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ParticipantGirl, your story put me on an emotional roller coaster..:(
You have alot that you’re striving for.. You sound like you’re really intelligent and responsible.. and I wish you the best. I only pray you chose to give this baby life. This child deserves the oportunities (I hate that word, I always spell it wrong) that you have. Imagine the huge things your child could do with your genes passed on???
Hey, if they babys daddy wants it, why don’t you keep it and give custody to the father?? Never mind.. my heart got ahead of my brain.. you plan on staying together…
Well, I’ll be praying for this whole situation.. I don’t have much advice for you.. sorry..but I can give you love and support..Child_of_God
ParticipantMy 20 yr old son has ‘undetermined’ chronic inflammatory bowel disease, my 16 yr old has an ‘undetermined’ learning disability- he was born 6 1/2 weeks preemie-they had dx’ed aspergers but retracted that and called it ‘undetermined’, and my 11 yr old daughter has spina bifida w/ chronic renal failure, neurogenic bowel and bladder is ‘short in stature’- she has no learning problems that we are aware of yet, other than dysgraphia (but my husband and 14 yr old son have that also- I just call it sloppy slop monster) Wow.. 4 for 4.. guess its true “nobody is perfect”
My daughter is the ‘sickest’ of them all, I was under the impression she was my punishment for having an abortion. But when I found the Lord, He gave me this scripture:
John 9:1-3 ” As he passed by he saw a man blind from birth.His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”Jesus answered, “Neither he nor his parents sinned; it is so that the works of God might be made visible through him.”
She has a purpose.. And she is truly living it out.. She shouldn’t walk, she should be paralyzed from the waist down, she walks, runs, plays soccer, skateboards, she is as close to perfect as she can be..Child_of_God
ParticipantHey Rachel. I’m from SoCal. I’m fairly new here too. I’m here basically to lend support and advice.. But most spread love.. ;0)
Participantumm.. necro something or another, something colitis- I’ve heard a little about this when I’ve been @ UCLA with Aimee on a couple of her extended stays! This is just the rough beginning, things will settle down as you settle in to having a ‘special’ baby. It’s rough, I know that well, I was 25 when I had my special baby girl, and 20 when my son was born, but he was a breeze once his lungs got stronger. You’re still young and there is alot of life experience that hasn’t made you strong enough to deal with this (I’m not trying to sound harsh, I just don’t know how to word this right sorry) I’m saying that my experience when I was 20 with my second son and my experience when I was 25 actually like 27 because she didn’t get really sick til she was 2- with my daughter was easier to deal with and I know it was just that I had grown up more in those years. But I know you’ll be fine- and remember doctors usually give you worse case scenario- because people are much less likely to try to sue a doctor if they tell them that the situation will only get worse and it gets better than if they say it will get better and it gets worse.. ya know.. hang in there
ParticipantHey.. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I’m thinking about you. Don’t let your head get in the way, my second son was born premature and stayed in the hospital 2 weeks or so.. it was rough, my last child, my daughter, was born with Spina Bifida and has had a life of surgery and sickness.. for the first 3 yrs of her life I lived with guilt that it was my fault, that is the furthest thing from the truth…you have no control over it unless you were knowingly using drugs while you were pregnant, even then, the drug is to blame- I am here for you if you need me. Keep strong for you baby and if you need to vent- I’m here. by the way.. what is his illness?
ParticipantHi. You really need to go to the doctor, maybe its an ectopic pregnancy that can be dangerous to your health, or maybe it’s a cyst on your ovaries.. it could be anything, better safe than sorry. Let us know how it goes
ParticipantHey Beautiful! I’m sorry you have had to go through all this. It’s a tough situation, and I’m glad you stopped cutting and told your mom. I will be praying for you to make the right decision for you and those babies, they are a gift from God, something beautiful to remind you that you are loved even if it is the result of something so messed up. I was raped by a boyfriend at 15 and it messed with my mind for a long time. You heard those heartbeats and fell in love…its a natural thing to do. If you can’t keep them yourself please give them up for adoption, there is someone out there praying to God for the chance to be a parent and they would care for your little ones and love them. Life will never be the same if you terminate this pregnancy, it will be a long hard road. I worry because you were cutting, and fear that you will do worse with the guilt of terminating the pregnancy. Please call the numbers you were given and seek out some counselling. And Please PLEASE feel free to contact me if you just need an ear..
ParticipantHey there! Try hooking up with a pregnancy resource center in your area, I believe that the Crisis Pregnancy Help Line listed on the right here, can help you. If not look under abortion alternatives in your yellow pages.
I hope all goes well for you.Child_of_God
ParticipantI’m sorry you had to go through that. I am constantly watching out and being suspicious of anyone around my daughter. I know how damaging it can be, my husband was molested as a child and we still have issues because of it. You are a strong person, I can tell. You are to be commended for speaking out to warn others of the dangers. The good news is that you can break that generational curse, it can stop with you and will not be passed onto your children or their children or even their childrens children. God bless you. I have no advice really other than to seek the strength of Christ and find that healing. But it seems that you are well on your way.
