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  • in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #23095

    Well. Finally got to the girl doc today.
    another negative preg test.
    They didn’t do a pap smear.
    They did a physical
    And a cervical test. That was uncomfortable.
    Then she had to stick her fingers up in me and poke around feeling all my girl organs.

    She thinks all the pain and bloating in my abs is from a cyst on my left ovary.

    Going to a hospital monday to get a vaginal ultrasound.

    in reply to: Am i pregant? #23056

    You COULD be. I assume you are sexually active, if you are not then you’re most definitely not.

    When was the last time you had sex? Did you use protection? Are you on any kind of birth control?

    I recommend you go get an HPT test. If it comes out negative, wait another week, if your period does not arrive take another or go see your doctor to get blood tests.

    The best way to tell is through an HPT test or blood tests.

    Do NOT stress, it can prolong your periods absence. Try to keep yourself busy with school work, drawing, any hobbies, cleaning, etc.

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #22797

    Those are common symptoms, but a HPT test is the only way to really tell (next to blood work). I suggest to go get a test and see what happens from there.

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22796

    Well I had my period, and it’s irregular so I don’t know if it will come next month or not. Today I had a brown discharge, but from research it’s either due to ovulating/my period or being pregnant. Still having pains in my back and ribs and stuff. I’m going to have them do another pregnancy test when I’m there. Maybe see instead if I can get a blood test. That would be the most accurate way, right?

    I have no clue what’s going on with my body. I still haven’t gone back to the doctors, when I go back the 3rd of November they’re doing a paps mere and a physical O_o My first time to anything like this, kind of scared, but will make it through. I’m trying not to stress out, but it’s hard not to for me. I’m always under stress, but this is just more. Oh well, just have to wait until the 3rd.

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22758

    Yeah my period came again October 11th – October 16th. So I’m still fairly sure I’m not pregnant, although I do think I’ve gotten more fat, but I still weigh what I have for years. So I’m starting to work out. I’ll put up another update as soon as I go to the doctors on the 3rd. I might have them do one more test to be safe. Still no symptoms of any pregnancy, thank God. I’m still a little worried, but it’s been over two months, so I think I would of been showing by now. Right? I am a little worried but just trying to keep myself busy. Wanted to say thanks to everyone for all their support and advice! πŸ˜€ Thanks πŸ™‚

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22617

    Alright! Went to a clinic today! Good news is, they did a urine test for pregnancy, came out negative. They detected something in my urine on another test, so I’m on some meds for that for 5 days. I have to go back for a papsmere or whatever and a physical on the 3rd of November. They don’t know what’s with the pain. But the good news is that I’m not pregnant πŸ˜€

    in reply to: I know I’m pregnant, and he wants me to have an… #22598

    Wow. I just wanted to say good job to all the women in here! You guys are doing great in being supportive of other members! There is no other community like this, awesome.

    Okay and here’s what I want to advise to ya rojo75. . .

    Keep your baby! πŸ™‚

    Even though you have one already, maybe someone upstairs is trying to tell you that having a second in your life will make you even happier! If your boyfriend wants nothing to do with the child and leaves, I’m willing to put money on it that you could make it! If you don’t think you can financially, there are state programs for single mothers, they can help.

    Don’t let him talk you into having an abortion. It’s your body – it’s your life. Men won’t ever understand what it is really like to have another life inside of you. Do not let him talk you in or out of anything.

    Adoption is an option- there are plenty of couples who want children desperately but can not have them. If you two can not support a second child, adoption is an option πŸ˜€

    Best of luck and stay strong! We’re here to support you on your decisions. Please keep us posted, dear.

    in reply to: UGH #22597

    It is possible that your subconscious will create those symptoms because you realize and might be scared that you are pregnant.

    I would go for a blood test, dear.

    in reply to: Help anyone? #22596

    I would have the doctor run a blood test on you sweetie.

    HPT tests all trace the amount of a special hormone in your body called hCG (Human Chronic Gonadotropin). When you take home tests it just tracks what’s in your urine stream. If 3 of the 4 tests have come out positive, it very well possible could be pregnancy. If they had you urinate on one of their sticks, there’s might have been expired (Can you believe they have expiration dates?!?! O.o ) So I would definitely go for a blood test! It will be the most accurate.

    Good luck and please keep us posted!

    in reply to: Re:My Story #22595

    I’m sorry to hear all this, that is a rotten situation.

    If you need support and advice, that’s what this site is for, :D! We’re here to help you and back you in your decision. Like I’ve always said, it’s your body, you do with it what you will. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

    Talk to your boyfriend about this. Find a time when your both relaxed, or go somewhere peaceful and relaxing for him. As I always said, it takes two to tango, so he’s as equally responsible in this as you. You TRIED to stay safe. You may be right that God is sending you what He believes is in your best interest. I’ve heard a lot of people say “God will not hand you anything you can not handle” This might be true! Consider your options.

    As far as not getting support from the people closest to you, well, I guess they aren’t the best of the closest? You don’t have to talk to his parents. And ask your boyfriend if he thinks he’s ready to be a father, not his family. Have a serious talk about it. Just relax, and take it as it comes.

    My best advice is that if you want to keep your child, then keep it! Even if he wants no part in it, there are state programs and stuff in mostly every state to help single mothers, especially if you’re at a young age. And if he wants no part in your child’s life, forget him, there’s much better men out there πŸ™‚

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22592


    Uhh, think you got the wrong link dear O_o I’ve never had an abortion O_o

    in reply to: worried… #22591

    Alright, I’ll tell ya this hon, if you think it’s in your head- yes get a pregnancy test. If it comes out negative, and you’re still worried, wait until your next period. If you don’t have it by a week after the due date, take another HPT test.

