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  • in reply to: birth anouncement and new mom questions #22316

    Why do i keep thinking of things??? especially when you probably already know them…

    I re-read the post and realised you had a c-section…personally i think you are doing an amazing job for breastfeeding as much as you are coz thats apparently not easy on the abdominals…Have you tried lying down on your side when you feed her? Can take some of the pressure off.

    I will shut-up now :blush:

    in reply to: Really need some advice #22315

    If you want a baby, are in a stable relationship and can care/provide for the baby…why not? Make sure your losses are not influencing your decision though. I know it hurts (i’ve been there) but another baby will not make up for it.

    in reply to: birth anouncement and new mom questions #22314

    and PS
    you may know this but when detatching baby, wet/lick your finger and slip it in the side of babys mouth until you hear a ‘pop’ which means suction is broken. Will save alot of pain when getting baby off already sore nipples.

    (i talk alot dont i…lol)

    in reply to: birth anouncement and new mom questions #22313

    Hi – i co slept a couple of times for the same reason. I found i didnt move when she was in bed with me. A girl that had a baby on here though put her baby’s change mat in the bed with her and the baby on that so she didnt roll on something.
    Re the cracked nipples…i get you there. It will get better. Hopefully the lactation consultant will be able to help more with positioning. The aim of the game is to get as much of the aereola in the baby’s gob as possible. Try resting the baby on a pillow on your lap for extra support, baby should be across your chest though and not lying diagonally down (there are other postions that may be easier). She could be comofort sucking as well. Have you tried using a dummy/pacifier? You can use some lanolin (wool fat) on your nipples. It will help them heal, and doesnt need to be washed off when baby’s ready for a feed. Breastmilk is also good and try giving them some ‘airing’ i know that sounds strange but it does help. Pumping after she feeds can help to increase supply as it imitates a baby sucking at the breast, and the more baby sucks the more milk will be made (supply and demand).If i can help with anything else let me know.
    Good luck.
    Congratulations on the birth of your little girl πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Family Issues #22282

    Just because she is related doesnt give you cousin the right to be rude to you. You dont need that in your life. Congrats on the baby and the upcoming wedding. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: I can’t make everyone happy… #22281

    There is a saying:

    ‘If you try to please everybody, somebody won’t like it’

    At the core of this is you. Please yourself first. Do what you want, what your heart tells you. Whatever decision you make, other people dont deal with it the way you will.

    in reply to: baby fat….shoot me now! #22256

    Hang in there. I know the struggle. I dont even know how heavy i got when i was pregnant because i was too scared to step on the scales. I started a diet about a month ago which is basically healthy low gi foods and have been slowly weaning myself off too many carbs (love potatoes…lol). So far i have lost 7 and a bit lbs since i first stepped on the scales a month ago. It takes time and healthy food. Dont stress about it. Your baby is more important.

    in reply to: Just (re) introducing myself #22203

    Hi again! I think we chatted a while back now. You had your baby girl 16 days after i had mine!! Congrats. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: UGH #22170

    Sounds like another test might be worth doing. If thats negative and still no period, go to the dr for a blood test to find out for sure.

    in reply to: Please help #22169

    Whatever you do – dont give into people pressuring you to do something you are not sure about.
    Perhaps get some counselling? Im from Australia, but i imagine they would have something wherever you are. Im actually doing adoption counselling – im giving my 2nd baby up because i wasnt ready.
    Try and find a neutral party to talk to. Not somebody from an abortion clinic or an adoption agency because they may be bias.
    Take your time. The first few weeks after you find out are the hardest. Wait until you have a clear head.

    in reply to: pregnant? #22154

    Well, if you are about two weeks late already, a test should show up now so why not try? Im not sure what services are in the US to help young mothers, but why not try some of the links in the ‘Girl Help’ section?
    Best of luck. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: ITS A GIRL #22149

    Congrats on baby girl no. 2!!
    Dont stress out about names, i couldnt think of a name before either of my girls were born for the life of me. Jess was named the day after she was born and Alyssa about 12 hrs later after some serious thinking.

    in reply to: I think I am doing the right thing. #22148

    I know the processes are very different in the US and where im from (australia), but it sounds as though you are doing alot of nice things for mum and bub when they arrive in your life. I think having a place she can go to, to rest up after the birth is a really good idea. If you communicate with her try and be supportive as i know you would anyway. Perhaps organise some counselling to help her? Im going through the adoption process myself at the moment and its extremely draining on the emotions even though i know its what i want. Because of where i am i have to undergo counselling before consents can be signed, but i dont think its the same everywhere.
    Good luck and i hope you get your baby soon πŸ™‚

    in reply to: period #22032

    Perfectly normal. Some people dont get their period back for a while (enjoy it i got mine 5 wks after both times…grr…). However take a pregnancy test because they wont want to put an IUD in if there is ANY chance you could be pregnant.

    in reply to: Being INDUCED #21694

    after 37 weeks the baby is considered ‘term’ and is generally born without medical complications.
    also a big baby not always a hard birth – my 2nd was over 4kg and was an easier birth than my 1st who was 3.4kg
    good luck!

    in reply to: Overdue and impatient #21655

    Well wouldnt you know, she was a bday baby! Alyssa Kate born on July 6th. 9lbs 2oz, 20 inches long.

    in reply to: Having the baby!!! #21569

    Ooh…goodie!!! I think it will be a girl… not a massive baby either but not too tiny. Im so happy for you!!! (and a little jelous…im 2 days overdue lol)

    in reply to: 5 weeks #21544

    Ha ha. You and me both! The last month takes longer than the first 8 put together!!! Im due tomorrow and bubs is not showing any signs of wanting out…i agree with you… I JUST WANT HER OUT NOW!!! :laugh:

    in reply to: preggy #21463

    All I can say is Congratulations, and Yay for the baby dust!!! :laugh:

    in reply to: What’s Wrong With Me? #21461

    I got pregnant on the pill – and my children will be 12 1/2 months apart in age. I really wish i had that 2 year gap – stick to it, it’ll be worth it. My daughter is too young to help out at all and demands attention all of the time. Its going to be very hard.

    in reply to: please help me please! #21331

    i got prego without missing a pill, so if you missed some its a definate possibility.

    in reply to: Depression #21297

    I know exactly how you feel. I was an absolute emotional mess after having my daughter. Like you the babys father was with somebody else, also a fact that didnt bother me until after she arrived. I would go to bed every night crying. Wake up crying. Spend the whole day crying and wishing the world would end. Wishing my life would end, reaching snapping point where i was either going to live or i was going to kill myself. Its a very scary place to be. I didnt want my baby, and even started adoption counselling. Things were far from the rosy picture people keep telling you motherhood is supposed to be. Get yourself some help asap…id hate to hear things getting worse (though im here to chat if they do…talking is better than bottling it up which just makes you feel worse).

    in reply to: Engaging? #21274

    With jess, between 33 and 34 wks. This one hasnt yet but i know thats normal for a second bub (am 35 1/2wks).

    in reply to: anyone else suffer the same? #21244

    Wow…people can actually sleep through the night at this stage of pregnancy???
    I have had the odd leg cramp, but dont do anything about it except wait it out. Heartburn=rennie tablets, but they dont always help. Have also suffered from low blood pressure so i understand what you are going through but i dont know how to help.

    in reply to: 10 week count down #21207

    Wow i cant believe you have only 10 weeks left now! Your pregnancy has gone really quickly!
    Good luck for the rest,
    Kylie, Jess and bump.

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