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  • in reply to: Do pregnancy test work? #16620

    If you do not trust the HPT, wait another week and take another one. If it is still negative and you feel that it is wrong, go to the doctor and get a blood test! Hope that helps!

    in reply to: culd i b pregnant? #16335

    Honey. You are 16. I am 17 and would not wish a baby on anyone who does not have financial support and a loving husband and their own home to back them up. I hope you are not pregnant, and that you would know that a baby at that age is not something you want. I admit that I love my baby and I’ve only had her for a couple of weeks! But I have to get up every four hours during the night to feed her, burp her, change her diaper, rock her when she get’s fussy… and all of that stuff. Babies are expensive, I have already spent 700 dollars this month for her and that is NOT including the hospital and delivery stay! Think about it hon. It’s not something you want at your age. Wait until you are married. I have a loving boyfriend beside me, but he may not always be there. If you aren’t pregnant, stop having sex period. Birth control isn’t always 100 percent effective. Please think about it.

    in reply to: question…how did you?? #16333

    He was there when I took the test… I wanted to see it with him because I knew that he would be there for me through it!

    in reply to: SHARP PAINS #16330

    Best bet for anything pregnancy it to talk to your OB/GYN about it. It may just be pregnancy symptoms associated with implantation, or something else. You should just go check with your doctor to be safe.:lol:

    in reply to: stomach pains, 5th month #16329

    It could just be normal cramping due to symptoms. Some women experience them throughout their whole pregnancy. Your best bet is to go to your doctor.

    in reply to: 7 Weeks pregnant! #11758

    Hey everyone. Just thought I would give you an update. I am now 11 weeks pregnant and not really looking forward to it. I’ve decided to put my baby up for adoption because I don’t believe I would be capable of raising it. I want my baby to have a good life with wonderful and responsible parents. I get to choose who they are too! It will be a closed until 18 adotpion. That means that when my baby turns 18, my information is released to them so that they may come and find me!

    in reply to: Pregnant? #11684

    Hello Tracey,
    Yes you could be pregnant. Since you are already late for you period, you should take a HPT or go to a clinic and have them give you a pregnancy test.
    Hope that helps,

    in reply to: Is this normal? #11683

    You could be carrying multiple babies, or it could even just be the possibility that your uterus is swelling which is perfectly normal. I am 9 weeks pregnant and am also getting a tummy. Don’t worry. To be sure that everything is okay, you should go see a good doctor, he/she can answer all of your questions.
    Hope that helps,

    in reply to: Without A Clue #11682

    You could be pregnant. It’s perfectly normal to be scared to tell your parents as well. I’m 16 and 9 weeks pregnant. If you find out you are, you should really tell them ASAP, that way you can see a good doctor and look at your options.
    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: 14 n maybe prego! help #11619

    I think you should take a HPT and find a good doctor!
    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Can I Tell Before A Missed Period? #11599

    Not really hun! You can take a HPT that detects pregnancy five days before your missed period, that would be First Response.
    Hope that helps,

    in reply to: he might be abusive….need advice #11581

    Find a better support system. If he doesn’t want to be a part of your life (or your babies) then he doesn’t deserve you. Find a close friend or relative and let them be there for you. Lean on someone you can trust. You definately don’t need the stress of an abusive relationship ever in life, and especially not when your pregnant. You’ve got friends here at StandUpGirl!
    You’re in my prayers,

    in reply to: Can a pregnancy test be wrong???… #11580

    Yes HPT can be wrong. Honestly, the more expensive, the better they truely are. I would recommend a digital readout HPT, and waiting until after a missed period. Also, it should be taken in the morning due to the fact that there will be more of the pregnancy hormone (HCG) in your urine.
    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: need personal advice? pls help? #11579

    First of all calm down a bit. Breathe! I have to let you know that it does sound like you are pregnant. Some woman feel no real symptoms at all (the lucky few). You should wait until you miss your period and then take a HPT or go to a clinic. I would recommend a digital readout test, that way you know for sure and don’t have to worry that you misread the lines if they were faint or something like that. IT COULD ALSO POSSIBLE BE AN INFECTION. During intercourse (I know you don’t believe that’s what you had, but technically you did) your reproductive system produces a natural lubricant, this and the oils from your boyfriends body, could of gotten into your urinary tract and caused an infection. You should go to a doctor eaither way, but if the doctor isn’t yet a possibility I would take a HPT. Don’t worry until you have to hun!
    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: pins and needles #11578

    It’s caused by a lack of circulation and could possibly be pre-eclampsia. You should go to a doctor and get it checked out. It can sometimes be severe and should be carefully monitored. If treated and monitored, you and your baby will be perfectly fine.
    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: advice wanted #11577

    If it is a sex only relationship, he may leave you if he hears you are pregnant. The only way to really find out how he would react is by actually telling him. I have a friend who was in the same situation (and 13 years old). She had been with the same guy for two years, but only for intimacy. It suprised her (and me) when he stayed by her side upon finding out she was pregnant. You should really talk to this guy and see what he thinks. You won’t know unless you ask. You should also take a HPT or go to a clinic to make sure you are pregnant.
    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: how to make sure I’ll not miscarry my baby (again) #11548

    Hello! You should probably talk to your doctor. An individual person can’t really answer this question, but a doctor trained in this specific field will be able to assess your situation and come up with a list of potential causes of why you miscarried last time. Then he/she will be able to help you in ways not to miscarry. It will most likely be bed rest and a certain healthy diet. Also just a quick tip that a lot of woman seem to be disreguarding: take folic acid tablets to help your growing baby and make sure to stray away from lots of caffiene (which includes chocolate) 🙁 Try and keep a healthy diet and don’t do anything too strenuous until you speak with youra doctor.
    Hope that helps.

    in reply to: when should i take a test?? #11547

    Twiggie wrote:

    Take the test as soon as possible u need to be taking folic acid tabs now to help the growth of ur babies spin an if u do decide to hold off on finding out take the tabs any way wont do u any harm

    Yeah. Most woman don’t realize that folic acid is important in any pregnant woman’s diet. You should also be watching your caffiene intake because it can have a bad effect on the baby’s growth.

    in reply to: when should i take a test?? #11536

    Hello. Now would be a good time to take it. Try taking it in the morning though, that is when there is the most HCG (the pregnancy hormone) and you will most likely get accurate results that way.

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