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  • in reply to: don’t know what to do….. #15635

    You dont have to keep the baby but please dont abort!!!! Sometimes people who want to adopt will house you and take care of all of your expenses while you carry the baby. Look into your options by finding a local pregnancy center or email becky on this site or something but please dont kill your baby.

    in reply to: confused…. #15633

    Sorry to be blunt but you want advice. QUIT HAVING SEX. you wont need anymore tests. It really is the only way to guarantee no babies πŸ™‚ Please wait untill your married it took me a long time to finally do that. after 10 years of being sexually active and 2 kids later I said NO MORE heatache , unplanned pregnancies, risks of diseases,feeling used, etc.etc.etc. I stayed abstenant for 3 1/2 years untill my wedding night. You can do it!!!! I know you can πŸ™‚

    in reply to: im due may 8th #15625

    Wow I was due may 12 with my daughter it was mothers day that year. well she wasnt born that day she was born on may 8th I think its a great day πŸ™‚ well Im sorry to hear that you dont have any family and no one else to lean on I guess I was in the same boat as you when I was preg with my daughter. I found my mom dead when I was 3 1/2 mos preg with her. She had committed suicide. I had my sister but we were both so lost. I had a restraining order on the dad and I felt so alone. I know what you are going through maybe a little different circumstances but it hurts the same. Well when my daughter was 3 mos old I received Jesus as my Savior and I had my own little family. It may be that it will just be you and your child for a while but if you invite the Lord into your life miracles happen. He puts the lonely in families and He restores the years the locusts have eaten He will carry you through this and see you to the other side. He will bring you joy even in the midst of all your troubles. Maybe that sounds kind of crazy but anyone can be happy when things are good and many are feeling depressed when things are bad but….that is the cool thing about Jesus..He doesnt do things the way everyone else does. So take this moment and be filled with hope and know and believe that if you ask Him to He will set your feet on solid ground and help you to stand strong. And dont work about the rest of your pregnancy listen to your doctor and they will tell you how to know if youre going into labor. If there are any more questions just post them on here…Love and Prayers Meg

    in reply to: ah help? #15624

    The fact that you have chosen life has brought a smile to the Lords face. I know that my God is faithfull and He can and will be your God to if you ask Him to be. So what I have to say is simple. God can cause this baby to be born completely healthy all 10 fingers all 10 toes He honors those who do His will. But in the event that He allows this baby to have a struggle or two just know that you and that baby belong to Him and He will take care of you. He will not give you more than you can handle. Any questions? visit my profile page and say hi…..Love and Prayers Meg

    in reply to: 3 day period cud i b pregnant plz help!! #15622

    Well I would say you have a great chance of being preg. Almost everytime my sister has been preg she starts for one day then stops. take a test and go immediately to a doctor and tell them of your previous tubal. My daughter was a tubal but she shook loose and replanted but that was a miracle she is now almost 5. so please get checked out and make sure that you dont have a little time bomb in your tube. You need to be healthy for your other two. And if you dont mind I am going to pray for you right now. Lord Jesus I want to give you laura right now and ask that if she is pregnant and could possibly have another tubal that you would just touch her body right now and cause this baby to slip out and replant just as you did for me. But Lord if it is not Your will at this time and she is not pregnant may you just bring her period swiftly so she can stop worying. I pray Lord that whatever might come of this that Your hand would be in her life and that Your goodness and mercy would be in her home we just give this situation into Your hands and ask Your covering in Jesus name Amen….Get to the doctor asap and let us all know how it goes :)…Meg

    in reply to: CONFUSED #15620

    well angela I would go to a doctor and get a blood test if a hpt had a very light line than a blood test should deffinately be able to tell. Now untill you do that you will have to sit in confusion and wonder and that is no fun πŸ™ so my encouragement to you would be to think real hard. Why did I sleep with my EX? If we are in love why did we break up ? If we are soooooo in love why dont we get married? If we are so in love and want to be married why dont we wait until marriage to have sex? Do we want the same things in life? Can I tell him everything that goes through my head? Do I hold things back because I dont want him to laugh at me? How many people have we both slept with? Why? Would I be content in a relationship without sex? Why? Why not? Please ponder these thoughts as you wait and wonder they are not fun. Take this time to be honest in your own heart I want the best for you and hopefully you wont end up on the same road I did for so long. It was some of these kinds of questions that helped me CHOSE a different road to walk on. If there are any questions please visit my guest book and ask me I would love to help. Take care and I hope that all works out for your best. Love Meg

