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  • in reply to: I’m worried #13024

    I’m sure you can tell when you have a period. Spotting is significantly less blood. Do a pregnancy blood test at the doctors, I don’t ever recommend the home ones only because I know that you are not sure deep in your heart and they can be a waste of money. Get a bloodtest done. The chances of pregnancy are slim though, if you have irregular cycles. Good luck, don’t worry… it’ll all be ok πŸ™‚

    in reply to: PURE CONFUSION #13022

    Stand your ground and defend your side, he’ll come around eventually. To be honest, NO ONE is EVER ready to be a parent. There is no time, no age, no perfect place. Everyone just says hopefully when I’m settled. When is that? when you pay off your first house or when you graduate from college? or when you get ur first promotion. You are old enough to make life choices for you, you are alot more settled than many girls who have gotten pregnant and made it. What I believe you should do is to tell your bf how much this means and try to make him understand that after 2 miscarriages it is not in your benefit to be stressed out by him. Tell him that it will be alright and you will be there and that he’ll make a great father. Tell him how much he means to you and how much he means to his unborn child and reassure him in any other way you can think of. Guys can be very insecure, they are just like kids. They might seem tough and all, but if we weren’t there for them, they wouldn’t have lasted. Good luck and get LOTS of rest.

    in reply to: im i pregnant #12974

    RIght now, just relax, No pregnancy would show a postive at this stage, and the signs would not show either. It sounds like you want to get pregnant, so don’t get disappointed if you are not, try again and it will work. Good luck

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #12972

    Hun, you are 20 and much older than many girls who carry on having their babies and they do end up finishing college. Don’t think of your child as a setback in your life, think of her/him as a new motivation. It is so very normal to have second doubts; I used to be pro choice, until I had one and I understood what it really does. You really get rid of a part of yourself, and that is not easy to live with. I had my abortion last year, I was about to turn 18, about to graduate highschool and get scholarships for university. I had a steady job as a cashier and my boyfriend had a steady job of his own. I just thought that we could never ever make it on our income and plus I want to follow my dream and go to university, ofcourse I thought about it. How it would change our lives, but my mom convinced me finally that it was the best choice. I knew that if I chose to have my baby, I would not have the support of my family. After the abortion, I couldn’t bear to see babies, I couldnt forgive my parents, I couldnt forgive myself and I was lucky enough to have my bf stick through it with me, eventhough he didn’t believe in abortion. I’m once again pregnant, first year in university, but I know better this time, I couldnt end a life, and be so selfish just to make mine easier. It’s doable to go to college and have a baby, and provide for your baby, you might fall a year behind, but I know it’s going to be worth it. Just think about it like this, if this was the only baby you could ever have, how much would you beat yourself for giving her/him up. Would your life be more complete? If your answer is yes, then go ahead with an abortion, you can handle the aftermath, but if you have a 1% doubt, it’s not worth it. Your heart makes the wisest choices when it comes to this, go for an ultrasound, and I’m sure like many others, the heartbeat of your child will make you cry. Take your bf with you, and make him understand the life inside of you. Good luck, Best of Wishes, and PLZ trust your heart. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: interracial relationship/racist family #12929

    Hey, I come from a very very ristrict family when it comes to culture. It would be ok to have a white bf/fiance/husband but not black(any race but black). They were always against my boyfriend, eventhough they love him as a person and respect him. They like him but not enough to let me be with him if that makes sense. I’m 19 and last year I was pregnant and had an abortion 3 days before my 18th birthday. I felt so guilty because I had told my mom, and teh first thing she said to me was "Are you honestly gonna have a black baby?? " She told me how they would leave me forever, and how it would be sooooo hard to take care of myself and made me feel insecure and guilty and then she took me to the abortion clinic. I guess you could say I chose my mom over my baby. This year I’m pregnant again and eventhough my bf was against my abortion he stuck with me and supported my decision. I’m 13 weeks and havent told my family, and his family is thrilled about a new grandbaby. I think I’m old enough to live my life the way I want, Live life a day at a time and try to make me happy rather my parents because no matter how hard you try they always think that you could try some more. You have to look within your situation and figure out how supportive your parents are going to be, and whether they’ll be there. If you have to move out, then do that. I personally think that if you can handle the load and you are sure, stand firm on your decision and don’t let your parents get in the way. I used to be so so so close to my mom and I cant look at her anymore, No relationship is I think better than a destroyed one. Good luck, trust me there is hope, just relax and take it a day at a time.

    in reply to: Early Pregnancy Worries #12893

    I started spotting for a while, and it would happen after sex, or me doing something active. I went to the doctor and he told me that it is normal, because under your cervix is now full ith blood (if I understood correctly) and any pressure might cause it to leak a few drops, and as long as it doesnt look like a period, we are ok. Few spots is normal and don’t worry about it. I am also sorry about your miscarriages, but I can tell you that you should restrict yourself to picking up anything that weighs more than a pound, and that includes your toddler, as hard as it sounds, the less pressure the better. Good luck with everything and hope you feel better soon. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: is my gf pregnant #12891

    hey, possibility of a false positive is almost impossible. Because the home pregnancy tests detect a hormone called HGC tht is only present when you are pregnant. Now, if you had sex on Halloween, the test should not show up for another week. The best thing to do is to go to the doctor immediately, and get some bloodwork done. The fact that she is taking medication for her infection is not helping your situation. Tell her to drink lots of liquid, and cranberry juice. Most women do not start the symptoms until later on (around 5th-6th week) of their pregnancy, that’s when morning sickness hits you. I used to get urine infections all teh time, just because I was very active at one point, and the best thing to do to prevent that is to go and pee after sex, the amonia in the urine will disinfect what the male body has brought to the females. Remember that by no means could peeing prevent pregnancy. Go to the doctor, and Goodluck. Please be patient, I know its hard but support her as she will be needing it the most right now.

