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  • in reply to: help a friend in need!!! #17817

    to my knowledge sperm cannot survive outside of the body..she might be having a false positve on the test…and the symp. could be from stressin n thinking bout it (done it b4) so..tkae another test i would mayb 3 n see wat the most popular ansewr is…good luck to ur friend!

    in reply to: early period or pregnant? #17816

    no my period is usually pretty medium flow to heavy on hte 1st 2 days..and i would have expected to spot or ‘bleed’ like this last week wen all the sexin was going i think we can rule the bleeding cuz of sex out..thanks tho

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? Missed some pills-please help! #17417

    well ive been taking hte pill for a while too. and best believe ive missed and skipped days. the pill does make ur preiod go wack..mine has gotten shorter and lighter..And i have yet to fall pregnant. but then i hear about people that do get pregnant while on teh pill..all the advice i can really give you is to take a is the only way u can no..

    in reply to: You’re not gonna want tohear this ! #17105

    woowowow…that is deep..

    in reply to: 17 & a month pregnant and family don’t know #15950

    i agree, you need to see a doctor, if u dont want to go to you regular doc. you can go to planned parent hood or a clinic…i personally suggest writing a letter to your mom if you dont feel comfortable jsut coming out to her about this..(its what i planned on doing) might open the floor for the rest of the convo..

    in reply to: WONDERING WHAT YALL THINK #15786

    it could be a virus… it could be hormone changes….if u think its prenancy take a test you can never te to sure…because if your not preg. mayb u still sould go see a doctor for your pain n things dont go away. good luck and feel better!…let me know what happens

    in reply to: its a negetive #15244

    🙁 i feel your pain..and fully understand..i took 3 test last month and they were all neg. it will happen..i have hope

    in reply to: c0uld it be?!* #15242

    take a never can be too safe..

    in reply to: 14 and pregnant! helps #15173

    i thought i was pg a coupl of weeks ago but nope took 3 test…i kno ur young but u gotta be strong and prepared bout this…i planned on writing a letter to my dad…hes pretty tough person..and telling my mom with my bf there. i thikn having the guy there would help. I mean try to figure out a plan to tell them. like how do you plan on finishing school, money, daycare stuff like going to be a tough thing to tell your parents but all i can say is be prepared for any thing that might come your way. be strong, you got it. 🙂 good luck!

    in reply to: Letter from a 5yr old #15172

    that is sooo sweet…i read it twice

    in reply to: My boyfriend has just hit me. #15129

    im sry to here that. But you need to get out of this situation. you have someone else to take care off now not only do you have to protect yousrelf you need to protect you baby. please get out of this relationship beofore it gets worst. me and my bf argue alot but he never hits me. who knows how bad i would snap out if that would happen

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