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  • in reply to: I kept her #27843

    i know i dont know you but i have to say i praise you for your courage!

    in reply to: really confused :S #27839

    that just happened recently to me. not exactly but close. when i went in for the bleeding they told me that id lost the baby. i hope this is not the case for you. wishing you lots of luck!

    in reply to: Could I be pregnant? #27838

    i hope you got your wish. much luck!

    in reply to: Sudden need to gain weight? #27837

    weird but normal. but make sure you dont gain 2 much 2 fast.
    hope this helps.

    in reply to: Bleeding? #27836

    if you are pregnant its normal but still something to get checked out. if youre not then im not sure. hope this helps.

    in reply to: 19 & pregnant.. not sure which decision to make. #27835

    i hope you chose not to abort but its not my life, its yours. if it were me, and keeping it not an option, id choose adoption. there are women out in this world that can not have children but dream of being a mother, this gives them that option and you a way out.

    in reply to: Lost Friendship… #27834

    it sounds to me like hes jealous of the other guy you compared him to. it sounds like he really likes you. im not sure what you should do but i think you should let him know exactly how you feel about him, no jokes just a serious conversation about the 2 of you.

    in reply to: WHY DO I FEEL SO BAD #27833

    my advice would be to open up to him, it lets him know you care enough to let him in. i did not do this with the only man ive ever been completely in love with and i lost him. hell never come back because he doesnt think id care enough to try.

    in reply to: agh :( #27832

    from my experience only! my EX man can always look me in the eye except when hes lying. if this is how it is with ollie i would say actions speak louder than words and he cheated. if this is the case, i would say give him a choice, stay with you because hes in love with you or hit the road. but no woman, nor man for that matter, deserves to be cheated on. sorry i couldnt be of more help and wish you luck!

    in reply to: My hidden bubble #27831

    i know exactly how you feel. but its not true. your not a bad mother for not knowing and even if you did know you cant prevent everything. my son jumps on me without warning all the time and lands usually right in the middle of my stomach. i knew i was pregnant last month but i still couldnt stop my son from jumping on me then i found out the day before his 2nd birthday that i lost my 2nd child. but there was nothing i could have done to prevent it. it just happens. but be happy that being so little your little angel will be in the care of heavens angels. i ask my grandmothers and my sister who are in heaven to watch over mine all the time and have faith that they will do so. thats about all you can do. wish i could help more but thats all i know.

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