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  • in reply to: Another Abusive Boyfriend #28844

    I agree! I think it’s so important to know that there is better out there, and life without someone is better than with someone horrible! Also, if your boyfriend is treating you badly at the beginning of your relationship, these are definitely red flags and getting tangled up in this could lead down a bad road too quickly!! If you are having trouble leaving someone, find accountability and talk with those you know really care. Sometimes you feel so alone, but reach out. There will be someone who will help!

    in reply to: pregnant with #2 #28843

    Hey Amanda! How are things going? I hope you are doing well and just wanted to see how things are panning out for you? Has the father been any more involved? Blessings!

    in reply to: Need some Advice #28842

    Hey there miss! How are you? How are things with your baby? I hope you were able to get the help you needed and is there anything else you’ve been trying to figure out? Blessings!

    in reply to: My Period is 15 Days Late! #28841

    Hey! So this has been a while since you wrote, but how are things going with you now? I’m sure you know by now if you had been/are pregnant? What happened, and were you able to find help?

    in reply to: PLEASE HELP ME #28840

    Hmmm…it sounds like you are having a lot of crazy things happening with your body. You haven’t really missed a period, but obviously you could still be pregnant before realizing that. Did you try a second test? And if you are pregnant, it probably hasn’t been long. I’d suggest going to a doctor and talking about your symptoms. Actually you might try a pregnancy care center. Go to and they can help locate one near you. They’ll be able to help! I’m not an expert, and I do know lots of strange things can happen when you’re pregnant, but your symptoms could possibly be something else. Either way, seeing someone would be helpful. Let me know what the result is! Best wishes!

    in reply to: Breaking my heart! #28839

    Gosh, I think it would be heartbreaking for sure to give up your baby! Having siblings and a few good friends who were adopted, and knowing and seeing many young women make such hard choices, I am always absolutely proud of those moms. When I see or hear the stories, from mom or child, I really genuinely respect those mothers and would never ever say they were a BAD mom!! I had a close roommate in college who was adopted from S. Korea and she says every year on her birthday she prays and thanks God for her mother and all the sacrifices that woman made. She hopes to find her one day and thank her for everything; her mom was most likely very alone and ill-treated in a society that really shamed her.. It’s beautiful to see my friend’s heart for her mother and know there is not an ounce of bitterness, only sincere gratitude! Still, that would be the toughest choice a mother could make!

    in reply to: Lonely #28837

    Hey Miss! I know it’s been a while since you posted this, but I just wanted to check in and see how things are going now? Praying your situation seems less lonesome and you’ve gotten some good support. Also praying for health and continued strength. God be with you.

    in reply to: What is the difference? #28822

    Have you searched any by going to that should give you some good ones in your area, and they can give free and confidential help if you need that before moving forward. Friends and family are nice to have around, but it’s scary and if you’re unsure if they will be supportive or good influences, you may want to get your bearings before talking with them. Please know that those at optionline really want to help! P.S. I love the Snoopy πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Scared beyond belief #28808

    Autumn, thanks for seeking out advice and choosing to talk through it. I am proud of you! I know that it really helps me to talk when I have the biggest loads on my mind. Your mind is tricky sometimes (I wonder why mine hasn’t exploded at points)….we tend to lean on what we can comprehend or can handle in our minds….but definitely in some cases you need to listen to your heart – your gut feeling or tug. It seems that you’ve already noticed that in the end of it all, “you couldn’t live with yourself after.” Listen to that. πŸ™‚ I think there are many hardships you will be able to bare, but some choices may be unbearable. Your choice either way has eternal consequences to your life. But don’t choose something where you will live with the pain continually. Do not chose that of regret. At least in trying, you have action that you can take. Losing a child is for good, it is not replaceable. You are a brave woman, and stronger than me. Stand up! And know that there are many many many people who will back you up! Blessings <3.

    in reply to: baby #2 #28804

    sweetheart! I am sorry your man hasn’t been there for you…and I am so thankful YOU HAVE BEEN THERE for your child. I am thankful that you love that little one, and I know you care for your second as you are figuring out the next steps! I’m sure you are going through a lot in your head. Do you have supportive family nearby? I suggest going to and finding a Pregnancy Help Center nearby. Ask them for resources and to help you figure out a plan. They would love to give free and confidential help. I pray that you continue on strong, whether you keep the child or give him/her to a loving family. Standup! Let me know how things turn out. Blessings <3

    in reply to: Help?!? Confused #28801

    I don’t know a ton about birth control, but I do know there are often strange effects and hormone changes can also influence things. But yes, there is always a chance that you could be pregnant. Though pregnancy tests are accurate a majority of the time, they are not always. I suggest abstaining from sex and finding out for sure if you are pregnant. Go to and type in your zip code to find the nearest Pregnancy Help Center. They can give you FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help and advice! They will help you figure out for sure if you are pregnant and are there to support you. Whatever the results, each child is such a gift, and more precious than we know! Let me know what you find out <3 Renee


    that happens. Sometimes I think it would be great to be a mother soon too. Is that how you are feeling? And are you dating someone, married, single?


