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  • in reply to: Boyfriend Problems #20537

    Try talking about the lost baby, ever so gently, it is hard to accept another baby when you haven’t grieved, so he maybe in that place of needing to talk about his loss.

    in reply to: abortion #20530

    Yea I was 18 too.

    in reply to: Depression? #20327

    As a young mother you need to be out of there. Your mother in law needs medical input, she maybe suffering bi-polar and going through the down stage of the illness. Anyway your concern is for yourself , baby and man. All the best and let us know how you get on.

    in reply to: Help :-/ #20326

    Hi Some women do know very early if they are with child. I used to get bloated after sex but it was an allergy to sperm.

    in reply to: Choices #20260

    Hey there, you are in that group who really do not need abortion. Having your baby will help you develop who you really are and besides you already are bonded with your baby. And you parents will be so proud of you when they come to see baby when she/he is born. Just hang in there and in a little while you will feel a whole lot more positive about your situation. All the best.

    in reply to: BABY ÉABHA (Ava) IS HERE!!! #20251

    Welcome baby Eabha, lovely to hear you and your mommy are doing just fine.

    in reply to: pregnant teens in abusive relationships #20100

    Hi any update on how you are doing?

    in reply to: Had Abortion but Due Date is January 16 #20082

    Did you give your baby a name?
    It will be emotional and a good time to talk about your feelings to someone you trust. Tears can be helpful at this time.

    in reply to: no support and no answers, please help! #19975

    Hi how’s it going.
    Did you get any help with housing?
    You will be surprised at how much stuff you are given when baby comes. My daughter has lots of baby clothes, really nice, some hardly worn and some brand new. People also gave her a pushchair and bouncy chair and even a cot.
    All the best

    in reply to: circumcision?? #19937

    Is circumcision another of those medical procedures that are just a step too far? I know it is a requirement for the Jewish people isn’t it? Why would God require something like this?

    in reply to: Fun thread… Were You Convinced?? #19885

    I asked my daughter where she was going to sit the new baby in the car when it was born. She said the boy will be in the front and "the girls" in the back. At the time we looked at each other. When the baby came… you guessed it! A Girl. My daughter says she did not know with her head but something in her knew.

    in reply to: pregnant teens in abusive relationships #19864

    Have you got any other support, your mum, your dad, sister, teachers?
    Is your boyfriend having any supoort from any adults?
    Let us know how you are getting on.

    in reply to: Wrong choice #19810

    Hope Alive really works for this issue, it is very tough going but it goes there.

    in reply to: childbirth #19809

    I had 2 natural births with a bit of gas and air at the end. It was very painfulsome of the time but I am glad I did it.

    in reply to: omg..i cnt believe what i did.. #19805

    I’m thinking of you Lauren.

    in reply to: Premature Girls Wanting Babies #19796

    Maybe it is to do with wanting to be cared for as a baby. A deeply felt and ancient longing going back to her own babylife. Then there is a strong drive to life that females experience, if the female is from a neglecting home situation she is unlikely to have sufficient social skills and education in place to work out the reality from the fairytale. She wants the dream life, add to this a boy coming on with a lot of interest and she thinks it is love and falls for the oldest con "I love you and will care for you".

    in reply to: ever had an abortion? #19767

    I experienced other deaths in my family, including suicide and becoming an orphan in childhood, all of that pales into insignificance when compared to my babys death at 10 weeks pregnant. Even now after so many years and a lot of grief counselling I just can;t sort it. Besides which some men become impotent after pushing their girls into abortion, there is something really ghastly about doing this to self and others. It goes against life, and life kicks back.

    in reply to: no support and no answers, please help! #19766

    Being pregnant when you are young is a good thing, it is only our crazy culture that makes you think you are not able to do this. You are able to have your baby and the baby will help you become good parents, by gazing at you and smiling and cooing when you understand what the baby needs. You may need a bit of help with getting a home and if you approach churches or helping agencies they will be pleased to help. However, the person who you need most is your boyfriend, encourage him to look after you, be kind to each other. Let us know how you are getting on.

    in reply to: Wrong choice #19765

    I am sorry you are sad, in a way that is a healthy reaction to the loss of your pregnancy. Allow yourself to feel what you feel.
    Write it down as you may want to refer back to it if you get stuck. You will need support of others who know what you are going through, there are some really helpful people out there and some shark so take care.

    in reply to: Wrong choice #19753

    This is the time to cry and be sad, allow yourself to feel your feelings. Try to write it down as later you may want to read it again.

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