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jjs mom
ParticipantJust thought i’d let you sll know, i’am NOT pregnant!! the VCF actually does wouldn’t have been a bad thing but i’am pretty glad i’am not..take care ladies
jjs mom
Participanti dont know if anyone has read my post from my last pregnancy but…I HAVE horriable heartburn AGAIN and i dont even know if i’am pregnant, i have another week till my period is due but heartburn is kicking my ass agin..should i take this as a sign?? ahh lol
jjs mom
ParticipantThanks for your response, i’am married the, 29th of this month will make 4yrs. everyone of my pregnancies have been with my husband, if i do end up pregnant this time i plan to keep the child although i dont feel i’am ready to have another child, i’am not ready to have ANOTHER abortion. I did some research on VCF and out of every 100 that have used it 15-20 have fallen pregnant and it has no hormones (it is a specide), i’ll bet anything i have been one of those 15-20 lol, well my son would appreciate a sibling and i’m wouldnt be upset, the child would not be unwanted so, i guess its not so bad..Thanks again
jjs mom
Participantso i went to sleep crying, woke up crying and am still crying. although i do not let my husband se in his own ways he was hinting to me that it was wrong. i don’t know what to really do with my self. i was pregnant for 13weeks and i wake up this morning and its gone, my baby who had no voice to be heard, who only counted on it’s mommy to protect it but i’m the one who killed him, it just makes me think am i a good mom? i love my 4yr old very much and i don’t think i can live without him but yet i didn’t give my other baby a chance, i knew it was wrong what i did but yet i did it. i had a 1hr and a 1/2 drive to manhattan to think about what i was doing but yet the whole way there i thought nothing, my 6hour wait i thought nothing but when i woke up from that bed afterward, the only thing i could do was feel my stomach and cry. the nurses keep me there longer cause they said i was hyperventilating, i really don’t remember much of that, i was put to sleep and what felt like 1min later i woke up to my baby gone. what have done i can never get that back ever i killed my baby, i would never enflict pain on my son ever, i can’t even stand to see him cry, when he gets his shots at the doctors i have his dad go in the room with him cause he looks at me with those eye as if saying "your my mommy why did you let them hurt me" but my unborn never had the chance to give me that look and had no one protect him except me and io killed him, you see i did have 2 abortions in the past that honestly and sad to say it really had no affect on me, i took the test and automatically, we knew we had to get an abortion, no thoughts on keeping it and i did it at 6weeks, so i never saw a sono of those babies and never mention them to anyone, i just went on with my life, so i guess i never really understood why some girls were so emotional about it, i figured no big deal but at the time i had those abortions i was heavy into drugs, not an addict i still had job, feed, bath and done everything else my son needed, no one really knew but it effected my desision on things, i guess it made me heartless. this child i planned on keeping i told anybody that would listen that i’m having a BABY!!! on my birthday i sat in the doctors for 3 hours for my intial ob vist and i got my first sono of my baby, i said that is the best birthday present i could get, to see my baby has a heart beat and is alive and ok, i got baby clothes and bottles but because i decided to be a coward, scared financially and what if my husband was to leave us again or star drugs again what will i do. me and my husband do not have a healthy relationship, we argue alot, we just got back together after being split up for 6months and befor that we were only together 6months, i have been with him since i was 16 and i’am now 22 but next month will mark 6months we are back together, we are alot better now and to work things out rather than argue, it was very volent before and not just on his behalf. well my point is everything came flooding back to me and i killed the child i loved, i came home and all i could think was "did i really do this" for all of you out there that are considering doing this, YOU CAME ON THIS SITE BECAUSE YOU CARE AND YOU REALLY DON’T WANT TO GET AN ABORTION AND WHEN YOU GO THAT EXTRA STEP TO LOOK UP THIS WEBSITE INSTEAD OF JUST SCHEDULING YOUR APPT AND GOING. YOU SHOULD NOT DO IT BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT TO. I know who am i to preach but i’m not, i’m only stating the obvious that was right in front of my face. well sorry its so long i just had to get it all out.
