Hey everyone! I was wondering if anybody had spotting inbetween their periods and it turned out to be pregnancy?
My last period ended on Feb 4th. I had very light spotting on Feb. 17th this month (a few small red drops), with pink tinged discharge when I went to the bathroom, only saw it two times that day when I went to the bathroom and wiped, but never on my undies. I also had veryvery dull cramps, kind of sore but not bad at all. The next day I was fine, no spotting, no dull aches. My periods have always been irregular, usually they come anywhere from 28-35 days. Even though I had spotting on the 17th this month, my period shouldn’t be due until at least the 4th of next month. I’ve never had this happen to me before. I honestly think its another trick my hormones are playing on me, but who knows. I also heard that ovulation could cause the same thing to happen, but I’ve never experienced this before. And I’ve also been peeing a lot more, its really kind of annoying..lol.
Anybody have this and found out they were pregnant?