    in reply to: Please help me!! #15616

    Well Bexy first I would make the choice to not let this happen again. If your not having sex there is no chance of getting preg.There is only one record of imaculate conception (Jesus ) Now if you are preg you will need to get care from a doctor asap so you have a healthy pregnancy. Alot of the symptoms you named are preg symptoms. Now they can be brought on by pregnancy and also sometimes out of fear. I was worried one time and I was even throwing up. Stress can make you have these symptoms and the thought of being preg along with the possibility can elevate those symptoms as well. So from here you need to take a test and make sure and when that is done and you know the answer I would encourage you to come back here and read all of these stories. If you are preg I hope for you to find encouragement on here to make right choices and if you are not I hope these stories would discourage you from having sex again untill marriage. I hope this has helped and encouraged you in some way and may you place your feet on a new fresh path today πŸ™‚ God Bless….Meg

    in reply to: need help please. #15615

    I have never taken the morning after pill but I was offered it. Little did I know I was going to conceive. Had I taken that pill I could have killed my son who is now 2 1/2. There is nothing you can do at this point in regards to if you would have been preg or not and from the sounds of it you dont want or need a baby right now. I would encourage you to call your doctor or the clinic you got them from and ask about side effects and symptoms and make sure that you will be fine and then please please please learn from this!!!! Birth controll, morning after pills and other such things may help you to not get preg but they will not mend your broken heart after you have given yourself over to a guy or many guys. Those things will not keep you from diseases or having rumors spread about you. They will not keep you from feeling empty and lonely or used. They will not keep you from dissapointing your parents or others who love you and look after you. So please reconsider the path you are on right now. I know we have chatted before and if no one else does know that I care for you and so does Jesus. It is never too late to stop and committ your ways to the Lord. He will guide you on to paths that are healthy and good for you. I hope and pray that you will be fine and that your pain will ease up but dont forget the pain entirely let it always remind you of where we can so easily end up when me dont make good choices. Love ya lots …Meg

    in reply to: Work…no work…HELP #15614

    Well Lady c my advice to you would be to sit down and have a true heart to heart with your mom, I so badly wish I could do that sometimes but mione is no longer with me. I think that you and your mom both have the right idea. I think it is great that you want to work …alot of girls act like they are broken not preg LOL They complain that they cant do anything because they are preg and they just get some really do need to rest because of complications and stuff so Im not trying to knock them down or anything. But as I was saying You have the desire to work and fend for yourself in a sence. well you need to make sure your motivation is right. working to get more will never get you there. But maybe you should look for a job that is a little less stressful than a lawyers office for now. Once you have the baby if you are able you might like being a stay home mom (I am and I love it) and it will be alot harder to quit a job that brings in the big bucks πŸ™‚ no matter what your choice is make sure that you do whats right for you and the baby dont take a job just for the money and dont not work just because someone else wants to support you on their terms πŸ™‚ my mom wouldnt let me and my sis work but she controlled us with it and if we made her mad it could get bad. I worked a laundry job when I was preg and I loved folding sheets and towels all day and it was easy on my body so you can find something out there just make sure its the right job or you will regret it LOL May the Lord lead and guide you in all things Love Meg

    in reply to: If I can’t have him #15604

    Hey if you cant talk to him now what makes you think you will be able to when your married??? I have just learned that what ever is difficult before you are married is 10x more difficult after you are married. I got married in Nov. to the only guy I never slept with that I dated. Yep thats right we saved that part for our wedding night. Previously I had been with over 30 guys in 10 yrs and I have 2 children. Two wrongs dont make a right. Please talk to him and make sure you are both on the same page because if there are issues between you and neither of you bring it up it will only hurt your marriage down the road. Also I understand your fear of resenting your child. It is avery real fear and it will pop up at times I wont lie about that but…..the joy that child will bring and the changes that will take place in your heart FAR out way the small visits to resntment land LOL and the times when you do feel resentful only cause you to strive harder to raise your child in a way that will encourage them to make better choices than we have. Please if you need to talk just leave a note in my guest book. My heart goes out to you so much…and ps dont rob yourself any longer of excitement…rub that tummy of yours and smile over the little blessing that dwels in there πŸ™‚ "For You formed my inward parts;You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works,and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You,when I was made in secret, and skillfuly wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substanance,being yet unformed.And in Your book they all were written,the days fashioned for me,when as yet there were none of them." wow what a Creator we have Psalm 139:13-16 My prayers are with you Love Meg

