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  • in reply to: Young and Confused #17601

    hunny…dont even think about an abortion…you will regret it every day for the rest of your life…your family will come around…ive never had an abortion personally but ive had a miscarriage and it was the most horrible thing in my life…i miss the feeling i had everday knowing that there was something growing inside me as i just layed there…i miss that feeling with all my heart and i would give anything to have been able to change the outcome of what happened,,,ive been on this site for a few months now and you would be amazed at the girls who are persuaded into an abortion that regret it and their lives go spiralling downward…dont let them get to you…if YOU want this baby then its all up to YOU and nobody elses opinion matters…there is always goin to be some on there to tell you that your doin the wrong thing but it all depends on what YOU want out of it and YOUR life..and even the life of YOUR baby..its entirely possible to keep going to school and make everything of yourself like you would have wanted before…being pregnant is not a curse…and it wont ruin your least your friends are still there for you and your babys fathers parents…usually if a girl gets pregnant with their sons baby they start claimin it aint his….at least they aint doin that..or are they?? just think about what your babys going to look like and when your going to get to see him/her walk for the first time and hear it call you mommy…there are downs to having a baby but the look on its face when you see that its happy makes it all worthwhile….Keep me informed of what your gonna do ok..i wanna know your decision..
    Love —Samantha

    in reply to: pull out/BC #17600

    did you really get pregnant from precum??? im afraid that that happened to me…. i was on my period and my boyfriend and i had sex 7 times over the weekend…he pulled out but like you said theres always precum….me and my guy never use condoms because i dont like how they feel…so theres that chance right…and its not even that i hope that im not pregnant because it really wouldnt be a bad thing or whatever…im just wonderin if i should…

    in reply to: I Lost The Only Thing That Meant Everything To Me #17599

    aww honey i am SO sorry for your loss but i kinda know how you feel…about a month ago i lost the only thing that meant everything to me…and it was horrible…i never even got to hold mine…i miscarried at 2 months…that doesnt seem like much but it was to me…and your always going to miss him…but he’ll always be in heaven waiting for you…all you have to do is when you think of him…imagine him in a cloud…sleeping or smiling at you…and it will help a little bit…hes in good hands…thats what i do and it does help me sometimes…im sorry that you lost your son…but stay strong and just live for him…dont let it bring you down to something that he wouldnt want you to be…ok…
    Love —Samantha

    in reply to: yeaaaa. #17598

    aww..thats sweet…good luck with everything hun
    Love —Samantha

    in reply to: i feel dumb asking this but can you please help!!! #17597

    thanks for replyin to me…i feel dumb askin that but i was just wonderin….its not that i dont want a baby right now but if it happend it happens ya know…im not gonna be upset at all….i put my patch back on Sunday but i took it off on Tuesday…and i did that the first time that i was pregnant and my "period" came again even though i had had it already…but this time i took it off on Tuesday and here it is Friday…and it hasnt came yet..i mean maybe im over reacting but i dunno…how long should i wait for the test????

    in reply to: this is my story #17509

    wow…im really happy for you…good luck on your delivery and with your relationship…i hope everything goes good for you!!!
    —Love Samantha

    in reply to: i’m new. this is my story. #17508

    wow…your story is really amazing…i wouldnt have went through with it either…im happy for you and its good to hear that youve got a good man to stand by your side and be there…i hope everything continues to work out…tell Carter…Happy late birthday…
    —Love Samantha

    in reply to: brave? no its just normal #17507

    wow…that is amazing…im sorry that he is a low life.. and doesnt want to share in the responsibilty that he helped create….you can do it girl…he’ll regret not being there one day and when he comes around…blow him off like he did you…whats the point in letting him in YOUR sons life if theres the chance that hes just going to leave again…i hope that everything workds out ok with you and the rest ofyour pregnancy…kepp me updated ok…
    —Love Samantha

    in reply to: So what I’m young? #17506

    You are TOTALLY right…i have to agree with you completely…just because we are young doesnt mean that we cant be just as good a mother as any older woman that walks by…dont worry about the criticism…its always goin to be there for young moms…just pack it up and keep goin honey and dont worry about what any one has to say about it….
    —Love Samantha

    in reply to: soooooo heart broken #17505

    awww…im so sorry…your husband should really be there for you because its going to make your depression worse for you to be alone…keep talkin to him about it and make him go…im sorry babe…
    —Love Samantha

    in reply to: I’m Scared need some reasurance….. #17504

    im sorry for all your losses… i thought that loosing one was bad…i cant imagine loosing 7 babies…i am really sorry…but dont stress out about it…i think thats how i lost my baby….i was so stressed out becasue me and my boyfriend were going through a break up and we had just argued…that night i lost the baby…the last thing that i had….try not to stress out…take the days with the days the good with bad and dont worry about it..i know its easier said than done but it will be worth it in the end… i really hope that things work out for you this time…im gonna be praying for you…keep me updated ok…
    —Love Samantha

    in reply to: Baby Names #16643

    hey girl… i have some names for a baby girl in case ya like them…. Samara Nicole and Lacey Ahnalyse… those were my girl names until i lost my baby… congrats on ur pregnancy… i hope my names help… love ya.. Samantha:kiss:

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