Featured Letters

My Baby Changed Everything

My Baby Changed Everything

Ok, when I found out I was pregnant it was in June of 2003 and I was 19 years old (I was three months). So, luckily I was out of high school. But it was a really big shock to the system because it really wasn’t something I expected. I’ve had times where I thought I...

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I Called Planned Parenthood

I Called Planned Parenthood

I appreciate your website. Eighteen years ago I unexpectedly became pregnant after I married my second husband. He had two children and I had a five-year -old daughter. I knew the night I became pregnant. He urged me to get the morning after pill, so I called Planned...

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I Had Been Raped

I Had Been Raped

Dear Becky -- Hi, my name is Kortni. I was 14 years old when I found out I was pregnant. I had been raped by my brothers best friend, on June 13, 2003. I knew I was pregnant before I even took the tests. Just to be sure, I took one E.P.T and it came out positive. My...

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I Felt Everything

I Felt Everything

  Dear Becky, Oct.22 2003 had been a whole year since I made the biggest mistake in my life; the one thing that I will NEVER forgive myself for. I'm sharing this story because I'm tired of having it all bottled up and driving me crazy inside and because I hope that it...

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Mom, She Was So Happy

I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant. I had been raped by my boss and I did not have a boyfriend or otherwise at the time. I didn't have very many close friends to talk to. I was very alone. I was also living by myself at the time. When I the doctor told me that I...

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I Managed To Stand Tall

I Managed To Stand Tall

  Dear Becky, Hi! Call me Rachel. Im 20 years old now. I got pregnant when I was 18. I want to share this story to let other girls know that abortion will never help. It may help you get through the scandals but it will never give you a peace of mind. Abortion...

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The Strength To Raise Two Small Children?

She told me she felt sorry for me and didn't know how I was going to cope with two kids at our young age. Ironically she herself had an abortion and got pregnant again right after, most likely due to the guilt and emptiness she herself felt... Dear Becky, I cannot...

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I Too Had An Abortion

I Too Had An Abortion

I too had an abortion (actually 2) about 16 - 20 years ago. Gosh it doesn't seem like it was that long ago - but I never realized what it would do to me. You see - abortion doesn't make your baby 'go away'. That baby lives in your heart for the rest of your life. I...

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