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  • in reply to: How long, and what are the chances??? #11429

    I can not say for sure, but the best solution is to go to the doctor for the assurance

    in reply to: He pretends it didnt happen #10999

    :laugh: hi is this your first time visting this site? if so you have come to the right place many gurls have ben thru how u feel. I see ur situation like this
    I am sorry he is taking this the abortion the wrong way, but here are alot of people who can help u with the way ur feeling. maybe when u get a chance, look @ a couple of the stories ppl have shared. I mean i feel sorry that u feel this way, but look @ it like this, because you shared ur story, you can save a life. I girl who wanted to abort may change her mind after the way u touched her, already being there. I prsy that God can ease ur pain and heal from this saddening time.


    in reply to: I’m 15 and I think I’m pregnant!!!!!! #10302

    i am praying for you, definitely. The main thing that you should be concern about is that precious child inside. Yea he’s threatin you and that’s not good to feel scared or fear for your baby’s safety or yours, but i can bet you that scared or not you will not allow anyone to put your child in danger. You are strong, i want to keep in touch as much as i can. Don’t let his words control you.

    in reply to: It should be up to me! #10239

    darylin you have come to the write sight!!! yes that is the write i am talking about, many girls have problems and wirte to becky or a response for other girls and we help each other, beck is a wonderful lady who i don’t know where half of the expected mom’s would be. please keep god’s precious gift to you and the world. And above i used the write sight. Take a look at the 92 storis that are posted and maybe you will see where i am coming from. I have read all 92 letters, 10 letters a day for 10 days and have learned so much from the sweet girls heart aches, i don’t want you to feel what they have felt, they shared their story so that no one would make the same choice. pleaz read some of the stories, not just sad, but the happy ending ones too. all 8398 members are here for a reason.

    in reply to: baby no. 3 help #10238

    hunny, what i have realized about being a member on this site is that men come and go, not just scary for you, but for them. Sometimes they don’t care, sometimes they do, but one thing i know for sure that all 8398 member inculding me and still growing care about all our fellow girls, me personally as my own. I DON’T WANT YOU TO FEEL ALONE,even if he’s not around. And for real, foreal, instead of worrin if he gonna make his mind up about being a daddy or playing games, should not have to be a problem you are dragged into. Something wonderful is about tohappen, as is happening. love what growing and changing daily and don’t take it foor granted worryin about him, cuz maybe you haven’t realized, but he don’t deserve you!!! maybe he was only meant to be in your life for a season, to do what was meant in life, then leave so you can benenfit from what life has to offer? he would only hold you back from what life has in store. if no one writes you besides me, i can say i am writing cuz i care, if others join me, it’s because we care!!!

    in reply to: pregnancy scare #10237

    Wow, I just your probably hoping that you are not pregnant. I kinda hope that this is something minor and you are not pregant. A baby needs as much support and care as possible, and i don’t think its fair that you have raise it and go through good and bad times alone, I know many people do, and big up’s for be so strong and great pepole, but i just hope this can be a scare so we can learn from our mistakes in the end and work for us for the good.If you are, all that has happened has happend for a reason, even though i don;t

    in reply to: my babies daddy wants nothing to do with me #10236

    Hi huny… First i would like to say, congradulations on becoming a mommy!
    Congradulations on being strong, and stepping away from abortions all togehter. Personally, i think that you will find it all worth it once you deliver that percious miracle that God has place on the inside of you.Right now, you probably feel that if he’s not there then you can’t do this. Let me tell you something, i believe in you, that you are a bold, strong women who can face any obstacles that come in lifes, path, he’s was only a tree blocking the road to success for you. Now that he is cleared out of the way, keep a motivating drive that keep you from looking back, keep straight focusing on what’s first now in your life. You’re baby!!! Forget what he’s missing, i can pretty much guareentee that you will be glade you kept that angel tiny and sweet in your life. Don’t get me wrong, adoption is wonderful, it gives God’s greatest little gifts a chance to live a life in which they can achieve more. But if the only reason that you want to give th baby up for adoption is because of him leaving, i don’t think that say you can’t. i l know you can!!!!!!! hunn, believe me, i WILL be praying every day that you do whats right. If you feel the baby will live a better life with someone else, think about whats right for the baby, if it’s better that they stay with you, don’t give up the oppurntunity.

    in reply to: I’m 15 and I think I’m pregnant!!!!!! #10235

    Comment to the comment, i don’ think that she was immature to disscuss sex, before they even kissed. Premartial sex is premartial sex whether you are grown or 15. "like you were adults"? adults so wrong just like in this situation. I a glade that mentioned hopefully the consquences or whatever, so it can already be set out on the table, if something like this happens. I disagree with the negative comment, and you were preaching! and to the 15 year old girl, if you are not pregnant, be careful, k, hun? i really don’t want to be pregnant if you don’t have to. I truly care about all of the wonderful girls on this website, even though i don’t know you all. I don’t have any kids, yet, and i kinda like life that right now, so if you aren’t enjoy your life too. If you are, i hope you have read some of these abortionstories and don’t have to go through it. May be you should learn from what those other beutiful girls had to go through. I AM ON THIS SITE 2 A DAY!If you ever wana talk, i m smilingurl

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