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ParticipantHey hunny
All i want to say to you about your fear of your friends thinking less of you and rejecting you.
A true friend will be there for you when you need them
A true friend will not reject you or think less of you because you gonna be a mom.
A true friend will stand by you and lift your head up , be your shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.And if your friends wont be there for you, reject you and think less of you. Than they not really your friends. I dont want to put more stress on you, i just want you to know that you deserve having a friend who is there for you, not those who just wants to be around your just for a good time.
And if they do reject you, it will just give you an opertunity to find that friend who really wants to be your friend and who wants to be your shoulder to cry on an ear to listen π
Keep you head up hunny, you not alone
Luv Maylene
ParticipantPS – and i agree with the other ladies, you have nothing to feel guilty about. You a being the best mom you can be and looking out for the best interest in your baby. There is no shame in that. You are a strong wonderful woman who is willing to stand up for whats right for you and your baby:kiss:
ParticipantHunny, ask yourself this….
Do you want your son to grow up in a violent and abuse atmospher?
Do you want THAT ‘man’ to be your sons role modle?
Do you really want to live your life in fear for both your life and you baby?
No you dont, yes he is your sons father, but if he doesnt even treat your son with love and care, than i personely think your baby is better off without his father in his life. Thats just how i feel, and i told my own brothers ex who is the mother of his child the same thing when they were together. Thats how strongly i feel about that kind of treatment and behaviour.
Your son is alot better off having only you in his life than you and his dad. Yes you baby will need a father figure, but it doesnt have to be the baby dad, it can be your dad (like in the case of my nephew he sees my dad as his dad, cause his mom doesnt have a dad) or it could be your bother or your uncle. But you know, my hubby grew up with his dad not being around much, his mom basicaly brought him and his sister up on her own, and his the most sweets and loving man i know.
My dad’s dad left them ( my late grandmom and 4sons) when them dad was 10
My dad is a good guy. What i’m trying to say is, your baby can still turn out to be a great person by only having a mom, maybe even better than having him mom and bilogical dad in his life.Maylene
ParticipantHey sweedy, how you keeping up?
Well i’m not in the same boat, but my nephew is π
My bro was 17 when His became a dad,and so was the mom and at that time he changed his life around, he stoped drinking and pulled his act togather.
You could see the love he had for his son, as years went by my bro and his ex were fighting alot and stuff. they broke up and he was still in his sons life, he wouldnt let anyone tell him different, then last year, he met someone who he now has married. And he wrote his son off, told us that he had test done and that the child is not his, he always knew but now he had enough and wants nothing to do with his son. But the mom to him to caurt and they had test done "again" the test came out possitve. The kiddie IS MY BRO"S son. But he still wants nothing to do with him. And the worse thing is the kiddie is only 5 now. What my bro is doing is damaging that poor baby. It brakes my heart.
the reast of the family is still involved in his life. We love him to bits. And i always said that i dont care if his our blood or not he was brought into our lives for a reason and we have no right taking him out of our lives.My point is, rather get things sorted out NOW, dont wait untill your baby, know who his dad is and then his dad decideds he wants nothing to do with him. He will be more hurt when that happens. If the dad decideds to leave now, let him. Trust me, you saving your baby more pain if he leave now. I know because i see it in my nephew. He asked my mom one day is his mommy also going to leave him. You know how that hurt me knowing thats what he fears, he was 4 when my bro decided he wants nothing to do with them. At 4 they know but maybe they dont really understand, but they hurt and they do things to try and get attention because they affraid "that they did something" to make that person leave. All you need to do is let your baby know what is going on when they old enough, or the day they ask, where is my daddy. and telling them what happened at that time they ask, will hurt alot less than having their daddy walk out when his a little older
ParticipantHi there
My name is Maylene, i’m 25 years old and i’m also married. I’ve been married for almost 8months now. I also want a baby, but my hubby is also not really ready. Though he is a bit younger than myself, he’ll only be 24 in October. So i kinda understand, and i do agree that we need to be a bit more stable before we have little bundles of joy, but my fear is also that my bilogical clock is ticking, and i’m affraid that when he is ready then we may stuggle to have a baby. something wrong is going to happen. You know what i mean?
My mom had me when she was 17 so i’m kinda feeling old at my age now, lol.
I dont want to be to old when we start our family. I want to be able to enjoy my kids.I know you wanted advice on what to do and i havent helped you in that way.
But i thought to share my story with you so that you would know that you not alone π and i’ll be holding thumbs for you for a miricale to happen. I would say talk to your husband about how you feel. But I’ve tried with mine, but hey maybe if we carry on talking their ear off then they will give in, though my hubby tells me all the time that his mom had his sister when she was 29.So i guess the best thing for us to do is just pray. Nothing and no one can stand in Gods way, if he has plans for you, then there is nothing that will stop him.
I hope this helped you a lil bit though. If you ever want to talk, you are more than welcome to email me π
Take care, and may love and peace be with you
ParticipantVery well said, i 200% agree with you.
Nobody should or deserve to be abused.
We all have the right to be loved unconditionally, and treated with respect.
If the person you are with does not have that for you, then you better off with out them. And you will find someone who will make you feel special.Maylene
ParticipantHey there
I’m so glad that you made the right choice to not stay with the baby’s dad. You do not deserve that no one does, you deserve to be treated with respect, love and compation. I’m glad your family (mom, dad, you and your baby) are back together and happy. And i’m also happy that you kept your baby.:cheer:Maylene
ParticipantYou sure can do it B)
You can do anything you put your mind to. And If you are going to have a baby, the baby will give you a greater reason and passion to complete your studies and help other young girls. πMaylene
ParticipantSweedy, you might be pregnant, but do yourself a favour and have a test done π That way you sould be sure.
Yes, for some people it takes longer and others just as they come off, and the scary part some people still fall pregnant will they using birth control. Some guys have themselves "fixed" and thats not even a 100% guarentee. Please keep us possted. πMaylene
ParticipantYou might be having a baby, but you could go have a blood test done, that would def. let you know if you really are or not. My friend told me that blood tests are more acurete and can tell earlier. or wait a week or so an buy another test. π
ParticipantThat was the first time i read that and i just started crying. How does people take abortion so likely. I agree fully, abortion is murder. For you young ladies out there, please dont let anyone force you to kill your baby. They are a blessing from God. If you cant look after the baby yourself, then give them up for adoption, there are many people out there who cant have a baby them selves and would gladly look after your little one and love them as if they their own flesh and blood.