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  • in reply to: when do I show????? #9964

    I didn’t really start to show much at all until I was somewhere between 4 and 5 months pregnant. It seemed like I just sort of popped overnight. I’m definitely showing now (at nearly 7 months) but am still not very big yet. It varies with each girl and each pregnancy.


    in reply to: cramps #9963


    I’m not usre..but you might want to contact your ob/gyn just to be safe and find out if there is anything to worry about or not.


    in reply to: What are the chances?HELP PLEASE IMPORTANT!?!? #9962


    If your period doesn’t start in the next week, I would take a pregnancy test to find out whether you are actually pregnant or not.

    If you are…I’m not sure if there is a best way to break the news to your mom, but it is probably better to tell her early on so the baby can get prenatal care. I would find a calm moment wehn you are together and just be open and honest with her.


    in reply to: Help #9961


    The injection? You mean the depo provera shot, I’m assuming? I’ve never actually used depo, but as I understand it it is not uncommon for some spotting in the first month as the body gets used to the changes in hormones. If you are concerned I would check with your doctor.


    in reply to: am i? #9947


    I’m not sure if you could be pregnant or not. I would wait until a few days after your period would normally start and take a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant or not.


    in reply to: can i have kids HELP #9946


    It could be possible that you had an early miscarriage, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t worry too much about it though. Are you trying to get pregnant? or do you not want to become pregnant? If you have unprotected sex there is a good chance that you could become pregnant. I would not rely on the fact that you haven’t gotten pregnant in the past to think that you can’t get pregnant in the future. The only 100% was to prevent pregnancy is abstinence.


    in reply to: Could I Be Pregnant #9944


    I understand your frustration with confusing or broken test results!!! The first test (ept) I took was broken. It was supposed to show a plus for positive and a horizontal line for negative, but it showed a vertical line. The first test I interpreted this line as negative, but I was convinced that I was pregnant. I took another ept test a week later, but this time I noticed that the line was the wrong direction, so I bought another brand of test (first response). This test was clear with two pink lines.

    I think usually if there are two lines it usually indicates a positive test, but I’m not sure about two different colors?!? When did you take your last test? I would take another test a week later.

    Is 19 too young to be a mum? I don’t think so especially since you are engaged. It will mean a change for sure if you decide to raise a child. However if you and your fiance do not feel ready for parenthood, then adoption is always an option too. Have you told your fiance that you suspect that you might be pregnant? How does he feel about the situation? Best Wishes.


    in reply to: Did i test 2 early #9943

    It usually takes at least 10 days from conception before a test would detect a pregnancy. Most tests reccommend testing after you have missed a period. I’m not sure how regular your cycle is…. you’re not very late. I would see if your period starts in the next week or two. If it does not, I would take another test. If the second test is negative you are most likely not pregnant (although for a few women a blood test is needed to detect pregnancy), but might consider seeing your doctor to get checked out. Best Wishes.


    in reply to: I need to know if i am pregnant #9940


    If it has only been a couple of days since you had sex it would be too early to detect whether you are pregnant yet or not. It usually takes about at least ten days to be able to detect the HcG hormone. Usually it is best to test after you have missed a period. If it turns out that you are pregnant I would encourage you to have this child, but I would encourage you to not try to deliberately get pregnant, even if your boyfriend says he wants a baby. There could be a number of reasons why your boyfriend is acting wierd. Perhaps the thought that you might be pregnant has sunk in and is scaring him, perhaps it is something entirely unrelated. I would talk to him and find out what is going on. Good luck.


    in reply to: re: thin line between love n hate #9939


    I am sorry about your miscarriage. It must have been very heartbreaking for you.

    I understand how you feel about your boyfriend. You have been together for about a year, have lived together and even were expecting a child for a time period. There are bound to be strong emotional ties and bonds. I would sit down and talk with your boyfriend tell him how you are feeling and your concerns and worries about the relationship.

    If there is not mutual respect, love, and trust in a relationship there will be problems. It sounds like your boyfriend is not being sensitive to your needs and is quite distant. I think that you could probably do better. You deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are, someone you can trust to be faithful, someone who will listen to you and be there for you.

    It sounds like these are not qualities of your boyfriend, but perhaps if you talk to him he will change. I won’t tell you to break-up or not to break up, but I would think hard about whether it is healthy to maintain this relationship, especially if you will be moving. I won’t lie and say that it won’t be hard to break up or that you won’t still have feelings for him. Breakups hurt. There is no getting around it, but in time you will heal.


    in reply to: Am I #9938


    If you have been having unprotected sex, then it is very possible that you might be pregnant. The signs you are descriping do potetially sound like early pregnancy symptoms, but the best way to know is to take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant your (ex)boyfriend needs to know. Best wishes.


    in reply to: what now? #9922


    You are not alone! I understand how scared you feel. It is good that your mom and the father know and will be there to support you no matter what the outcome. If your period is still late you should take a pregnancy test to find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not. Best wishes.


    in reply to: should i leave him? #9921


    Have you talked with him about how you are feeling? If you are engaged and have been together for a while I would try to work things out. If, however, he is ever physically or emotionally abusive, then it would be a different story- if that is the case you can do much better and I would seriously reconsider the relationship before you get married. I would tell your fiance that you are feeing hurt and ignored and that his short temper is hurting you. That you love him but you have concerns about your relationship. Hopefully he will listen and treat you better. Best wishes.


    in reply to: Am i pregnant!!! Please Help. #9917


    It’s hard to tell from symptoms alone. Have you missed your period? The best way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. You could get one and take it at home or you could contact Birthright or a crisis pregnancy center in your area. They usually offer free confidential pregnancy tests. Best wishes.


    in reply to: Pregnant, but where are the signs? #9903


    The symptoms you are describing are all symptoms that I experienced in early pregnancy too. I found out that I was pregnant at about 7 weeks. I hadn’t had much morning sickness before that point but I did in the weeks following and into the fourth month of pregnancy.