    I read on some medical site that the two true signs of pregnancy is a missed period and a positive HPT test. Even though the other symptoms you experience may be common for pregnancies, it may be other problems with the pill you were taking. I would still recommend getting an HPT test, if you’re not ready to tell your boyfriend before the test, then don’t. Go on your own, or take a close girlfriend. Having others with you makes it seem easier, instead of like everyone’s watching you.

    DON’T stress. I just went through all kinds of anxiety worrying if I was pregnant. I’m not. Stress can cause your period to miss or be late by a lot of time! Just relax and enjoy your time. Best of luck hon! Keep us posted!

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22590

    I’d go to the doctors office and get blood tests run. Even though it is not common for a test to be a false positive. Don’t let your doctor pressure you into not getting blood test work because SHE might look down on you. Hun, if you think you’re pregnant, go get a blood test. And if your doctor won’t do it, try to go to the hospital or someplace, if you have insurance, they’ll do it. Best of luck hon! Let us know how it all goes.

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22501

    back again with another set of pains.

    Alright. I do believe I’ve gotten bigger stomach wise. But what I notice is that my ribs have become bigger than anything else. Earlier I was having a bad pain behind my belly button. My navel area was hurting again too. Today the pains were on my right side, cramps and dull pains. I even got some pain under my right ribs. I got pain on my left side, and I had some lower back pain. I’ve been doing extensive research about what my pre-med teacher and Autum have said.

    I have 2/13 pregnancy symptoms which are backache and abdominal bleeding (It may be 3 of 13, but I have an irregular period so I don’t know! 8( ) But I have 2 of 3 gas problem symptoms, abdominal bloating and abdominal pain, and there was way TOO many symptoms for digestive problems to be counted, but from the ones I read, I only had a couple! I’m so freaking scared about tomorrows test and I’m still so confused! Any ideas as to the possibility of being pregnant! I know I’ve asked this, but anyone else got some more ideas?

    Pregnant? (Can’t wait till tomorrow to take another test)

    in reply to: Can I Be Pregnant??? #22462

    I’m with everyone who’s replied. I don’t think it’s likely. Sperm is only supposed to live for a day or so. If you are really worried, take a Home Pregnancy Test. If you’re still concerned afterwards, I see that you have two choices, dear. Go to the doctor, and hit the big guns with a blood test, or wait until next month, and if your period doesn’t show up, wait a week and grab another HPT test.

    Good luck! Keep us posted!!!

    in reply to: TOTALLY CONFUSED, NEED HELP #22460

    This is a site I researched awhile back concerning discharges.

    ‘Spotting Blood/Brown Discharge: This may occur when you are ovulating/mid-cycle. Sometimes early in pregnancy you may have spotting or a brownish discharge at the time your period would normally come. If you have spotting at the time of your normal period rather than your usual amount of flow, and you have had sex without using birth control, you should check a pregnancy test.’

    It is possible to have your period while you are pregnant, my friends mother had that problem.

    I just wanted to take a second to mention this to you. The pull out method doesn’t work for a couple reasons, but the main one is this hon: Pre-ejaculation. It happens mostly once or twice when a male is having sex or even just by himself. Yes, pre-come does contain sperm.

    I’ve also read and been told by various people that cramps, especially in the abdomen can mean pregnancy. My best advice is to go get a pregnancy test immediately!

    Keep us updated, best of wishes for you, dear!

    in reply to: Scared…Or maybe i’m just overreacting #22456

    In order to take a test, you should wait 7 days after your period is late. Some common pregnancy symptoms are morning sickness (which can occur at anytime of the day), darkening of your areolas, swollen or tender breasts, fatigue/ tiredness, backaches, headaches, frequent urination, Food cravings, constipated, heartburn, mood swings, abdominal bloating, increased sensitivity to odors, etc. There are lots more, just search the web a bit. Not all women experience all or any of these symptoms, some experience some and not others. The best way to know is just to take a pregnancy test, hon.

    I’ll give you the same advice I was given in my post. Try not to stress. Stress can cause your period to be delayed. If your period does not come a week after it’s due time, get a test dear but keep in mind it is possible to be pregnant and have your period (I know it sucks).

    I hate to say it, but it is possible you are pregnant, very possible. Since the condom broke and your not on any form of birth control,you may very well be pregnant.

    Please keep us updated!

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22445

    I forgot to add in something about why I’m a bit scared.

    I keep having pains underneath my upper right rib, my naval area, my right side, near my right hip bone and my left and at my abdomen.They’re not sharp pains, mostly dull ones. . . I’ve read somewhere on a pregnancy site it happens in the early stages of pregnancies, where it’s basically just making room for the baby. . .

    I talked to a pre-med teacher at my school today, I described my situation and the symptoms, she thinks it may be a digestive problem, or something else. But she didn’t seem to want to say much, probably for fear of giving bad advice. Does anyone know the likeliness along with my other stuff I had in my original post?

    The help is much appreciated! Thanks!

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22427

    Thanks guys. I think maybe I’m stressing out too. I’ve been stressed out about it since August, and I think it’s jsut causing problems. The thing is, when I’m at school and not thinking about it, I’m fine. However, when I come home and I’m done with all my studies and am not reading, it’s like the anxiety that I should of felt all day just slaps me across the face.

    I talked to my partner as well this morning before I went to school, we’re going to go Friday if my period hasn’t started by then to get some more HPT tests. He said the same thing about being paranoid to me last night. So, maybe I am. Thanks so much for the help and advice! I’m glad to hear from some of the experienced that they don’t think I’m pregnant. Again, thank you so much!

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