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ParticipantWell i’m a server at a resturant. We have sections. All the sections are numbered. If you are in section with an even numder you are responsible for cleaning silverware through the night. But if you are an odd you have to do glass and ice. This means that you have to fill these huge tubs up with ice and brin out to the serive stations and fill the ice bins. They are very heavy. The glass is on racks (glass cups) and we have to bring them out and stock the service station. They too are very heavy.
My last pregnancy needed in a misarriage. At my other job i did ice throughtout the whole thing. I’m sure that’s not why i misacarriaged but i’m sure it didn’t help!
This friday i’m shceldued(HOlY spelling.) as a 5 so i need to be switched.
I’m not taking any risks this tiome. I can’t go through that again. It was the hardest thing i have ever been through. I’m still trying to "heal."
Although once your child dies you never heal from it you only learn to accept the fact that he’s gone.Jonluver
ParticipantNo, no bleeding. Trust me i wouldn’t have even posted about it. I would have gone striagt to the emergency room. My miscarriage started with a single drop of blood. Which i went straigt to the hospital for. THanks for the advice.
The girls here are great!!!Jonluver
ParticipantWell he’s friends with my fiancee. My fiancee once worked for the same company (but at a different store) and he was actually the one who trained my boss. Mike (my boss) always talks about Jon and about how good of friends they are, etc. That’s why i can’t understand how he could do that. I felt so low, and ashamed!
And to answer your question i’m 18.
ParticipantYes your right. Small amounts of sprem are relased during sex. (that clear sticky liquid is full of sprem.) Some women are just SOOOOOO fertile thats all they need to get pregnant, the guy doesn’t even need to finish!
Participanthey hun. First off i am so sorry that you have to go through all this! You are so strong. You made the right decision!!!
He is excited but he’s very scared! He doesn’t have to deal with the pregnancy everyday like you do so he runs away so he doesn’t have to. Do you understand. HE isn’t that he doesn’t love you but he’s scared he actually has to grow up now!
The next thing i’m going to tell you some people proably won’t agree with. This is what I would do in your sitution. I’m not telling you it is what you should do. Only you know whats best for you. I would tell him (face to face) that he has a problem. If he doesn’t fix it or get help that i would take him to court and get his parental rights taken away and make sure that i get child support for him. I know i wouldn’t want an alcholic (spelling?) around my kid. And if he really excited about the baby as he says he is he’ll change. If not you don’t need him. It’s not whats best for you or him any more it’s whats best for the baby!!!Hope this helps. Keep me posted!
ParticipantThis message is for dorkalios_stud_muffin:
So are you doing. Sorry i didn’t really give you any support the other day. I was in a hurry when i responded to your message.
Don’t stress over him too much. I knoe it’s hard but whatever’s best for the baby. I was in a lot of stress when i miscarried. Things will work themselves out. I promise. If you ever need to talk i’m here for you.Take care of yourself and keep me posted!
Participantso your in labor is what your saying?
GO TO THE DOCTORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ParticipantI"M PREGNANT!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it!!!! My fiancee and i have been trying for 9 months!!! We tried everything and this was going to be our last month trying so we decided to do something new. This is what we did:
We had sex every other day.
I had no caffine!!! I ate soem chocolate but other than that i really had no caffine.
HE had lots and lots of caffine. THe drank lots of energy drinks. (the caffine increases sprem moblity)It worked!!!!!!!!!!!! You should try it. It’s worht a shot!!!
Participanti don’t really know a lot about tubals (i’m only 18) but as long as it’s done right you shouldn’t be able to get pregnant.
Maybe your going through early menopause. One of my mom’s friends was only 38 when she thought she was pregnant. She went to the doctors and they told her she was going through early menopause.Hope this helps. Keep me posted
ParticipantI am so sorry to hear that. The only thing thats helped me get through my miscarriage was an online support group. you should check it out. If you go to MSN groups it’s pregnancyloss:remembering our angels. You will need to apply first to get in but i’m sure that they will accecpt you.
I just found out today that i’m pregnant. I’m 3 weeks 6 days!! I’m so excited yet very scared!!
My fiancee and i have been trying for the last 9 months (how ironic) to have a baby. THis was our last month trying. We decided to try something new. We had tried everything. Ovulation calendars, ovulations predictors, basal temp. You name it we’ve tried it.
This time we decided to just throw everything out the window. We had sex every other day and i had no caffine, whereas he did (and lots of it). And what do know I’m pregnant!!!!!!! You should give it a try. It’s well worth it!!! Good Luck. Let me know how everything turns out!!!Jonluver
ParticipantGuys are so weird sometimes. If you ever need to talk i’m here!!!
ParticipantNot everyone has symptoms. I had none. The only way i knew was i missed my period.
You need to get yourself to the doctors right ASAP. You need to make sure the baby is healty. You need to be taking prenatal vitamins! You need to have an ultrasound to make sure the baby is developing right and to make sure it’s in your uterus and not in your tubes. There are a lot of things that your not supposed to be doing when your pregnant that your doctor will tell you about. GO TO THE DOCTORS!!!!!! NOW!!!!!Jonluver
ParticipantTELL you Mother or someother adult RIGHT AWAY!!!!!! If you are pregnant you might be having a miscarriage. YOU NEED TO GET TO THE DOCTORS RIGHT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you bleeding at all???
ParticipantRELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take a deep breath! You don’t even know for sure yet if your pregnant. Take it one thing at a time. First find out if your pregnant. Then we’ll talk.
