake up through the night you dont have a big mess in the morning

    in reply to: are these things normal??????? #21110

    i might be pregnant aswell(#2) my daughter is 8 moths old on the 18th i’ve got bad cold soars and pains in my lower tummy and legs i didnt get this with my daughter im going to actually find out soon but i think you should go ask your doctor.

    in reply to: TORN, need help #20319

    HAHA your life is not over trust me i just turned 17 i had my daughter in september so i was 16 i have been out a couple times already and shes 4 months old i dont always leave her with someone i take care of her and im a damn good mom from what im told you just need some time to yourself 😛 to do whatever you want you will be an amazing mother no matter what and btw you can have both your future and your child im in school i work a night job and i take care of her all int he middle of that its amamzing what you can do when you have a baby you become super woman without even knowing it:)

    in reply to: TORN, need help #20318

    HAHA your life is not over trust me i just turned 17 i had my daughter in september so i was 16 i have been out a couple times already and shes 4 months old i dont always leave her with someone i take care of her and im a damn good mom from what im told you just need some time to yourself 😛 to do whatever you want you will be an amazing mother no matter what and btw you can have both your future and your child im in school i work a night job and i take care of her all int he middle of that its amamzing what you can do when you have a baby you become super woman without even knowing it:)

    in reply to: Coryn’s Birth Story! #20077

    lmfao im sorry thats the funniest kinda sounds like my labour i didnt care how much hair she had or what colour she was i just wanted her out lmao congrats anyways i know that was awhile ago but still:P

    in reply to: morning sickness #18814

    My morning sickness was terrible also i lived off of crackers,water and pepsi(wich is not good) but it was the only thing that worked i could also eat toast with butter cinnamon and sugar on it but i could only eat 1 piece and it had to be in the morning and then at lunch again i couldnt eat in between…if the water and bread and w/e else is working for you..just keep up with that..mabey try a different thing everyday…as long as you can keep yourself hydrahted you will be fine:)…

    in reply to: breastfeeding and sore nipples #18091

    The best thing that i can think of to tell you is go to like one of those all organic stores and gettin something called Natural Nipple Butter its made by earth mama angel baby it works sooo good you dont have to wipe it off to breast feed the baby ither it was my aunts best friend and now its mine(even tho i havent had the baby yet i have really sore nipples also…clears them right up)…you might not like the smell of it because it is organic but it might work

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