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  • in reply to: I’m Engaged! #21140

    congrats!!! im remember when my hubby proposed…. its a memorable experience!!! :laugh:

    in reply to: Loneliness =[ #20717

    I also feel the same way.. i mean havin a baby is rewarding but it also kinda sucks in a way.. u give up ur social life and u never sleep. I have a 6 week old boy and I can tell u that I feel like a zombie. I never thought it would be that hard, I have my husband and he helps put some times but I think that breastfeeding is the hardest part, cause its every 2-3 hours

    in reply to: Sex paranoi? #20715

    hey I totally feel u.. im also scared to have sex again. I couldnt picture myself havin another baby right now. Im tired all the time. Since I never want to have sex my husband always wants oral sex but I dont feel comfortable. I have a docs appointment next week and im starting birth control… im also breastfeeding


    in reply to: Too young? #20039

    I got pregnant when I was 19 and im gonna be 20 when I have my baby!!!

    I never really felt too young because I wasnt like under 18 when I got pregnant. I partied alot and had a couple of boyfriends so I didnt really feel like I missed out on too much

    Now im 20, (just got married) and about to have my son, I feel pretty darn good :cheer:

    in reply to: anyone else is this happening to? #20022

    Wow I bet ur going through some hard times right now!! but u have to learn to be strong, don’t give away your baby, cause no one can force you to giver her up. Maybe ur granny was upset when she said she was gonna send u to a foster home, u’ll see that w/ time there gonna learn and accept u and ur baby!!!

    good luck:)

    in reply to: childbirth #19988

    I guess its better if u have ur baby naturally, but I would be get an epidural!! im a coward to pain to im def. gonna get an epidural 😛

    in reply to: circumcision?? #19736

    Circumcision is something im plannin on doing to my son, well first of all its cleaner and hes less likely to get an infection and plus it looks alot better, if I were you I would defenitly consider it!!!

    in reply to: possible baby drivin me crazii #19643

    Dont worry relax, im 6 months preggo and when I found out I was pregnant I had only been dating my boyfriend for 2 months, but we actually get along really well and recently he gave me my engagement ring. Im actually really excited and I was in my 1st yr of college, but things work out!!!!!

    Im having a boy in feb 2008B)

    in reply to: RANDOM =) #19485

    How old were you when u got pregnant? 19
    How long was your labour? dunno im pregnant still
    Did you have ne drugs or interventions? still preggo
    Did you finish school? 1st year of college
    Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? hell no
    Are you still with the father? yup
    Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? my fiance

    in reply to: What’s better a C-section or a regular delivery??? #19075

    hey.. thanks for the advice.. im planning on only having two children 😛 but who knows.. LOl

    in reply to: Is my baby growing?? #18995

    Im 19 weeks preggo and I havent noticed any big changes either.. i kno u wrote this a couple of months ago,.. but i got a small belly w/ out any strech marks.. cuz i use alot of cream

    in reply to: AM I PREGNANT EVEN THOUGH I WAS ON MY PERIOD??? #18986

    hey.. well it’s kinda hard to tell.. u should be carefull cuz i got pregnant that way.. every time me and my boyfriend had sex.. he just pulled out… i thought i was ok untill.. a month a half later i found out i was PREGGO.. when u take the test.. take a digital one.. those are more reliable.. good luck:P

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