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  • in reply to: Please help, i need to leave my mom’s house. #27530

    Thank you. Thats what i’m going to do. All this stress has caused me to go into pre-term labor.

    in reply to: 15 , in a committed relationship ; want baby #27493

    I don’t know your situation so i can’t be of much help but i know that being and tenth grade and having a baby is not easy. It’s a struggle. I’m a senior is highschool and i’m terrified of the changes soon to come. Babies are wonderful but they don’t stay babies forever. It’s a lifetime commitment and my opinon is to wait girl. Society is not really kind to teen moms and someone will always be saying bad things about you, even if they dont know you. Finish school. Have a stable home and income, it’s easier that way. Instead of dealing with the goverment for support, it gives me headaches! Please, please think about it. QW~

    in reply to: Very confused #27466

    Sometimes, pregnancy can’t be detected by urine tests. Actually blood tests are more accurate.

    in reply to: Does anyone know how to shop maternity? #27427

    Hopefully i get to shop, my mom is being really selfish. She got mad at me for going shopping (i only got two pair of pants) because she wanted my boyfriend to give her money instead. Apparently, i dont need anything becuase i’m not going any where,i cant wait to move out!

    in reply to: Does anyone know how to shop maternity? #27424

    Thanks soooo much!!! my mom has been nagging me about wearing those icky maernity pants! I don’t wanna 😛
    I’m seriously gonna have to buy it. <3

    in reply to: 24 weeks & EDD Is November 13th #27405

    I know what you’re saying. I’ve had no discomfort at all, we’re lucky!! I can’t wait to meet my little girl who i’ve endured and still enduring alot of things for. Though, My mom is ignoring the fact i’m pregant still and i’m 26 weeks (Due November 1st). She’s more concerned with money and told me to move out atfer i have the baby because “it’s getting too expensive”. She hasn’t brought anything for me beside food since i’ve told her i was pregnant(that was four months ago). The only help i receive is from my boyfriend and his family. He buys everything for me, he works so hard and i hope i can repay him for everything he’s done. I have a very unsupportive mom. I don’t mind having to move out because my mom is unstable and emotionally abusive and plus my siblings are a nuisance! I’d lose my mind trying to manage living with them. I’m focused and graduating highschool this year. Just waiting on the arrival of Noalie Alisa Landaverde <3

    in reply to: 19 weeks, and having 1st prenatal visit tmorrow. #27236

    it’s a girl 🙂

    in reply to: NO pregnancy symptoms. #26910

    Psh, i went to a clinic and i never plan for anything. lol that’s thing about life, you can plan all you want but, the unexpected will happen ><

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