Featured Letters
I Did It And You Can Too
Hi, Becky. I found your site again tonight and after reading over some of the testimonies there, it occurred to me to give mine. So, here goes... Over six years ago I was faced with the devastating news that I was pregnant. As part of a routine gynecological visit, my...
The Assurance
Dear Becky -- It hasn't been quite a week since the affirmation of my pregnancy. I have gone through so many different feelings in the past few days that I don't even know how to feel next. I want to be happy, and sometimes, I am. But I just want more than anything...
I’m 15 years Old
Dear Becky, I'm 15 years old, and about a month ago I found out I was pregnant. I had been seeing Jim only for 3 months when our baby was conceived. For this whole month, Jim and I had been researching ways I could get an abortion, just so my parents wouldn't find...
Dating For Only Three Months
Dear Becky, I would like to share my story with you and your readers in hopes that it may touch someone the way that other testimionials have touched me. In September of 2000 I became pregnant with a guy I had been dating for only three months.I was a full-time...
The Heartbreaking Feeling
Hi Becky, I had a 2nd trimester abortion,believe me it's not a nice story. It's not "you have the abortion and your life is great". It is one of the most horrific experiences anyone can put themselves through as a woman and there should be no choice. About 10 months...
She Is Amazing
Hi. my name is Sara and i am 16 and a junior in high school. I found out i was pregnant on July 24, 2001. I was 15 years old. I had taken a test 4 days prior to that, and it was negative. My mother found out about it and bought another test. i will never forget those...
Two Pink Lines
I stared at the 2 pink lines for at least half an hour, I was completely shell-shocked. I had broken up with my boyfriend about a month ago. When I told him he wanted me to have an abortion. When I said I wouldn't he called me every name under the sun, and threatened...
A Conceited 26 Year Old
Hello Becky. This is my testimonial. Even though I love the life I have now, I'm still bothered by my past abortion. Here's my story. It all took place around spring of 99. I was a conceited 26 year-old girl, & I was living with my boyfriend, Jon. We rented a...