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  • in reply to: should i b feeling this way?? #26231

    I agree with alisha and stockton09 get a blood test. and they are right about the heartburn and peeing alot coming later on when ur pregnant…I should know. And try not to stress about you being pregnant…cause that will hold off ur period even longer hun. If u ever wanna talk u know where to find me. Im just a add away-with any advice. We all are. Thats why we’re here. hope I helped. But trust me…get a blood test done.

    in reply to: Now im really thinking im Prego #26222

    my parents flipped and my step-dad tried to kick me out of the house when I got pregnant four years ago. But when I got pregnant this time…I had already been moved out.

    in reply to: about me. #26189

    I am so sorry about ur loss-I know what it feels like. I was five months into my pregnancy when I was fighting with my step-dad and fell down a set of stairs. I lost my baby. I haven’t really been able to talk about it to anyone…cause noone understands. But if u tell me ur story ill tell u mine.

    in reply to: So nervous!! Do you belive im pregnat?? #26188

    Get another test done but this time-blood! A blood test will tell u for sure. IT’s the only one to tell u the positive truth.

    in reply to: So nervous!! Do you belive im pregnat?? #26187

    GET A TEST!!! To me it sounds like your pregnant…that’s what happened with my first pregnancy…before I lost the baby. JUst all I can say is get a test.

    in reply to: No period, Neg. Blood & HPT test.. NEED ADVICE! #26175

    It could be a number of things…you could be stressed and that could make you not have your period. But im unsure… :dry: You could also be pregnant….when was ur blood test done?? What day is ur gyno appt???
    There are multiple things that could be the reason for your period not coming. And regarding the signs of pregnancy-sometimes the mind plays tricks on you when you first start to think you’re pregnant. And then your body reacts… :unsure: but as I said I’m unsure. It’s my opinion…anyhow if you would like you can respond on my page by adding me. I would like to be of all the help I can.
    As I am pregnant myself and if you are I can help you out with all I’ve been told and know.
    Wishing you the best:

    in reply to: STRETCHMARKS.. (i hate it) #26170

    Hey girl:
    There’s this oil out called Bio Oil….you can buy it at almost any pharmacy or at any store(mostly). As long as u keep applying it everyday they go away. Thats what happened when I got pregnant the first time-i got stretch marks…then i lost my baby. so i got the bio oil…and i lost the marks. Now being pregnant again…i guess i’ll have to buy more.
    hope my advice helped.
    keep your little one safe:

    in reply to: Due Date Buddies? #26167

    Hey my name is Maggie…my due date is April 5. I’m 20 weeks pregnant. And getting fatter everyday. My boyfriend tells me I look beautiful but I know he’s only veing nice cause I’m self-concious. :unsure: But I love him for trying so hard to decide everything-like whether to stay and raise the baby or go to college. :blush: I know what the right answer is but I don’t wanna force him. Anyhow, anyone with a similar due date? we can chat!!! 🙂

    in reply to: i wanna know… #26153

    Guys don’t seem to understand to emotion and physical stress that abortions put on our body…it literally feels like death is creeping in. I guess I can’t complain though…since im pregnant again and all. but this time I ain’t losing my baby. my boyfreidn and I are gonna do everything right.

    in reply to: When is your due date? #26130

    I have to wait till April 5,2010. That’s still far away. I’ll admit. i don’t mind some of the pregnancy stuff…like the nudges, but the nausea, god. 🙂 I’ll live.

    in reply to: i wanna know… #26129

    how old is ur baby? I lost mine when I first got pregnant in grade nine..but it wasn’t my fault…now at the age of 18, im four and a half months pregnant again.

    in reply to: i wanna know… #26124

    I think ur a brave person for standing up and speaking out for us girls…on behalf of the girls that have had abortions…THANKS. U are our hero for speaking out for us when our guys dont care.

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