jjs mom
Participanti got heartburn really bad about 2 weeks after i concieved and before this pregnancy i was pregnant and i knew way before i even missed a period, i was sick, vomiting and everything elsel you can t hink of:ohmy:
jjs mom
ParticipantHoney fish die very easy and there is a big difference between a fish and a baby. once you have your baby your mother instincts well kick in right away and you will do anything to protect your baby, when i was pregnant with my son, i was always thinking negative things like what if i leave him somewhere by accident or i used to have dreams that i left him in a taxi when we were coming home from the hospital but as long as you don’t have thoughts about intentionally hurting your baby, you should be okay it its normal to be nerveous.
jjs mom
Participanthoney it sounds to me that you are very much pregnant!! i suggest you take a pregnancy test now, i think you should tell your bf but if you are going to take the test now then you can wait for the results to tell him but i think you are. well good luck keep me posted
jjs mom
Participanti really wouldn’t worry about it to much. okay so did you bleed after you took the pill maybe like 1 or 2 days after cause then that wouldn’t have really been your period right? so you weren’t really late. i took the morning after pill a couple of times and yes it throws your cycle off after the first 2 periods you should be ok and notice if your cycle is back on track. hope i helped alittle
jjs mom
Participantwell actually i found out the day my period was due, i was at the store so i brought a test i was gonna wait but i figured what the hell if it doesn’t show i will just wait to see if i get my period but it showed postive
jjs mom
Participantwell if you guy’s had sex for the FIRST time oct.31 there is no way a pregnancy test will show positive. i suggest you take it again and if it sills shows up postive…well i suggest you talk to you girlfriend, there is no way pregnancy horomones will show up in 7 days. good luck
jjs mom
Participanthoney i’am telling you right now if you are going to keep that baby you need to get out of there, pregnany is suppose to be a beautiful happy thing not for you to be misarable all the time, go home to your family, and if you can’t do that there are plenty of places that will help you just look it up, i know it sounds scarey starting over and raising your kid on your own but in the end you will realize it’s the best thing you caould do for your baby cause things will only get worst the further along in your pregancy you get, you will need more and you will want more attention. so think about your baby and go far away from that man, when your gone he might realize that he wants his family and change mine was the same way when i left, he realized what he lost, we are still married and happily, he is the best father in the world and now he knows what life is like without me and his son and he dosen’t want that he nneds us as much as we need him, so go babe give him time to think, you are bringing something so beautiful beyond words into this world and you need to enjoy that.. i you need to talk i’m here keep me posted. (don’t let him put his hands on you!!) if he does call the police hopefully your landlord will understand
jjs mom
Participanthoney i think you need to tell somebody if you can’t tell your mom then maybe tell your sister, trust me it is so much better when somebody knows and can help you sort those feelings that you have, even if you tell an adult that you trust. it is not safe to keep it to your self you need prenatal care and what happens when you are about to give birth what will you have for that baby?? you need to get yourself prepared for this baby, and the only way to do so is to admit your pregnant tell somebody sweetie
jjs mom
Participantwell if i have a girl (not pregnant yet!!) i want to name her ava tiara or olivia i like those names, i think jasmine is a beautiful name but my husband say’s if we do have a girl we can not name her that. well good luck. let me know what you have chosen
jjs mom
Participantactually my pregnancy was not planned i was 16 and i came from foster care with no where to live so i moved in with my sister, from there my boyfriend(now my husband) helped me rent a room (which was not such a great place to live) i worked 2 jobs, then i idid something stupid got arrested and fired from both jobs, so the only thing to do was move in with my boyfriend, he lived at his mothers house and she did not even know i lived there cause his room was in the basement, about 2 months after i moved in we broke up and i had 1 week to move.that day my friend called me and told me she might pregnant and wanted me to go with her to buy a test, since it came with 2 she made me take one, funny thing is she told me to tell her her results cause she didn’t want to look, so i looked at mine and then hers, she had one line so i said omg your pregnant, when she looked at it she said it only has 1 line why would you think i was pregnant and thats when it hit me, i told her cause my has 2 lines and i’m not pregnant!! so again we headed to the store and brought another test with 2 in it and there it was in front of me 3 postive results. everything just hit me at once i knew i couldn’t get an abortion so right there i took my cigs out my pocket book and threw them in the trash. no was time to tell my bf, he