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Participantif you question what you should do then you shouldnt have an abortion. there are other options such as adoption..if you dont think you can raise a baby then plz choose adoption..give a loving couple that cant have children the chance to raise yours..and if you want contact w the child do an open adoption..just dont go to the appt and murder your living breathing child!!
Participantthe dr had no right to treat you like that..its his job to protect and help unborn babies and keep them healthy..i would talk to somebody about the way you were doesnt matter how young you are its not right that he did that..and why he wants to wait for the ultrasound i couldnt tell you..i had my first ultrasound with my daughter at 8 wks to determine due date..thats only way to know for sure when your due..Ultrasounds are not bad for the baby they help determine weight length birth defects normal heart beat etc…i would go to a diff dr this one really doesnt sound like he knows what hes doing..
Participant[i]Dont fret…i was the same way with my daughter..its just means your going to haev an easy pregnancies…Lucky you..Wheni was preg with my daughter i had morning sickness for a wk then nothing and i had tons of energy..I’m now 38 wks with a baby boy and have miserable the whole time..everything makes me sick i never have any energy horrible back pain the whole thing..Hey look at this way you might be having a beautiful baby girl…i knew when i was sick and tired all the time this time it was a boy cause their a pain in the rear anyway..LOL :sick: 🙂
ParticipantI’m 38 wks and i wish they would induce me but yea they wont..Theres a girl on here that was due the 15th and drank some castor oil and had her son on 16th so I’m gonna try that today.I’m a nervous wreck but wish me luck..hopefully i will be having my son soon!!:unsure:
ParticipantThat is horrible and those people should be in a lot of trouble but i have some news for you…Carrying Low is a BOY…i know this b/c i carried high my frist pregnancy and now have a 18 mos old daughter and I’m carrying low this time and am due to deliver a baby boy any time now! 🙂 one thing you want to listen to to is the heart beat…low is a boy high is a girl..Just thought i would fill you in..Good luck with your baby and i hope everything turns out ok..
ParticipantYou need to let your boss know b/c that can be very harmful on the baby and could cause misscarriage..
Participantone thing that helped me is crackers…when i was preg with my daughter and this time i have acid reflux real bad and it makes me so miserable..I’m constantly eating crackers..i hope i helped!
Participantnow you need to call a dr and make an appt…and yes they will test you at the drs office they have to make sure your 100% pregnant before they can do anything as far as check ups and stuff go..I’m preg with my 2nd baby and I’m 21..i have a 18 mos old daughter and am due to give birth to my son any time now..good luck and keep me updated…feel free to email anytime!
ParticipantI’m 21 and preg with my 2nd child..this one is a boy (36 wks)…my daughter is 18 mos…do me a favor and look at the images on my profile and let me know if you still want the abortion also theres a video you can watch on abortion on this site..why would anybody want to do that to their child it made so sick to watch the video and now i know how it would change minds of women/girls considering it…….its so horrible..i look at how much my daughter has grown and how smart she is and I’m happy that i didnt take her life…..My fiancee and i are barely scrapping by but we wouldnt change our decision for anything…I was 19 when i had my daughter and my fiancee was 21 and now almost 2 yrs later are so much in love our daughter and cant wait for the arrival of our son which the drs said could be any day now…PLZ dont take your childs life no matter what your bf says…my fiancee thought abortion would take care of everything….at the first ultrasound and the first time he heard her little heart beating full of life at just 10 wks he cried and told me he was sorry for his reaction and couldnt wait to welcome our angel and couldnt wait till she arrived and then coudlnt wait for the next one..i know when your bf sees that first image of the life growing inside you he will change his mind…..PLZ dont have the will regret it and sometimes you can be permantly scarred and made infertile…think about what i have said and make the right decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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