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  • in reply to: A little encouragment #10294

    Its me again. I did not get the chance to write much last time because I was not feeling well. But I wanted to share with all of you the struggles and triumphs I went through after my son was born.

    Life has definately brought me down a different road than I thought it would.18 months after having my son at 16 his father left me. Here 7 years later he still hasn’t talked to us or wanted to see his son. It was hard at first to get over the loneliness and abandonment I felt from him. But life went on. I knew that in order to give my son a good life I had to be strong for not only him, but for myself. I really did think my life was over and I would never amount to anything. BUT that was a lie.

    In 2002 I recieved my GED through a welfare program called TEAM. It is a program designed for US, mothers AND fathers under the age of 23 who have children. I have met so many girls and heard so many stories so similar to my own that I just could not sit here and read them all without giving some encouragement. Since achieving myGED I have started college and in Novemeber 2006 I graduate with my Associates of the Arts in Business and in 2008 I graduate with my Bachelors of Science in Accounting. I have to say that through everything life has put me through since my son I am so proud of myself for following through with my dreams. 2 short months after achieving my GED I was assualted. I was punched in the crown of my head by a guy I had just broke up with. I have seizures and Chronic Protracting Migranes now which is also called a chronic headache. I get them all the time and they last for days, sometimes hospitalizing me. But my family has been there for me through it all. I have 3 amazing brothers who would do anything to help me. My parents support every decision I make and help me with babysitting if I need to go for tests, or they take me to my appointments since I am not allowed to drive. I take my college courses online through Western International University and in November from the University of Phoenix. Since it was the best route for me.

    4 years ago I met the most incredible man. He loves me and my son to death and has been a lot of my motivation. If it weren’t for him kicking me in the butt I would still be sitting here feeling sorry for myself because of the assualt and feeling like all my independence was lost. But on Christmas of 2004 he asked me to marry him, and in July of 2005 we got married.

    Looking back 7 years ago when I made the decision to keep my son, who I love more than anything in the world, I never thought I would have such a great life! The feeling that I have seen through many of the girls on here has been mutual. I have been there, I felt that way too. BUT nothing is beyond your reach, GOD would not make an obstacle you cannot overcome. Life goes on after children no matter what age you are and the dreams you think you have lost are not the far gone, in fact they aren’t gone at all. If you believe in yourself and remember that what life throws at us may be hard and confusing but it only makes us stronger. Everything happens for a reason and although the reasons they happen aren’t obvious at first, believe me you will find the answers soon enough!

    in reply to: Please help,im so scared #10292

    In VERY rare cases some women continue to have a period while they are pregnant. Some of the symptoms you are having are a little similar to being pregnant. I was 16 when I had my son and it is a frightening thought. To be on the safe side I would take a test. IF you are pregnant you need to see a doctor immediately, if it comes out negative you need to see a doctor and discuss what could be wrong. Keep your head up it will be ok.

    in reply to: It should be up to me! #10291

    This sounds all to familiar. I was 16 when I got pregnant. My mom told me my life was over, asked how I could be so "stupid," and told me it was my fault and I had to live with it. My dad and step-mother wanted me to get an abortion or give my son up for adoption. WELL, lets just say I didn’t do any of that. I am now 24 and my son is 7. My life isn’t over and my parents love my son to death. I got married to a man I have been with for 4 years in july of 2005. I am in my second year of college and graduate in November. So obviously my life was not over. Parents lash out in anger because they want the best for us. You need to do what you want to do and remember that in time they will come to accept it. My parents did. I wish you all the happiness in the world and my heart goes out to you. I know BELIEVE me I know its never something you want to hear from your parents but like you, they need time to soak it all in. It will all be better soon.

    in reply to: i ShulDnt have to ChooSE #10290

    Coming from someone who has been in your shoes, follow your heart hun. I was a single mother up until 4 years ago. I was 16 when I had my son Damon and 18 months after he was born his father left and wanted nothing to do with us. Here 7 years later he hasnt seen or contacted us once. He has 2 other kids with another woman as well. I can’t say the road has been pleasent or easy. But I can say that it was worth it. 🙂 Just keep your head up and remember that you CAN overcome anything you put your mind to. There are so many of us that have!

    in reply to: Help PLEASE!!! #10289

    I know the thought of losing someone you care about is sadening. But if he loves you he will respect your decisions. Don’t do anything you will regret later in life. I was 16 when I had my son, now 7 years later i am in my second year of college and met the most incredible man. We got married in July of last year. You need to decide what is best for you, it is your body not his and he needs to understand your concerns and your feelings. Believe me raising a child and seeing their smiling faces when you hold them and look at them is the best gift in the world! I don’t think that abortion is the way to go.

    in reply to: my babies daddy wants nothing to do with me #10288

    I know where your coming from. I was 16 when I had my son. His father left shortly after he was born and has made it quite clear he wants nothing to do with us. I am not 24 and my son is 7. I know it seems hard and at first it will be, but think about how happy you will make your child just being there for them. I basically raised my son alone with a little help from family until 4 years ago when I met the love of my life. Together as now husband and wife we share the responsibility of raising him. Believe me it is a hard road but you will push through the hard times and things will be brighter in the near future. You have to remember to keep your head up and remember you CAN overcome any obstacles that stand in the way!

    in reply to: pelz help #9221

    Hey Gods_child,

    I was 16 when I got pregnant, it was one month after my 16 birthday. I am now 23. I did not even think about having a child at that age, so it was unexpected. It may have been an accident that I got pregnant, BUT never was my pregnancy an accident. I have a beautiful little 7 yr old boy now that I love more than anything in the world. No my son’s father is no longer in OUR lives he left us when my son was 16 months old and hasn’t seen him since. My family is still very much behind me. Every day they show their love and affection for him and tell me how proud of me for the things I have accomplished since I had him. My son’s name is Damon and he is going to be 7 years old on October 28th. I had regrets at first that I would never finish school, never have a good education and pretty much my life was over, as a lot of young mothers think. But now I have gotten my GED in 2002 and this past february I started college. I got married to the love of my life July 23rd and everything in my life is where it needs to be right now. My only regret, if you would call it that, is it took me this long to do it.

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