Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHey I’ll gladly fill out a questionaire
Participantyeah you can get prego on your period. I think I did. I was either close to it or on it. I’d never have sex on my period again though (when i get my period again lol).
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/19 15:09
Participantok, im not gonna tell you that your not prego, but i will tell you not to freak out like you asked lol. I was never on birth control, i just got pregnant. I’m 6 months along. anyway, im sure you and your hubby dont use condoms b/c, well, being married and you on birthcontrol, theres really no point. So anyway if thats the case, just get a test and see. thats all i can really say
Participanteh.. idk i got the shot once a while back but thats about it. I dont kno about all that pill stuff. Id say just get a test
Participanthmm.. thats a tough one. I’d tell the one that you like the least first, then get a DNA test when its born. If its not his, then its the other dudes. lol or like rissa said, tell the one u didnt use a condom w/ first
Participantkeep it. y throw a life away for a man? <3
Participantif your period in september was really really light or if it was on and off, then you could be. I didnt even think pregnancy was a possibility till my period was like 3 weeks late. idk get a test and email me if you need anything
ParticipantOk, heres what i think. I think that you could or could not be. Lol im sure your sick of hearing that answer, BUT, when i had a scare last year, i took pee tests and they came out negative, so i went to the gynecologist and he gave me bloodwork b/c sometimes the hormone levels are high enough for you to be pregnant, but lower than what a test can read,.. if that makes any sense? Ok, well, it turns out i wasn’t pregnant. This time, i was at the hospital ready to get my surgery from a bad car accident i was in and the doctor told me to pee in a cup. Then he comes out and tells everyone else to leave the room. I thought he was gonna tell me i have THC in my system or some pill or something. He told me i was prego. So, i didnt get my surgery and i still cant lift my left arm lol well anyway, the point is.. well there is no point… if you have any questions or anything let me know b/c i kinda been where you are when i had my scare before id actually gotten prego
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/11 02:02
ParticipantHey. I’m KINDA in your position. I’m 16 and I’ll be 17 in 17 days. lol so were pretty much the same age. I’m 25 weeks along which technically is like 6 months and a week so were pretty much the same amount along too. lol My fiance is there for me and so is my mom. I didnt really have a family life before my pregnancy and now i dont have a family life AT ALL. so i mean, i guess you could say that sucks lol. well anyway, if your mom is a teenage mom and so is your sister, then i dont understand why she would kick you out. I mean, i know what it feels like to be the unwanted child. I get reminded of it EVERYDAY, but i mean, she was a teen mom also. Idk.. Your mom CANNOT legally kick you out. She can send you to a foster family, but she CANNOT just kick you out on the streets b/c you are still a minor. Me and my mom went through all that bull crap b/c she tried to kick me out w/ me still being a minor. So, your homelife might suck, but your mother has to feed you and keep a roof over your head till your at least 18. As far as abortion goes, its too late anyway. You cant get an abortion if your more than i think its like 4 months or something. I dont believe in abortion either. I only believe in adoption if for example, your 12 and got raped and pregnant. Thats all though i hate how people go out and have sex, get prego, and decide they want to giveup their child for no reason. lol well now that i wrote you a novel, get back to me if you need anything :-p
ParticipantIve always heard that your most fertile times are 3 days before or 3 days after your period. Your pants were soaken wet cuz if a guy ejaculates inside of you, your supposed to like, push the excess stuff out of you into a towel or something. That’s what i do anyway… But there could be a chance that you are pregnant. Obviously its too early to tell but wait a couple weeks or wait untill like 5 days before your period and take a pregnancy test. Thats the only way to be certain. If you need anything email me. <3
ParticipantI think that you are making the right decision by moving. I mean, if he doesn’t want to be in your life, don’t let him. Since your 19, and been with him since about 15, then he is probably one of your "first loves." All you need is your children. You don’t need a guy to make you happy. That’s what us women forget. I know that if my Fiance left me, i would be torn apart and probably be where you are today (minus 3 kids) by thinkin that you need him. BUt in reality, you dont. Get child support and if he wants this other woman so bad, let him. I know its tough but if you can be a single mother and raise 4 kids, you are seriously a hero. no joke. sounds gay but its fer real. email me if you need to vent, talk, need advice, anything..
ParticipantIf youre honestly a virgin, there is NO way you could be pregnant. I mean, if he had his penis inside of you precum could have gotten in there but its rare. If you never had a "male part" in your "female part," then its impossible. how old r u? if you have any other questions, email me.
