Featured Letters

My Dad Didn’t Like My Boyfriend

My Dad Didn’t Like My Boyfriend

In May I took the test... it was positive. Neither of us believed that it was right, so i took another the next day. But again, it was positive. I waited until I was a few days late, which never had happened before, to tell my dad. He wasn't happy at all. He didn't...

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The Last Ultrasound

The Last Ultrasound

My 16th birthday had come and I decided to write my mom a letter. I told her how much I already loved this child and how I was ready to give up the life of partying, going out, everything. I told her I was still going to go to school and that I will feel so empty...

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The Broken Road

The Broken Road

Dear Becky --  I married my boyfriend when I was 5 months pregnant. We have been married for almost 5 years now, have an absolutely wonderful 4 year old son, and since then had a daughter too. I can't imagine my life without either of my two wonderful children, and I...

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I Was Once Lost

I Was Once Lost

Dear Becky -- Thank You for having such a wonderful site for young girls to go to when they need help. I'm 19 years old and just found out me and my boyfriend are expecting a baby. In January I feel in love with a guy I went to high school with for four years. We were...

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Wishes I Regret

Wishes I Regret

Dear Becky-- Hi, I’m Becca. I’m 18. Last October (2005) I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. I was terrified. I didn't know how to react. I told Phil, my boyfriend. It was the most awkward phone call I had ever made. I felt I should have done it in person, but we live...

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November 16, 2005

November 16, 2005

It really hard coping with things ever since November 16, 2005 - the day I had the abortion. I don't even want to go to school, or go out. I cant concentrate in school and haven't talked to the boy since. He was supposed to pay for the abortion, but hasn't. I have a...

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January 19, 2006

January 19, 2006

 Hey, My name is Amber and I'm 16 years old and I have a story that I want teens in Virginia and everywhere else to hear! On November 19,2004 I got pregnant by a guy who I loved very much! I didn't know that I was pregnant until about 9 weeks later...I was at a...

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A Sr. In High School And Pregnant

A Sr. In High School And Pregnant

 Dear Lisa-- Hi, my name is Kim I'm 19 and I have a three month old son named Lucas. I was in my last half of my senior year of high school when I got pregnant. I felt so lost and confused. I had a scholorship to a university and I was so scared of what my parents...

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