ParticipantMy heart is breaking for you right now. I know exactly how you are feeling. The good news is that you are recognizing it now and not having to suffer through years of guilt and destruction. There is hope and there is love to pull you out of it. Try to imagine your baby in the arms of Christ being comforted. That is where your baby is, waiting for the day he/she can see you and tell you that it’s ok and you are loved. Look for your closests pregnancy resource center and find a post abortion counselling, it really helps you deal with those feelings. I had to go through it before I could become a peer counselor and I didn’t realize how deep my guilt and shame ran and how deeply rooted my issues were in this. It was freeing and to know that JESUS forgives me and loves me helped me get through it, I was able to release my baby and find comfort in the fact that I had given my child to Christ to care for. It will never bring your baby back to you hear on earth but it will make it easier. PLEASE don’t wait too long, life spins out of control too quickly for you to wait. and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me if you need to talk. That is why I joined up here, if I can be of help to just one person and make just a bit of difference it makes it all worth it. God bless you and comfort you.
Participantsome pregnancy resource centers offer sonogram with sound. you may consider finding one and taking him with you.
ParticipantIts all an adjustment. You took the first step in quitting all the things you were doing. It’s going to be rough and you might want to go back to it afterwards, but don’t its too easy to get sucked back into that world and the drugs make you thingk you’re super mom and you really aren’t. You don’t realize the affect it all has on your child until they are grown up and you start to notice what all they saw has done to them.
These feelings are all normal for you to feel before a big change in your life. Its like your mind is going over all that was and all that is going to be, playing tricks on you with all the what ifs and worst case scenarios.
The future will be better than the past, you will find joy in life and the life you have created. YOu will find any lonliness filled with companionship from someone who loves you even when you’re ugly or moody. Enjoy these years because believe me, as much as you may have heard it before it is true- these years pass by so fast and you never get them back.. I learned my lesson.. I was thinking about it the other day when I realized my first born will be 20 on weds and I can’t recall the baby years..drugs took that from me…Child_of_God
ParticipantHey girl,
I have read the advice everyone else has given you on the abortion and it is great advice, not more than I can say other than really consider their advice. And I know that you asked not to bring up God and I’m not going to exactly, I just want to ask you about your son, you said that he got sick and you don’t believe in God after that? Did he pass away? The reason I’m asking is to understand why you gave up on God. Maybe I can share a bit of my story with you, and of course it will make a case for God and why you shouldn’t give up on Him.
You are loved and being prayed for. I understand if you don’t respond to me and if you do and absolutely don’t want me to talk about God I won’t. I just want to be there for you if you need me. I know you don’t know me but I can tell you, I have walked through this with a few ladies and I am truly a lover of people and my heart breaks when someone is hurting.Child_of_God
ParticipantI pray that you changed your mind. It seems that lives will be destroyed if you have the baby, but lives will be destroyed even more if you did go through with it. The two lives that matter most, yours and the babys. If you did go through with it please seek counselling now, even if it seems to not have affected you it will and it can be masked or blamed on other circumstances. It NEVER really GETS BETTER IN TIME, its just like a piece of gum on the floor, other things stick to it until you can’t see the gum anymore, you can see everthing that has stuck to it, but you have to look realy hard to recognize that underneath all the other stuff is a piece of gum, where it all started, and even if you clean all the other stuff off of it, it is never really the same. I know that probably sounded dumb, but that’s how my life felt afterwords, things would just stick to me, and I finally cleaned up my life but my heart isn’t the same.
ParticipantI’m sorry you had to go through that. I totally know what you’re feeling, my baby would be almost 18 now. My life after and up until a year ago or so was out of control, all a direct result of two things, being raped at 15- which led me to be promiscuous, and the abortion at 19. There are some great places out there and some programs that can help with post abortive counselling. I recommend you find one. Its a rough road but you can heal your heart.
ParticipantWhen my babies turned one we incorporated the ‘losing of the bottle’ in the party. When we had their birthday party we made it like a ceremony, and threw it away and presented them with a nice sippy cup (with their favorite character or color) all wrapped up shiny and pretty like it was the best treasure ever- we had trained them half time with the sippy and bottle up til then, that worked perfectly with all mine, (except when my neice gave a bottle to my 3rd son when he was 13 months old!) We also swithched to whole milk at 1.
ParticipantMy youngest baby is 11, but I mainly used Pampers, Luvs and Huggies seemed to smell funny when they were wet, espcially Luvs. With my daughter I used the Walgreens brand because they are latex free and only about 8 bucks for a bag. As for formula they are all soo different now its hard to say, but I got whatever WIC (Women Infants Children, a program for formula, milk, chesse, cereal etc until kids are 5, at least here in Cali) provided. What is mom to mom?
ParticipantThe pill can do funky things to your body, and if you are on antibiotics or some certain other drugs they can counteract with the pill and it will be inaffective. Sounds like you have pregnancy symptoms except for the light periods, but then my best friend had hers all the way through, she didn’t even know until she gave birth almost 8 weeks earl! Let us know how goes.