I kept her

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      I just wanted to share an update with you all….My oldest is 8 yrs old, her dad wanted me to have an abortion. I almost gave in but thankfully I did not….We split up, he told me the baby was not his and he hoped we both died, I ended up with a restraining order but then when she was born we got back together…I endured an emotionally abusive relationship for over a year before I finally put my foot down to protect myself and my daughter from further damage! Anyways The last time he saw her was Christmas when she was 2, 6 years ago….4 days ago he called me out of the blue and asked if he could see her, he came over with a gift and a fiance, he was sober and kind…He has since talked to her twice and we plan on having dinner next week with both of our families….the point of all of this is that we were both kids, we had no idea of the real world, I grew up quicker than he did but he is growing up now and that is what counts, Abortion never fixes anything…where would the closure be if I did not have her? Would he feel the need to make things right for flaking on me if I didn’t still have my daughter? We would both be left with a gaping wound rather than an amazing girl to show for….anyways I just wanted to share that it took 6 years for him to get things in order and realize what he is missing but now, because I made the choice to Stand Up, he gets a second chance…you can Stand Up too, it is possible to do it on your own and come out on top! Love and Merry Christmas….Meg


        i know i dont know you but i have to say i praise you for your courage!

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