    I understand your fears, especially after your previous miscarriage. However I would try not to worry too much. I have known many women that have never had morning sickness and had healthy pregnancies. If you don’t get morning sickness consider yourself lucky! Best wishes.


    in reply to: Am I pregnant? Please help #9902


    It is possible that you might be pregnant, but it might be too early to tell with a pregnancy test since it has been less than a month since your last period. If you continue to have unusual bleeding I would contact your general practitionel doctor. It could be implantation bleeding, but it could be something like a urinary tract infection or something else too. Good luck.


    in reply to: What are my chances? #9901


    Have you missed your period yet? Some tests claim to be able to detect pregnancy a few days before your period is expected, others require to test after you period is missed. If it has been less than two weeks since you would have conveived then it might be too early for a test to register as positive. It is hard to tell from symptoms alone. If your period is more than a week late, then I would take a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant.


    in reply to: Torn.. #9900


    I know how you feel. When I was in college my then boyfriend (now husband) and I had a pregnancy scare. I know he would have been there for me if I was pregnant then (we’ve been married for 6 years now and he has been great in being there for me now in my pregnancy with our first child). My parents would not have reacted well to us being pregnant before we were married. I was terrified to tell them. Luckily it turned out tht I wasn;t pregnant. Before you panic too much about how to tell your families wait to find out for sure that you are pregnant – perhaps you are not pregnant. If you are pregnant be thankful that you are in a stable relationship and that your boyfriend will support you and the baby. Although your families may not be thrilled at the timing, I would hope and guess that they will come around and be supportive. Best wishes.


    in reply to: I’m so confused #9899


    Wow, it sounds like you have had a tough last few months! I’m not sure why your fiance is being distant.

    I can understand how you feel alone and betrayed. It may be hard to discuss the subject with him, but you will need to get some answers from your fiance to find out where things stand.

    Talk to him directly about how you feel hurt that he doesn’t call and that he has not been here for you. Let him know that you care about him, but that you feel like he is distancing himself from you, and that it concerns you when you are thinking about your future with this baby and your future together as a couple.

    Don’t let him dodge or act like you are being unreasonable for bringing this up – you are absolutely in your rights for bringing this up – he hasn’t been very fair to you and you deserve his support – or at least some answers and the truth about his feelings about your relationship and this baby.

    I hope that things get better for the two of you and that he becomes more supportive, but even if he decides to leave the picture try to hang in there – it seems that life hasn’t been very fair to you, but things will get better and you will make a great mom. Best wishes.


    in reply to: WWYD??? #9897


    I am a little confused. Does your boyfriend know that you are pregnant and that the baby is not his? Would your boyfriend be supportive of you and the child, even though it is not his. When you say "his family wants me to keep the baby" are you referring to your boyfriend’s family or to the father’s family?

    If the baby’s biological father has a history of assault and is in jail it seems to send warning signs to me that this may not be someone you would want to be with and would potentially be a danger to you and the baby, at the very least not a very good role model unless his behavior changes.

    Do you care about your relationship with your boyfriend? Have you tried working things out with him? If you have no desire to try to work on maintaining the relationship, then why are you still dating and living with him?

    It sounds like you are in a difficult situation. I would still encourage you to give life to this baby, whether you decide to keep the baby and raise it or whether you decide to give it up for adoption.


    in reply to: i’m not sure.. #9882


    I would guess that you are not pregnant since you have had a few periods since the last time you had sex. Weight gain could depend on other factors like diet excercise, and stress. If you still suspect that you might be pregnant take a test to find out for sure. Best wishes.


    in reply to: What are the chances? #9881


    Are you trying to conceive? or worried that you might have conceived?

    I’m not sure exactly what the percentage chances are that you would have become pregnant. Sperm can live and stay active fore a couple of days after intercourse, or so I’ve read. It could be possible for you to be pregnant.


    in reply to: update #9880


    Congratulations on the new job and the new car. It sounds good that you have been talking with your mom and boyfriend about your feelings. I agree with your mom and your boyfriend that it would be best for you to focus on school for now and wait a couple of years to have another baby, but it sounds like your boyfriend will make a good father in the future. I wish you both well.


    in reply to: might be pregnant Help!! #9879

    Have you missed your period? Usually pregnancy tests are fairly accurate, but if your HCG levels are low enough then sometimes it takes a blood test to detect a pregnancy. Perhaps you should take another test or see your doctor for a blood test. If it turns out that you are not pregnant, then I don’t think it is necessary to tell your ex-boyfriend that you suspected you might have been pregnant but it turned out that you weren’t. On the other hand if it turns out that you are pregnant I think that your ex-boyfriend as the father of the child really should be told about the pregnancy. Best wishes.


    in reply to: A little freaked out #9877

    You say you may be pregnant. Fisrt off I would take a pregnancy test to find out for sure if you are pregnant or not. If it is positive I would sit down with him and talk the situation over. Tell him that you do not want to have another abortion. Perhaps he will be more open to having another child than you might expect. Adoption is always another caring alternative option as well if it would not work for the two of you to support another child. Best Wishes.


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