ParticipantWell, most tests dont show up till your like 3 weeks prego… so ive heard. I found out the day i was SUPPOSED to get my surgery that i was prego so i never had to do a home test. the doctor did a standard one and told me. but anyway, id say buy a test and go ahead and see. do it in the morning when your pee is the strongest. and if it comes up negative but you still think you are prego, go the OBGYN n ask for bloodwork b/c some pregnant ladys take like 10 tests that come up negative but get bloodwork and find out 100%. goodluck
ParticipantYou really need to go see a doctor. Not your actual doctor but an OB Gynecologist. Tell your parents asap. They can’t kick you out cuz your a minor. I mean, they can but not legally. Theres a lot of help out there. I’m 16 and 25wks (6 months and a week :-p) pregnant. You should have been getting bloodwork by now so please go see a doctor. if you need anything email me
ParticipantI found out at 7 weeks. It would be WAY to early to tell in 3 days. Id give it at least 3 weeks. If you take the test in 3 weeks and it comes out negative, BUT you still think you are prego, go to the OBGYN n get bloodwork b/c some womens hormone levels are too low to come up on a pee test but they are still prego.. Well, that’s what my OB told me anyway. lol Good LUck! 😛
ParticipantI found out at 7 weeks. It would be WAY to early to tell in 3 days. Id give it at least 3 weeks. If you take the test in 3 weeks and it comes out negative, BUT you still think you are prego, go to the OBGYN n get bloodwork b/c some womens hormone levels are too low to come up on a pee test but they are still prego.. Well, that’s what my OB told me anyway. lol Good LUck! 😛
ParticipantYou may be… or it could just be the weather changing.. if it is where you live haha (its gettin cold here in PA and everyones getting sick lol) Well anyway, me and my BF had unprotected sex and i got pregnant within a week so I’d say your chances are pretty high lol GOOD LUCK 😛
ParticipantI am 16 and 6 months prego. You didn’t screw up. You did what a teenager would do… only got pregnant.. lol You can get child support off of him. I thought of my pregnancy as a "mistake" at first with me being so young, but its not. its actually a blessing. I mean, im not the religious type, but i believe that if God intended for this to happen to you, then theres a damn good reason behind it. Ya know? I strongly DIScourage you to get an abortion. Pllllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeee don’t get one. I know it’s going to be really really hard, but could you really live with yourself after killing an innocent child?? <<<— i know that sounds a little rough but i had to go through my WHOLE family telling me I was a screw up and for me to get an abortion. I said no. Your parents CANNOT force you to have one. They may make you think so but they can’t. By law they cant.. You can get WIC, which is where they give you free juice, milk, cereal, peanut butter, cheese, and eggs during your pregnancy. Then when the babys born they give you formula, etc.. You can get so much help its unreal. At times you may feel that you cannot do it and you really did screw up. Just remember that youre not the only one out there that has this problem. there are thousands of people like you and you CAN do this. One this is, you NEEEED to tell your parents no matter how scared you are. You NEEED to get an appointment for the gyno (female doctor).. They will tell you everything you need to know. You need to watch your diet with salty foods and unhealthy foods, and etc.. If you need anything, let me know and I will help you
September 27, 2006 at 3:18 pm in reply to: did anyone ever feel like they did the wrong thing #11989lissy012207
ParticipantI feel that way everyday about one thing or the other. Why?
ParticipantThose all are signs of pregnancy so you very well could be. I’d just wait it out and get a test. I didnt’ really notice symptoms before i found out that i was pregnant but my boyfriend did. He’d always tease me and tell me i was acting like a pregnant lady and he wanted me to get tested. So when i did, and i was pregnant, i was amazed lol
ParticipantI’m not quite sure. I think so. Ive read that when your prego your gums bleed. Mine dont’ really bleed though
ParticipantJust because the condom fell off doesn’t mean youre pregnant. You could be or you could not be. The important thing is that about 3 weeks after you that happened, get a pregnancy test and find out. How old is your boyfriend? I know I’m only almost 17 and 6 months pregnant, but my lil brother is 13 and if i caught him having sex, id probably kill him lol thats y i asked how old ur bf is cuz i kno my lil bro didn’t even hit puberty yet lol
ParticipantI am almost 6months pregnant. My breasts grew huge and sometimes they hurt, sometimes they dont. It really depends on your hormones. You may be pregnant but the best way to be sure is to get a test
ParticipantMy pregnancy was unexpected. I’m only 16 so I wasn’t planning or anything but My aunt took pills to increase her chances of conceiving. She was pregnant with twins but both were still births. She tried way to late. I think she was in her mid or late 30’s or something. You probably already know the best times to try. I’ve always heard that if a male eats really healthy, his sperm will be more healthy and numerous. Someone told me energy drinks or drinks with high caffine levels make the sperm count decrease. Maybe he could go get checked b/c some males are just steral?? Idk there’s lots of possibilities. I wish you the best of luck!!! If you need anything, let me know. 🙂
ParticipantI would recomend getting a test. Just to be sure. If you got the shot in august and are still having spotting, then you probably arent miscarrying. Im 16 and almost 6 months pregnant. I never bled but some women do. As long as its not really heavy bleeding, you should be ok. And as far as the antibiotics, just discontinue use of them until you find out for sure. I was drinkin like, a week before i found out i was prego and i ended up not rememberin anything and i guess i did some pills and my babys 100% healthy. Im not gonna party n stuff as much anymore, maybe like, once a month if i have a babysitter, when the baby gets older but thats it. so idk if you are, you should be fine. lol