    in reply to: confused with a guy #15601

    A broken heart is often worse than illness or losing everything we own. But we can move on. You say that you took risks for him and my guess is that one of those risks was sex??? Am I wrong?? I hope that you remember the emptyness you feel right now when you fall in love again. Remember that it can all go away in a second. When someone tells you they want to be more than friends and be in a relationship make sure that theyre motives are right. Withhold your body from them dont have sex. If he loves you if he wants to get serious he will eventually take you as his bride. If not you will be back here again but each time you will feel more empty. Trust me I know. Someone made a comparisson to me….If everytime you slept with someone and broke up you had to lose a part of your body how much of you would be left??? When asked that question I had to realize that if it were true I was not sitting there!!! WOW what a life changing moment. When you are married and the 2 become 1 there is unity and as long as that relationship stays monogomous an you keep your vows sex grows your relationship. But when it is outside of marriage it takes away from who you are and tears you apart when you break up:( The good news is that God can best work with us when we have a broken heart. And thankfully He can and will restore us (otherwise I wouldnt have any fingers to type with LOL) so keep looking up even if you feel lonely or used or unimportant. You are going to make it through this and Jesus can give you a new heart all you have to do is ask Him. I hope you start feeling better soon and that you will have things in your life to atract your attention other than selfish boys that dont care about your feelings. Take care…Love Meg

    in reply to: My boyfriend has just hit me. #15594

    I agree that you need to get away from this guy. Not only for you and the baby but for him also. I left my daughters dad for the same reasons. He never hit me but I almost wish he would have because words seem like they do so much more damage. He left me scared so deep inside and caused me to believe that I was just used up trash and that no one else would ever want to be with me and that I wouldnt find a job and he was gonna take my daughter and I would just end up starving on the street. I finally left him anyways and decided that if all those things were true than that was fine but I couldnt handle one more minute of his control and emotional abuse. well 4 1/2 years later I am alive I have my daughter I dont work now because I just got married in Nov. and my husband lets me stay home with the kids. The lies he told me were not true. I did have to struggle for a while and I learned how to be thrifty with my money and I fell in love with being a mom. Even if it meant that I had to do it alone. So I encourage you to stand up for what is right and dont let him believe that it is ok to throw you around and hit you. If you let him you are really telling him that it is ok to do it. Get away while you can. Dont replace him with some other guy either. Please just take this time to get your life together find a job even if its not the best. Just do what you can to survive and let God take care of the rest. Commit your ways to the Lord and He shall direct your paths. It has worked for me I encourage you to do the same πŸ™‚ lots of love and prayers Meg

    in reply to: need serious advice! #15592

    You made a comment that you cant get a restraining order because youre preg with his child!!! that is not true if you think that having a restaining order will protect you and your other children and help with the stress issue than you should get one. I got one on my daughters father when I was preg with her. He never actually hit me he just threatened me and told me that he hoped the baby would die. Dont let him mess with your head. you are already a mommy and you not only need to protect your self and your unborn baby but also the rest of your family. I sure hope that you find an amazing resourse out there to help you get on your feet and stand strong. I hope and pray that if you know the Lord that you will let Him guide your steps and if you dont know Him that you would seek to know Him. All you have to do is call upon the name of Jesus and He will hear your cry and He will atted to your needs. God Bless you…let us all know how this turns out πŸ™‚ love Meg

