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ParticipantHey there hun, Im a mother of two children as well… Sklyer is 3 n Dylan is 2, so 11 months apart, im also pregnant with my 3rd child im due june 27.. I now how you feel, Sklyer is a big hand full when is comes 2 sharing or gettin upset when i play with dylan more then her, she throws things when he doesn’t get her way… I had my kids when i was 16 n 17 years old, to this day im still wondering how the heck i raised 2 kids alone minus help from my older sister for 3 years.. If u need anything, Feel free 2 ask anything
ParticipantThe pregnancy test i took, said i had to wait 3 minutes, i times it n i took 8 tests to make sure they were wrong. but i would use a timer n time 3 minutes depending on the kind of test, some are 3 min or some a 5 mins
ParticipantI went from being a 32A at 16 to a 38DD now at 20, breast feed all 2 kids.. still big now
ParticipantHey.. First congrates 6 months already time fly so fast. Well i choose to breast feed sklyer and dylan until 14 months,My family didn’t want me to cuz i was 16 years old with my first, but its a health wayto give ur baby the right type of food, what u eat is what ur baby eats too.. It hurts most of the time when family tells u should stop when he is still 2 young for other type of food. I kept until sklyer push me way is when i knew she was done with breast milk which was 14 months. i tired when she was bout when she turned one but that didn’t work. hurt more when she started get teeth.first OUCH!!!, its one way to grow a bond with ur child by breastfeeding. Its ur choose when to stop and or conutine feeding. He is ur baby and doesn’t matter on ur age if ur grown up to breastfeed.. I plan on breast feeding Carson when she is born in 3 months… Hope ur family learns its ur choose and decion to feed him the way u what too… The way to keep goin is, it helps ur baby grow health and bonus for u, u lose ur baby weigh while feed. i lose all my baby weight to do breastfeeding un til my kids didn’t what it anymore…If u need any more help just let me know and i’ll help in anyway i can.. hope u find the confindence in keep going, it a good thing for Braxton
ParticipantHey, I’m here if u need to talk, i’m a mother of soon to be 3 kids now, i’m 20 years old, had my first child at 16 years old.. I’m here to help not judge, i was in ur same situation with my second kid at 17. if u need any advise i’m always here to help and help you understand.
ParticipantI know what you mean.. I can’t fit into my old baby waering clothes with either skyler or dylan… I had to buy a whole new clothes. So i went to a show called Motherhood Materily there are lots of then. i’ll give u the link to look there are stores around.. is the website that has everything from bra’s to tops and bottoms for 6-9 months. there are cheep so not expencie either. Hope that helps you..
ParticipantFirst. Congrates on being pregnant.. You do have to feel scared bout telling ur family bout it. ur 22 years old n ur family should stick on by ur desion and what you want to do with ur little one. I was much younger when i had my kids. and my family still to this day didn’t like me having kids that young, but it was choose to. and you have a great partner and loving you. Shouldn’t matter what color he is or the color of ur baby. if you love him then nothing should stop you. Tell ur family that ur pregnant and ur not having an adportion. its ur body and ur old enough to make ur own desion on what you want to do. I’m here if u need any thing else. I now how u feel with ur family. They still havn’t forgave me on having kids at 16 years old.. There ur family and they shouldn’t diss-own you for wanting to have kids at ur age, u have a great job to pay n amazing partner that be a great daddy again. Wish you luck, so b scared, b happy
ParticipantOmg… I’m craving Choclate covered popcorn.. sounds gross but taste so good. pepsi, strawberries in peanutbutter and double choclate fugde brownies as well..
ParticipantI was 17 when i found i was pregnant. i was 10 weeks when i notice something felt different, i was gettin cramps, headaches, stomach pains, dizzy. So when i went to my doctors she told me i was pregnant n i was 10 weeks along. i was surprised and a lil confused how it could have happend. we used protection everytime. i was with the father for 2 years, he broke it off once he found out i was expecting and he hasn’t tried to see her at all. She is now 3 years old turnin for next month. i also have a 1 year old with a different father he was a drunken one night stand. who i found was my ex’s best friend. their’s names are Skyler and Dylan. I would have never regret having then both. i love every minute with then both. I know how you feel kaylee, i through with protection i couldn’t get pregnant. But i wouldn’t change my life. i wouldn’t b able to leave with out my kids in my life. the mean the world to me… Best of Luck Nichole