Let me know what happens!Jonluver
ParticipantThanks. It was (and still is) the hardest thing i have ever had to go through. That’s why i’m so against abortion. I fought so hard to keep my baby alive and people are killing theirs everyday. It makes me sick.
Well keep me posted on how your doing.
Participanti don’t think my first post got posted so i’ll try again.
I got pregnant when i was 17 and ended up having a miscarriage at 8 weeks 3 days. My fiancee and i have been trying now for 10 months. I know excatly what your going through. Here’s some tips:
Have sex every other day. That way there will be enough sprem in place when you ovulate. But having sex everyday could decrease the amount of sprem since it takes them 48 hours to produce neww sprem.Caffine is very bad for you. Don’t have ANY!! BUT caffine is good for your husband. It increaes sprem mobility.
Put a pillow under your hips after sex for at least an hour. This helps the sprem get to where it needs to be.
I can’t think of any more right now. But if i do i’ll you know.
Good Luck. Keep me posted!!
*it takes an average healty couple 3-6 months to conceive
ParticipantHummm….well it takes a month for the pills to start working. THe only pill that i had been on i had to take the sunday after i got my period. So you got your period right?
I you did like i think you did then there was a minium of 6 days after your period that you had sex. most normal menstrual cycle are 28 days, you would only be able to get pregnant two weeks after your period and two weeks before your next. assuming that your period is normal (24-30 days apart) i would say that your fine. But everyones bodies are different and sometimes plays tricks on you so there is a very SMALL chance that you are pregnant. I don’t think you are.
Hope thins helps. Good luck. Keep me posted!Jonluver
Participantthat’s normal. i gained 5 lbs in my first month. But be carefull because your only supposed to gain between 25 and 30 lbs. Gaining too much weight can be bad for the baby.
ParticipantNo. Abousultly not!!!!! If you are pregnant your are considered an immancipated teenager. You and ONLY you can make your medical desicions. No one can force you to murder your child!!
I went through the same thing. My mom tried to force me to have an abortion. She took me to the doctors and everything. She told the doctor i was having an abortion. I said no i wasn’t. The doctor told her she had no say. I was the only one now that could make my medical desicion and she would not do the surgery. There was nothing my mom could do about it!!!! 🙂Hope that helps!!
ParticipantI always thought i was showing. but i miscarriaged at 8 weeks three days. So i never mad it that far. 🙁
Everytime i would lay down i had a little bump to my belly. I was convinced it was the baby. But i had always had that. i just wanted to believe it was the baby.Jonluver
Participantsure you can ask anything.
Participanti know how you feel. I gained 8 lbs in my first two months.
The first month i gained 5 and the second i gained three. I don’t know if it’s normal. All i know is I could NOT stop eating!!!! That was all i would do. From the second i woke up to the second i went to sleep. I take it you don’t have any sickness. I had none. Maybe thats why. Hope this helped.Jonluver
Participanti know excatly what your going through. I got pregnant when i was 17. I was so scared. I ended up having a miscarriage at 8 weeks 3 days. My fiancee and i have been trying to get pregnant now for the last 10 months and nothing.
I have been doing alot of research on it. Here are tips:Have sex every other day. It takes 48 hours for a man to produce more sprem. And that way when you do ovulate there will be enough sperm in place.
But a pillow under your hips right after. and lay there for at least an hour. This way your directing the sprem into to and your giving it enough time to get down there.
get ovulation predictors. that way you can pinpoint excatly when your are fertile.
Relax! That’s the biggest advice i can give you. The more stress you are under the harder it is to conceive. Did you know that most couples trying to conceive don’t conceive untill after they’ve stopped trying.
Hope this helps! For an average healthy couple it normally takes 3-6 months to conceive.
Participantin my opion abortion is not the answer. It is murder. Please think it over. If you REALLY can’t keep the baby you can always opt for adoption. Just think of all the really wonderful couples out there that can’t have kids. They could give your baby a wonderful life. There are adoptions that called open adoptions meaning you get to have contact with your baby.
Just think it over. have you read the stories in here about women who got abortions and how they regret it. You’ll regret it later in life.
I work with a women who had her son when she was 13. She graduated from high school and went on to get her college degree. (she graduated with a 3.82 might i add) her son is now 9 years old. And she wouldn’t change anything for the world. she was scared and hide it from her parents. They didn’t find out untill they got a call from the hospital that she was in labor. Instead of her parents being mad that she was having a baby they were mad that she didn’t tell them earlier so she didn’t have to go through it all alone.
You can do this. You are strong.
Just please think it over.
Write back and give me an update.Jonluver
Participantfirst thing you need to do is calm down and find out if you really are pregnant. You need to find someone you can trust and talk to them about it. Whether it’s your boyfriend or a friend. Preferribly an adult. Like a teacher, older sibling, school nurse, or an older relative. I had the same thing happen to me when i was 15. I told one of my friends that i thought i was pregnant. She told her mother, who called my school and pretended to be my mom. She took me to famliy planning (which is like planned parenthood) and i got a pregnancy test. Turned out i wasn’t pregnant.
Once you know for sure (and if you are), then you should tell your parents. I know it’s scary to tell them but you have to. Your not a little kid any more. It’s something you have to do. And they can’t kick you out. They will probably be disapointed and it may seem like they’re mad. But your their baby and they love you no matter what.But if they do get mad (like mine did when i got pregnant at 17) and try to make you have an abortion. DON’T LET THEM!!! You have the right to NOT have one. Fight for it. If they drag to get one done tell a nurse.
Hope this helps. I hope things work out for you!