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ParticipantIt sounds like maybe your cycle is just off due to the new birth control.If you were pregnant it def would have shown up on the blood tests or the hpts, esp if 3 months have passed.You should wait until next month and if you still don’t have a period I would see your doctor and he or she can give you more info about Yaz and let you know if that is the cause for the irregular periods.Hopr this helps a little and good luck!
ParticipantWell, first and most importantly, congrats on your baby.Being a young mother doesn’t make you a bad mother-if anything I think it makes you stronger.People(especially family members)
are always going to have an opinion and are going to judge you but as long as your baby is happy and healthy than that’s all that matters. Best of luck with the new addition.
Mommy of Landon & Jacie Raeslbabe8
ParticipantHoney,don’t feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed or stressed out,this is a life changing experience so of coarse you’re going to feel sad and lonely from time to time.Even with lots of support, I know pregnancy can be lonely sometimes especially if you are a young expectant mother.I felt very isolated when I was pregnant w/ my son Landon, I was 16 & none of my friends had babies & I thought I would never feel like a normal teenager again.When the baby comes you will feel so thankful & blessed that a lot of those feelings will go away & trust still can have fun with your friends & do many of the things you did before after the baby you just need to plan ahead & make sure the babies needs are met first.It’ll all work out,its sounds like your boyfriend is a stand up guy and you’re lucky to have someone so supportive & maybe having this baby was a sign to show you that some parts of the life you had before needed to change(like drugs/drinking)My husband also used drugs before we had our son & once we had the baby he realized he needed to stop cause his son depended on him & he wanted to be the best dad he could be.Your future will be not only be as good as the past, it’ll be better because you guys will have a beautiful baby to share it with.Talking to other young mothers will help you with these feeling you’re having because you can talk to girls who have been in you shoes.This website is great cause there are so many amazing, strong,caring girls who are always here to help.I’m here if you ever want to talk or just vent your frustrations.xoxo Savannah
ParticipantHi,I’m Savannah.I became pregnant when I was 16.My boyfriend was 17 at the time & we had been together for a little over 1 yr.I took a hpt when I was 12 days late & even though I knew deep down that I was pregnant, I was still shocked to actually see that positive result. Matt(my bf)is the most amazing guy in the world and told me that whatever I wanted than he would be there for me through whatever decision we made.I didn’t think I could handle having a baby at that time, what would I do about school, my friends, & my family?
I made an appt for an abortion, but I never went.The day of the appt I couldn’t go..I guess I knew when I found out I was pregnant that I didn’t want an abortion but I thought it was the best thing at the time.His parents heard us talking about the pregnancy and figured out what was going on.His mom told me she loved us both and would help us as much as she could.
We waited until I was 4.5 months to tell my parents.I was SO scared & when I told them my father freaked out.He came around and actually got excited as time passes.Matt moved in with us so we could take care of the baby together.I had a beautiful baby boy Landon Alexander on July 20 at 11:32pm.I was 17 & a jr in high school. Matt & I finished school and than I went to school for esthetics and make up artistry.Matt went to an art school for graphic design.When Landon was almost 1 I got pregnant & miscarried at 13 wks.We were so crushed but I then got pregnant again 1 yr later.I was 19 at the time & I had a toddler.I had no idea how I was going to handle it but we decided to keep the baby.My baby girl Jacie Rae was born Nov 10 at 7:08am.
With the help of my parents Matt & I worked and finished school.We lived w/ my parents in an in-law apartment at their house.We basically had our own apartment but it was in my parents house.We saved money and we just bought a house and are getting married May 24(2 wks!!)I never thought I could have my babies and still have a sucessful life, but with LOTS of help we did it.Think about what is best for you and your baby.You’ll know in your heart what you want.
I want you to know that if you have the baby, than you can do it.It’s so hard, & trust me we’ve had a lot of ups & downs but I’ve learned more from my kids than I ever did from any teachers or family members.I’m a stronger person because of what I’ve been through.I wish you the best of luck and I know everything will be okay. Things just have a way of working themselves out in the end. I’m here if you want any advice or just need to talk. Take care.xoxo
ParticipantHi, I just wanted to say I’m sorry that you are going through this alone.Even if your boyfriend has made up his mind about not keeping this baby- if you want to, you should sit down and discuss your feelings about it.Let him know that you don’t want the abortion, and if he still is not supportive of having the baby than think about what you can do about raising the baby alone.If you truly don’t want the abortion than don’t do it.Trust me, there are SO many young girls who’ve had babies wihtout the support of the baby’s father.You can do it without him if you really want to keep this baby. I believe everyone has the right to decide for themselves what is right for them.Also, try telling your parents..if your boyfriend isn’t going to do this with you than maybe your parents will help you.If your scared to tell them..don’t worry they might surprise you by being a great support team.I hope everything works out okay and if you need to talk I’d be happy to try and help anyway I can.Good luck! xoxo
ParticipantDon’t worry too much about it, I was in complete denial with my first pregnancy.I was 16 and it didn’t feel real to me until I was about 7 months.At the beginning I couldn’t believe that there was actually a baby growing inside me, so it took awhile for it to seem real.That is common I think so even if you don’t feel attached now,as soon as you see your baby it’ll be so incredible.I didn’t feel that instant bond when my son was born,of coarse I loved him but it was so hard at first.Eventually we developed a very special relationship, so everyone is different so don’t stress about it.Everything will work out I promise!
ParticipantIt sounds like maybe you are experiencing some postpardom depression.It is very common, my mother had it when she had my sister and it was very difficult.She felt so anxious and she couldn’t talk to anyone because she thought she had to look like a happy new mother.I think you should try to tlak to your boyfriend or your parents about your feelings.It is TOTALLY natural to have some anxiety after having a baby because your
hormones just went sky high and then rapidly dropped.You definatley should try and talk to someone because you can’t keep these feelings bottled up,it’s best to try and talk about it.If it is serious than you can speak to a therapist or even your regular ob/gyn.I think talking to your doctor would also help because she can tell you if this is just regular mood swings or something more serious like postpardum depression.I want to tell you please don’t feel like you sound like your feeling sorry for yourself because I think a lot of new moms feel this way but don’t talk about it, so I think your very brave talking about this issue.I also had depression after my 2nd baby and I was put on medication for a while and it really helped.I’m here if you need anyone to talk to because I can totally relate.Please let me know how your doing.You’ll be in my thoughts!
Love, Savannah xoxoslbabe8
ParticipantMy first pregnancy symptom every time was VERY sore, swollen breasts. I never have this symptom when I get my period so I always know that it means I ‘m pregnant. Also, I have trouble keeping my balance the first few weeks. This happens because the uterus is expanding. I always get SO tired that I can barely move!
ParticipantI was also 16 when I got pregnant the first time. I know its scary and confusing enough without relationship troubles thrown in the mix. Nothing is wrong with just being friends.Give him some time to let it all sink in and maybe he’ll come around. Try to include him in what’s going on in the pregnancy and if he still doesn’t want to be involved then you’re better off finding that out now then after she’s born. If he decides he wants to be part of her life but not have a relationship with you-that’s okay. As long as he is being a daddy to her that’s all you can ask for. It’s sad to think that boys/men are praised when they stand up & take care of their kids. That’s what they are supposed to do! If he doesn’t come around, trust me you will be just fine! As long as you have some support from friends or family you and your baby girl will be fine. Sorry for the long response but I hope this helps a little. If you need anyone to talk to I am happy to help. As I said, I got pregnant at 16 too so I’ve been there. Take care of yourself and that sweet baby girl and try not to stress!