Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIt has been 2 weeks since i found out i was officially pregnant. At this point im scared and lost, and im seriously looking into adoption. The babys father flat out refuses to be a part in his childs life because he still believes that its not his. I have thought of abortion but i just… cant do it. I want my daughter or son to have the life i never had, to be able to be proud of his or her parents, to be able to go to her friends and say yep thats my mom and i love her. If i keep my child, i will never have the time to be with her between school and probably getting a job. She or He deserves everything in life, and most of that i wont be able to provide…
Participantim in the same situation now, once i told the father i was pregnant he automatically denied being the father even though he knows its his. but i think once ur babys father starts to see how much ur child is growing, hes gonna see that he needs to step up, keep reminding him that hes the father and u just want him there for her and thats all u ask.
i hope things work out!
Participantwhat symptoms have u had?
Participantsomething thaat might help is writing a letter( and even though its hard) to your unborn baby, about everything u wanted for him or her and just let it all out to the baby and then keep it somewhere and whenever your down or feeling sad just remember, you had the best intentions ahead.
i have been thru the same thing im 15 now(Also might be expecting) but i was just 13 and in 7th grade when i learned i was pregnant, i wanted to keep my baby but shortly after learning about the pregnancy, I had a miscarriage and its one of the hardest things ever.
i hope u start feeling better soon hun, things will soon start to look up, I Promise
Participantyou should probably wait to see if u get your period because those could also be your period.
keep everyone updated and good luck!lexxi
Participantim in the same situation, i was supposed to get my period about a week ago and it hasnt shown up yet, i took a test 3 days before my period was supposed to be here and it said negative so i asked my aunt and she said wait 2 more week beacuse my body might not have produced enough of the pregnancy hormone for a test to pick up. My suggestion is go to maybe a walk in clinic and ask for a test(most of the time,pregnancy test are free)
good luck!