came to my friends and he really didn’t know what to say he was only 19. his mom was happy but my sisters on the other hand tried over and over to convince me to get an abortion, my oldest sister hade her son at 17 and the other who is only 1yr older then me had her son at 15. i knew it was hard but i had to take responsabilty for my actions, i saw my mother at a store oneday when i was already 4months and she looked at me and said wow you look pregnant and thats how she found out, she is into drugs and everything and i just don’t talk to my dad, so my sisters were pretty much all i had, and my baby’s grandma she treated me like i was her daughter even though she didn’t like me, she speaks spanish and i understand a little, i heard her telling people it was because she felt bad for me, anyway i did not let anybody convince me to abort my baby. during my pregnancy i felt trapped even thought of suicided but i couldn’t do that to my baby. when i was 6months preg i was told my baby would have down syndrom and spineabifda and that i could do an abortion legally cause ther was something wrong with the pregnancy and it was a health risk to me. again i refused this was my baby mental defect or not, my bf and his mother started showing me oics of his cousn who had down syndrom and couldn’t walk and just keep telling me that i wouldn’t be able to care for a "retarted" baby, they said he also had hydronerprosis which is kidney problems, the only person i had that i felt understood me was my baby, who i already loved so much, i read to him in my belly and let him listen to the baby einstien cds. i didn’t really have any friends and my sisters were to busy ith there kids, so it was just me and my bf, and when we were alone i could tell that he loved this baby as much as i did. so nov. 22 i had my baby a healthy 9lb boy, no defects at all, they took him to do surgery right after he was born for his kidney’s about 15 mins later they brought him back and said there was nothing wrong at all, they were showing me the sonograms that clearly showed his enflamed kidneys taken 1 day before i gave birth but god loved him as much as i did he was perfect absolutely nothing wrong. but… when he was 3 months me and his dad split, i was living in a tiny room with my son, at this point so many emotions were running through my head my bf and his mom threaten to take custody cause of where i live and how i was taking care of him but they kicked me out on purpose, i thought about giving him up to them aor adoption aor just leaving him at a safe haven but i caouldn’t do it, i would yell at him , get mad at him but he was ony 4months old and would just look at me with his innocent eyes as if he was telling me it’s not his fault, i detcahed myself from him i wpould just let him cry, i did all the things that needed to be done feed him , change him, bath him and make sure he was not cold but i couldnt get that connection with him as if i felt it was all his fault, then oneday something just clicked and i screw his father what was happen between us was not his fault this is the same baby i fought so hard to keep and wheater i wanted to i was a mother and i needed to be there for him emotionally from that day on my world revovled around him my angel, the lil boy who would wipe my tears when i cry, who just knew when i was sad and ask " mommy are you mad at me?" my response was i could never be mad at you, your the only thingh that makes me happy evev at the worst times, when i was sad he knew it and would do something to make me laugh, he is my livesaver my guardian angel, with out him i don’t think i could continue living, i can’t breath a day with out that little boy, i continue through this hard life a don’t give up for him, he is the most amazing little boy i have ever known and not just cause he is my son but everyone who has meet my son tells me the samething, he does not like to see people sad or crying and will five you anything you ask for, you can ask for his shirt and no lie he will take it off. but has for goverment help i did recieve some help they paid my med bills, helped pay for fooad and daycare, i also got help from a program called T.A.S.A, they gave me car seats and i got free pampers for 8months it was only suppose to be 3 months but everyone there really like my son so they continue giving them to me, free cloths brand new not used, they were a big help but i really had nobady for emotional support i have learned to be this strong on my own and with the help of my son……sorry it’s so long any question feel free to write me
jjs mom
Participanti understand what you are going through i too had an abortion my baby would of been 9 months now but i didn’t feel i could care for another child, i have a son who is going to be 4 in 3weeks and i’am only 21, but i don’t know how i can really justify keeping one baby and not the other and my son is always asking me for a brother or sister and it tears me up inside that he could of had that but i took it away, that bond that he would have had with his sibling, but i’am ready now and am going to try to have another one. so what i’m saying is try not to be so hard on your self whats done can’t be undone but showing that you have unconditional love for the unborn child you lost, you will make a great mother when you decide you are ready to have a child. god will forgive you but you need to forgive yourself