    Are you generally pretty regular with your period? It’s possible something occurred to set you off a bit, and you might feel more swollen due to this. However you seem to think you could be pregnant, so I’d try a pregnancy test. They aren’t 100% accurate, but generally do a good job. can direct you to a Pregnancy Center near you and they can give free and confidential help, even if you just think you are pregnant. Let me know how things go! With love.

    in reply to: Im 7 Days Delayed…I need help! #28773

    I would try another PT and perhaps go to the Doctor’s to know for sure. If you are pregnant it is good to know, and if you aren’t than maybe something else strange is happening with your body. If you want free and confidential help, look for a pregnancy center near you through There will be good people to help answer questions, and if you are pregnant to guide your next steps. Best wishes!

    in reply to: I Dont Know What to Do ? #28769

    Yes, I’m proud of you! Love that baby and you can stay strong. Best wishes and prayers <3.

    in reply to: scared please answer #28755

    yeah, I don’t know either. Since you did have your period after, maybe not…and worry can trigger odd things too. But I’d suggest going to a pregnancy resource center like queenB mentioned. Confidential and free, they are very sweet and can help you figure things out.

    in reply to: my daughters first word!!! #28744

    That’s so fun that she’s started talking! Oh, I bet she’s a cutie! But yes, that would be tough to go through πŸ™

    in reply to: Broken and Hating it #28738

    Elliegrace, I know it is often very difficult to express feelings. I am sorry you have to go through all this, losing a child. I’m mostly writing to tell you I read your story, and am grateful you shared it. I love your name by the way…grace is beautiful πŸ™‚ prayers for you this night.

    in reply to: What are my chances? #28735

    Maybe not nil chance of being pregnant.. have you taken a pregnancy test? I would take one (they’re fairly accurate I believe) or see a doctor if you really think so. It definitely could be you are just late, because I know I am sometimes…

    ..but also think about these lifestyle choices you are making and whether in the long run sex before marriage might be more detrimental. What’s fun now can have bigger effects than you realize, it may be the responsibility of caring for a child (beautiful child – but I’m sure you want to be ready), but it also has emotional and other effects that you carry on to other relationships or into your future marriage. So take some time to think about your life and direction and make some hard and needed decisions. If you haven’t figured out in your heart beforehand, it’s hard to stand firm when other things and feelings are involved.

    in reply to: plz help m scared lyk hell :( #28734

    Hmmmm… maybe it’s not likely, but I believe there’s always a chance. It takes just one. I’m not trying to scare you, but I’ve heard miraculous stories. Even if you are probably not pregnant, please be thoughtful about this situation and consider the little and big decisions you can make from here. It’s super scary but there are lifestyle choices you are making now and they do have influence on your future. Wishing you the best and richest life!

    in reply to: i just need someone to talk 2 about pregnancy #28728

    I’m glad you found some answers. Yes, I know it is in us to want to be mothers…but waiting is a part of life. My mom is “traditional” too, I suppose. But I SO thank her for caring about me, physically and emotionally. You have a choice now on putting yourself in this situation again. Please, for your well being, wait to have sex until you are married to a good man who will care for you, commit his heart and life to you, and be ready to father a child. You will be a great mommy, but make some choices in your heart now! Good to hear from you, and blessings!

    in reply to: hiii pls pls pls help #28718

    Glad to hear you are doing well. And good for you, stand firm in your decision. It will bless you immensely in the end!

    in reply to: i just need someone to talk 2 about pregnancy #28717

    Hi there! How are you doing? Yes, pregnancy tests can be wrong sometimes…they say to take them in the morning when you first get up. Do your boobs hurt? That is also a very common, quick sign. I don’t want to scare you, and I am sure you are aware that there is definitely the possibility of being pregnant. If you go to you can find a pregnancy resource center near you that should give free and confidential help. Definitely if you think you are pregnant, going here or to your doctor is a good idea.

    Two more things, If you are pregnant, IT IS DEFINITELY NOT WRONG to WANT THE BABY! πŸ™‚ Like you said, it’s your maternal instinct and God gave you that so you would love and protect a little life that on it’s own is defenseless. And I’m glad you have that desire before the baby is born. There is something in us that really wants to love this baby and care for it, and do not make decisions on fear or “your own best interest” or what will be “easiest”. Caving to that only brings more heartache later, so be a STANDUP GIRL :).

    Lastly, why are you worried to let your mom know about having sex? Would she be against it? I know if you were my baby girl, that I’d loved from before you were born, I’d want what is best. I may be hurt or upset at first, but I’d want you to talk with me and feel comfortable to tell me your worries. I would probably advise you that sex is a gift meant for committed (“put a ring on it”) relationships, where there is a promise made to stay with that person. It can be so devastating for our emotions when we aren’t or they aren’t promised only to us. And there is a lot less safety, (financial, emotional, physical) for a family. I want what’s best for you girl, and prolly your mom does too. So, please consider what you are doing, pregnant or not…it is good to think on the topic of sex before marriage, what is best in the long run, and set some firm boundaries and decisions.

    Prayers for you as you have so much going on. Love from your sister online <3 Please keep me posted and I'd love to chat more and here how you are doing, what you're thinking. -Renee

    in reply to: Is it Normal? #28716

    Thanks for writing me back!!! This is so good to hear, your baby is healthy πŸ™‚ . YES, I do believe God hears prayers. Pray and be honest with Him. He’s not a genie in a bottle, but He loves to know everything happening with us and all our requests. Ultimately, He’s bigger and sees things we don’t, so His decisions are best! God bless you the little one, and thanks for keeping me posted πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Please help.. :-( Please?? :'( #28710

    Don’t be embarrassed at all. Maybe mostly women come on the site, but I know a lot of guys do too and that a guy voice is always good. Also, you are good to your girlfriend to seek advice. I am from the states, but there is a website, that can help you find local help in India. Is it okay if I think there’s Christian founding for the groups, but they will help you no matter who you are? Also, it is hard for most people to tell their parents…and a lot of people have had experience doing this, so hear what they’ve had to say. It may be the hardest thing in the world, but often after the initial shock or anger, you find they are just as scared as you and just don’t know how to react. I don’t know your parents personally though, so continue to seek advice on how to handle that. Good luck and you’re in my prayers!

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