    in reply to: Finally! A place to share! #15591

    Good for you!!! what an awesome testimony of what more people should do. Both you your boyfriend and your parents. The decision to be apart untill youre married is so difficult but much more honorable. I respect your parents very much for making that possible. Thank you for your courage to do what was right even though you knew what got you there was wrong πŸ™‚ I found out that I was preg with my 2nd after I had gotten saved and was attending church regularly for some time. I hurt so many and stumbled others. But I just kept going to church and I made the decision to not have sex again untill I was married. well 3 1/2 years after I made that choice I did get married and I did keep that promise I had made to the Lord. You and your soon to be husband are going to experience so much blessing from the choice you have made. May the Lord give you strength and wisdom on how to raise your child. This is just one more example of Gods grace. If we had to be "good enough" to get to heaven no one would be there. But when you turn from what you are doing wrong and choose to do it the right way it is pleasing to the Lord. He desires obedience more than a sacrifice. God bless you and your family…Congrats Love meg

    in reply to: i need some advice.. #15590

    well callie Im sorry that you have to go through such a difficult change in your life so young. I hope I dont hurt you by saying this but if you are having sex there is a chance you can get pregnant. I think you probably knew that and now you will have to learn the hard way that it was true. Now with that out of the way I am so glad that you are choosing life I know you wont regret it. I have 2 children and never in a million years do I wish to have made a diffeent decision. Being a mommy will change your whole life if you let it. Some girls dont take the responsibility just like some guys dont as well but from the way you phrase things Im pretty sure that you realize the reality of what will take place from here on out. I know that you are still young but are you and your boyfriend discussing marriage?? Giving this child a loving home is so important so my encouragement to you is to get married if all is well with your boyfriend and your parents consent. And if not that you would not continue on this same path. There is so much waiting for you at the end of this pregnany whether it be more school or just being a mom, but please now that you have found yourself in this difficult place wait untill you are married to continue with being sexually active. It only caused heartache and pain in my past. I wish and hope Gods best for you and your family. May you find all of the wisdom you need from here on out. If you need to talk just leave a post on my page..I’ll be praying for you sweetie…Love Meg

    in reply to: his mind is made up #15584

    I completly agree with all the other ladies. Thank you for choosing life. There are so many recources out there to help you be a parent. I have never felt bad for receiving food stamps because I was always working and paying my taxes. I put in there fore I received what I needed. Now that I am married I no longer receive food stamps because the Lord has brought me new provision. Dont let anyone put you down for wanting to keep the baby or for using the recources you might have to to keep your head above water. Being a mom is wonderful but make sure that you learn from this situation. In most cases I have heard of a Husband rarely asks his wife to abort and would most likely not want to put the child up for adoption. There fore I would encourage you to stand on the truth and not put yourself into a position that could get you preg again untill your married. If a man wont marry you before you have sex with him then in MOST cases (not all) he wont stand by you through the hard times. After 10 yrs of being sexually active and 2 kids later I made that choice. I went through both pregnancies on my own ( 2 diff dads) at that point I decided never again. I kept both of my children and spent 4 yrs as a single parent. I am now married to a man that I did not have sex with untill our wedding night and I know we will both rejoice when we find out that Im pregnant. I hope and pray that you will join me in having an awesome testimony some day and that if this man truly loves you he will marry you or that single parent hood will strengthen you as much as it did me πŸ™‚ love and God bless Meg

    in reply to: how about… #15510

    about a month ago I had a bladder infection that went into my kidneys within 24 hours. I had a fever and it was very painful. you should go to the doctor I had to be hospitalized over night with anti biotics. if you have pain under your rib cage then it could be the same as I had it. if not you could just have a normal UTI or if you have not been careful you could have and std

    in reply to: preg. test question. please help #15509

    I agree with everyone else that if you are on your period 99%sure your not preg. but to answer your question I believe it is more acurate to take a test with your first pee in the morning πŸ™‚ sounds like if you are taking a test on your period that you are hoping to be preg?? is that right??? if so…..if your not married and still in school please wait. dont try to get pregnant you can bring alot of heart ache to your life. kids are wonderful but being a single struggling parent who feels rejected isnt so lovely I did that for 4 1/2 years on my own. take care of yourself lots of love

    in reply to: Pregnant? #15508

    sharp stomach pains and back pain is such a broad diagnosis of so much stuff. period pregnancy food pisoning the flu you name it. how old are you ? unprotected sex? on birth control? do you want to be pregnant? there are so many things that can play into this. start narowing things down. take a test and then go from there πŸ™‚