    in reply to: period pains? #12864

    Hey, I know how overwhelming all the changes in your body can be. Me and my close friend are both pregnant, and we waited on telling everyone because right around our sixth week, we had weird cramps too. I had some spotting, so I went to see my doctor. he said that the spotting is even normal, if it’s not more than 2-3 spots (lil ones) and then the pain is caused by your growing uterus, as it is your first pregnancy. I can also tell you that there is no force, or medicine to stop miscarriage, and it would happen if it’s meant to. All you have to do for the next while is take care of yourself, and that way your baby will take care of him/herself. Stop stressing or go to the doctor to set your mind at ease. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust me, enjoy your sixth week even with all the pain.:) Good luck with your pregnancy

    in reply to: need to know #12784

    Hey, brown discharge is usually what is left from blood or w/e is left there. I remember bleeding for 3 weeks after my abortion, so you’re lucky enough that it has stopped. You have to check with your doctor after your abortion, which I’m sure you know. They have to take swabs to make sure that there is no infection there and if there has been any comlications. But don’t worry about the brown discharge, but make sure you go to the doctor. Take care of yourself and don’t get into sex if you don’t want it, especially since you are under stress emotionally. And don’t worry yourself too much, after my abortion I had all sorts of things i was worried about like whether i can have children again, wtc. I’m pregnant now and it’s going great, and the abortion was just a hard lesson learned. Good luck πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Serious preg. symptoms negative HPT #12755

    I had my last period, the first week of July, and I didn’t get a positive until mid September, eventhough, I had all the symptoms. It turned out that I got pregnant in August, but I had missed that months period. If you go to your doctor and ask for a bloodtest it would be best. Simply because they can track the HCG level as low as 5. If you have low iron, you could also miss your period, and be extremely tired. your best bet is to go to the doctor and have bloodwork done, on everything. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: He’s an alcoholic, I am pregnant, #12751

    Hey, I am so very sorry for what you are going through, put I hope that you don’t decide that it’s a part of life, and accept it. I know alot of women in abusive relationships, and I don’t believe anyone but them, can help to change that fact. Remember that no matter how good therapy is on the part of the government or any organization, it takes time and that it would make him angrier for a while because he’s attending it for you. What I would probably do in your situation is to look for another place, in the same city, and give your landlord a notice without your boyfriend knowing, ofcourse that would be impossible if his name was to be on the lease for your apartment. You can then, I’m sure call the cops if you thought that was the best option. But move, and time will heal things for you. By the sounds of it, you are a strong woman and you will overcome this situation. Remeber that your life and thelife of your child is more important than money, and material things. If you have to, just move to where your family is and start over there. Don’t think of this as a setback, think of it as a way Good luck, and take care of yourself

    in reply to: someone/anyone please #12706

    I am in the exact same situation with some minor differences. I’m in university studying and doing my dream. I come from a very strict family who could just not understand or grasp the idea of their 19 year old having a child without marriage. They have no problem with abortion, however and if I choose to tell them, I would have to go to the clinic, not because of force, because of guilt and disappointment. They are currently selling their house to move too, and they wanna move closer to my school, so I dont have to travel so much everyday. My mom has always been there for me, but my dad is the kinda dad all kids are scared of, you know. So my plan? I’m 19. I can get a job if I need it, and my relationship is stable enough, and so… I’m going to move out and not let my family find out, for a long while atleast. You have to consider your situation. I don’t recommend holding off on telling your parents to be honest, if you know that there’s going to be support. Let them buy their house, because you are choosing to live your own life, and they have the right to live theirs and move as they wish. Your boyfriend is also 50% responsible, so don’t think this is all on you, try to ask him for help. There is help out there if you need it, but if you can’t ship out, try and get a job. You can get maternity leave, and that is a big bonus. I’m sure you’ll figure something out, just be strong and have confidence, and stop worrying about 2 months down the road. Think about today and make the best of it. Good luck hang in there and make sure that you are pregnant before you start freaking out πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

    in reply to: We tried everything…now… #12679

    You wouldn’t find out until after your period is late. If you have been trying for over 12 months, then you should talk to your doctor, but before that, it doesn’t mean that you can’t, some ppl try for 5-6-7 years and when it’s meant to happen it will. If you have irregular cycles, the chances of predicting your ovulation date is significantly reduced. Good luck but don’t lose hope if you’re not go to your doctor in 2 and half weeks see what happens. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: I have a question #12678

    You usually don’t feel anything until your 6th week, so no symptoms. I had my period at begining of July too, and I’m only 11 weeks pregnant which means i concieved in late august. So, being pregnant could have absloutely nothing to do with your last period if you have irregular cycles, it could just be another irregular u know? do a bloodtest, cuz it’ll pick up HCG levels as low as 5 and that’s pretty much right after you concieve. Good luck, πŸ˜€

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