Featured Letters

Adoption Over Abortion

Adoption Over Abortion

If My Little Voice Could Speak By: Shelbea - An Adopted High School Senior 10 little fingers 10 little toes I am so cute. But nobody knows. Only God, Who fearfully and wonderfully made me. He knows. He knows I am perfect. If I could have just One breath, One chance to...

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Behind My Parents Back

Behind My Parents Back

I was afraid to tell my parents because of all the shame involved especially with being brought up in a Christian family but, eventually I did and while they were disappointed there was nothing they could do to change the situation.

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After The Abortion

After The Abortion

I was 18 years old when I found out I was pregnant. I instantly fell in love with the baby. I knew my family would react negatively towards the situation but never would have dreamed that they would completely turn their backs on me.

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I Was His Favorite, His Little Girl

I Was His Favorite, His Little Girl

Dear Becky -- I came across your site by accident and am grateful that I did. After reading many of the touching stories that your site features, I decided it may help to share my own. My boyfriend Brian and I began to have sex about 8 months into our relationship. He...

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I want to be a MOM

I want to be a MOM

Dear Jewel, I am 15 and 17 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. I had an abortion over a year ago, and it was the most horrible thing i ever did. When i found out i was pregnant this time. I knew from the beginning i couldn't abort it, but with pressure from my mom and from my...

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I’m Carrying a Little Girl

I’m Carrying a Little Girl

Dear Lisa -- I was 21 years old when I found out I was pregnant. My period was four weeks late, I had been throwing up a lot and I just knew that I was pregnant. It was during finals when I finally took the test. I took it first at Walmart because I didn't want anyone...

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I Tried to Hide It

I Tried to Hide It

Dear Becky -- I was 15 years old and pregnant. I was so scared to tell my mom because she had me when she was 15 and she never regretted it, she just would never wish it upon anybody. I told the father and he didn’t want to help me at all and disappeared. I was in...

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The Clinic Gave Me 2 Pills

The Clinic Gave Me 2 Pills

Dear Lisa -- Two years ago I made the worst mistake of my life; I got a non-surgical abortion. I was only 19 at the time and I thought that my boyfriend (at the time) and I wouldn’t be good parents. Plus I had a very crazy, full life and a baby just wouldn’t fit in....

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