    in reply to: stagitory rape… :/ #15507

    stagetory rape is a very serious thing and even if you dont think you are a victem of it you are. you may not feel victemized but by allowing a man who was already in kindergarten when you were born to have casual sex with you is a big thing. My brother is always going after "little girls" he says that they are old enough to make the decision for themselves which may be true but I would always tell him that he is the adult and the resposible party and he should have more respect for these young girls. Please have more respect for your body I am 25 and I let guys take advantage of me for years and it caused so much emotional damage. it doesnt hurt at the time when you are having fun but after it happens over and over again you feel empty used and worthless. Also if you end up loving an older man especially with kids think about their life and how having sex with you could classify them as a sex offender for life and the harm their families will go through for it. this guy could loose his daughter over being tagged as an offender. these are big things to think about. I pray that your pregnancy will go well and that you find a good way to tell your parents. and please if they press charges on this guy …let them be your parents and let them protect you just as you would this little baby you are having πŸ™‚ take care

    in reply to: Help please! don’t know what to say to her? #15506

    If she is feeling guilty about the abortion and thinks that God is punishing her for it I would strongly recommend both of you to read through the bible. The God I know does not punish people for making wrong choices. He allows us to suffer reprocussions I suffer many from my past but He is so full of forgiveness. Please find a church in your area that is a bible teaching non denominational or christian and call or go in together. I wouldexplain your situation to the pastor and ask him to tell you more about Gods grace ifyou havent experienced it much. My heart goes out to both of you and thank you for standing up for what is right and for being willing to take responsibility. Jesus loves you both ….. God Bless

    in reply to: i really need advice. #15504

    I would encourage you to keep this baby. I had my daughter on my own at 20 I now have two children. You are an adult you are capable of supporting yourself with a job and this baby will only grow you up further than you are now. my caution is for your boyfriend. if he is supportive of your decision to keep or abort that means he is saying i dont care if the baby lives or dies. my daughters father was the same way. he is no longer in her life . even after she was born when we would fight he would sometimes tell me he wished i would have had an abortion. he even said it in front of her when she was 1. a real man who is expecting a baby and is willing to be a part of the childs life would have more of an opinion of what he wants. I am not judging or steriotyping your bf but you are on here looking for advice. please keep this baby. Just think as the baby is born and grows overtime you know he/she will be cute and im sure even if your family is upset at first that the baby will just grow on them πŸ™‚ dont give them a reason to regret this baby either be responsible and make every effort you can to keep your family together πŸ™‚

    in reply to: adoption or be a mom #15502

    I respect the fact that your choice is to keep the baby or adopt. My question is now that you have found yourself in this spot if you adopt the baby are you going to learn from this? A girl in my town lost her virginity on a night of irrational thinking, got pregnant , and has put her daughter in a good home. the people who adopted her allow visits from her . She will always be known as a "friend of the family" untill her daughter is an adult and mature enough to handle the truth. Since this change in her life she no longer puts herself in an environment to make poor decisions. And she has learned from this. So my prayer for you is that you would either keep the baby and walk a tough but rewarding road of reprocussions or that you would place this baby in a home that cannot conceive a child. But regardless of your decission may you truly press into the Lord, learn a lesson, and see Gods grace all around you πŸ™‚ God Bless

    in reply to: I have a question?????? (long) #15497

    Well if you are pregnant I would strongly urge you to keep the baby. A child will change the way you live think and feel about yourself. Stand strong and dont be moved on your decision to keep it no matter what. If you are not pregnant please stop putting yourself into situations that could get you pregnant. I have two kids , after my second pregnancy ( Iwas alone both times 2 dads) I commited to waiting till marriage to have sex again. well after almost 3 years I had sex on my wedding night and it was amazing πŸ™‚ There is so much blessing and if I find out that I am pregnant I have no fear of what the father will say because he loves me enough to have respected my body and waited for me to be his wife. You deserve so much better than to give yourself to a man that wont commit to you πŸ™‚ I hope all goes well…..God Bless

    in reply to: stretch marks #15496

    After I had my kids I used to joke around saying "thank God for stretch marks and tattoos they taught me alot about modesty" really though I have a rule …. if you can see more than two tattoos or any stretch marks than I am not dresed appropriately πŸ™‚ Love Meg

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