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ParticipantHm well form your telling me there isnt a way you could be pregnant? Are you sure about that? Have you had sex at all before you period was late in May? If you have unprotected or not you can be. I advise to really go and take a test because prenatal care is so dearly important to your childs life.
Expensive huh? Ya it can be so why don’t you go to your nearest dollar store in town and pick one up. Surprisingly they are VERY reliable :] If not, then google a local clinic near your house..they often give tests for free :]
Ok so once you have taken a test and if it does come up negative, then ask yourself some questions…because a delayed period for this long isnt normal unless something else is happenening:
~Changed Birth control pill, or are you on any form of contraceptives that could delay your period?
~Stress: Stress can easily delay a period.
~Have you changed or done anything differently?
These questions can further help you understand whats going on. If pregnancy is not the cause the definitely go BACK to that clinic (or while your there) ask them for help. The have qualified medical professsionals there to help.
I wish the best sweetie :] Feel free to PM me if you want.
ParticipantHm well the puking feeling doesnt happen until the 2nd month I believe? But for every women its different.
And depending on when you took your test you could have taken it too early. Wait like another week and a half and if your period still hasnt come try taking another one.
Like me I’ve worried a few times about being prego but I never was….all of the symptoms I was feelign was either from an upcoming period or stress. Prego symptoms can be very frustrating because they are simlar to symptoms you get near your period. I wish you the best! Just try and relax…think positive :] ok
Msg me if you want to chat
ParticipantYa for realz. I wonder why? I mean our society has drilled it into our heads that all we are supposed to want it lots of sex without the messes? And why is our society making us feel like the children we have (at any age) is a disease? I dont get it?
Participantthanks! I probably dont :p Ive never cramped when i was ovulating but maybe my body is changing and im starting too ;p
Participantwow! I know exactly how you feel! My pill works tooo good at times :[ ya i take a prego test every month and instead of getting happy i get dissapointed. Its getting better now…im not desperate anymore….but all the time im thinking could i be carrying his child now?
And you are definitely not alone
ParticipantThe same thing is happening to me!
And thanks for replying to my topic :]
Soo…I’ve considered pregnancy as well but I have also been very stressed out over graduation and moving out. Preg symptomos I’ve heard are so simliar to stress and period symptoms….(like that hels anything).
What I would do is closer to your epriod go get a preg test from the dollar store. Thats where I buy mine. Come to find out they are very reliable! I LOVE them! Go get one and try not to worry
We have just been using the pill for about 3 months now and I’ve took 2 tests and they have all come out neg.
Have you missed any pills are takin any more than an hour after the usual time?
Participanthmm..ya thats weird? I’ll have to research it more becuase they hurt bad and I had like 2 weeks b4 my period. Now I only have 10 days and the cramping has subsided. I just get a cramp every now and then. So idk we”ll see lol
ParticipantYa I need t get one at the end of this month too.
I’m sure its negative but im interested to find out.
Make sure you get ur shot on time!DaniBell
ParticipantGo and get a test girl :] it will clear up any confusion. You can get reliable tests and the dollar store ;] thats where I get mine
Participantnope your not the only one. It is good to wait even though my heart doesnt want to and it makes me a lil sad from time to time…I must.
lamo Its kind of like my body is telling me ok! its time! Your at prime start poppin them out :p! lol
ParticipantHe is soooooooo adorable :] I love his eyes! congrats!!!
ParticipantYa exactly. ;p 21 is a good age but it seems so far away lol. I guess right now if I get prego I know I could manage and take care of the things I need to. Yes it will be hard..but I have support.
ParticipantAny other advice?
ParticipantHey! I wanted to ask you a question. Your about a few months older thaqn I am. My bday is in august :]. Any who I saw that you were trying to have a baby. How are you and your bf going to take care of everything (financially). I was just wondering because I do want a bf wants to wait so we arent trying but I’m trying to figure out the money side of it. Any advice? :p
ParticipantI believe natural birth is the best way to go, in my opinion. Although, it isnt for everyone and there are some mothers who need help.
I believe and know our bodies can do it naturally. God designed us to give birth and made us strong enough to handle everything else that comes with it.
Of course…that does not make it easy. My grandmother had all 5 of her children naturally including one that was 10lbs!!! She said it hurt alot but she would never do it any other way. Now, my mother on the other hand had me with medication. She could not handle the pain. This does not make someone “less” of a women. Everyone is different and so is our pain tolerance.
I’ve heard of many stories where a women take medication when they gives birth and regret it because they did not get to experience the full effect of delivering their babies. They say the experience was almost stolen from them.
Giving birth is a very powerful thing and makes women amazing. If you want to give birth naturally DO IT! It’s hard but I know it will be worth it. :]
I’m planning on having my future children naturally myself. But don’t feel less of a women if you need help. Birthing a child is hard work.
I wish you the best.
-William Donald Cramer
-Michael Steven CramerDaughters:
-Amelia Salvatrice Cramer
-Nahlia Cramerjust a few I’ve thought of… lol
ParticipantMy fiance is going into the Coast gaurd next year. I’m afriad as well. I know he will be alright but its going to be hard without him.
Althoough girl you gotta keep your head up and look at the positives. You and your children will be covered with medical and taken care of. You have alot of perks being a military wife.
I wish you the best :]
Participanthmm well what I would do is get a home pregnancy test or go see a doctor.
Its better not to sit there and worry and try to figure it out. Your only gonna give yourself a headache. I know hpt’s can be pricey but there are test available and dollar tree or family dollar. idk if you have a dollar store around your house? I’ve used them and they work just as good :]
I wish you the best and try not to worry..I do that waaaay too much. More than I need to lol :p
ParticipantThanks so much for the reply^^
Yes, I do think It’s a womenly instinct and I also know your right. I guess I’m just so in love him and wanting to experience everything that comes with finding “the one” We are saving up for our wedding..and that will come in time just like a baby will.I need to be realistic. It’s hard becuase I know what my heart wants but then my mind kicks in and loads all the complications on top of things. I’m just gonna take one step at a time…I know his fam would blow a fit if something like that happened. I don’t want to put him through that.
Thanks so much again 🙂