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  • in reply to: When is your due date? #28460

    mine was January 6.
    I delivered Thomas III 5 days late on Jan. 11.
    I’m 15 and he was my first.

    in reply to: i’m 14 i think im pregnant what do i do?!?! #28413

    Hi Kaathey777, I agree with what christyrose said. Tell your parents and take it from there. I got pregnant shortly after I turned 15, so I know how it is. Just sit down with both your parents(with your boyfriend!!)and tell them you think your pregnant. Or just tell your mom you think you might be&ask her you want a test, then after the result still sit down with both your parents and boyfriend and tell them.
    That was the way my boyfriend and I were going to tell my parents(he was 17 at the time, now 18). But that got changed a little bit… A few weeks after we foudn out, Thomas texted my dad&told him, then my dad called me. We didn’t tell my mom for more weeks after that. My dad called her and told her. SO wrong way to do things…
    Figure out whats going on, then break it to em. They might surprise you.

    in reply to: Dieting During Pregnancy? #28382

    Make sure everything you eat is healthy. Find alternatives to cravings(want ice cream? have yogurt.). When I go weighed at the doctors office it said I was about 130 lbs at 28 weeks(from 105lbs prepreg.), and when I dug in a little deeper thats on the high side of weight to gain. So I cut out a lot of the bad food I had been eating and its made the weight gain a little slower, but with a healthy baby. I must be doing pretty good, no stretchies yet.
    Ask your doctor just to make sure its safe, or tell him at your next appointment how to keep the gain slow and steady.
    Goddluck! 🙂

    in reply to: Depressed..? #28380

    Thanks ChristyRose(: I feel better today. The past few days have been total hell in my head though.
    At least I’m not alone… Or crazy(: haha.

    in reply to: When Do You Start to Show? #28375

    I wasn’t noticably showing until around 25weeks. I could hide it for a long long time… I could tell at 18 weeks I was getting a little bigger but no one else could.
    The week before last people just started asking when I’m due.
    I was HUGE in the very beginning from just being constipated, worst pregnancy symptom ever, but after that went away I shrank teeny tiny with a little tiny round belly. Everyone’s different though(:

    in reply to: Colostrum…. Eeew! #28347

    Ohh hey,’This is my first child&my colostrum came in what seemed really early! Around 15 or 16 weeks.
    I havent found a need for breast pads yet,
    So 25 weeks is normal(: everyones different.

    in reply to: 15&Pregnant. #28173

    Meg11, We both have stable jobs, He is 17 with his lisence. We both have money, insurance and more. We feel we could take care of the baby and give it everything we can. We have our ducks in a nice row. We have stopped trying, but if it does happen we are going to keep it.
    Maeghanalyson, Both me and my boyfriend have very supportive families. We both have well paying jobs and we aren’t going to need government assistance. I come from a wealthy family and my father said if we were truly struggling he would help us. When we found out I wasn’t we did talk about it but we both wanted a baby and believe we can raise it. We have stopped trying, but if it does happen, then we will keep it.

    in reply to: 15&Pregnant. #28137

    Thanks everyone[: I love the support.
    I have dissappointing news though. I was just going by my period[being two/three weeks late&being sexually active&trying for a baby ud think so too]&I didnt take a test and I got my period this morning.
    But me&my boyfriend talked about it and were gunna try. We want a baby[:
    I really love all the nice comments you ladies posted[:<3

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