Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI think that sounds like it would be very helpful.
I’ve never taken the depo shot, so I’m not sure. I know that missing or changing pills can cause spotting bleeding. If your period is late and you suspect you might be pregnant Birthright and many crisis pregnancy centers offer free pregnancy tests. They might also be able to help you locate financial help for the pregnancy if it turns out that you are pregnant.
ParticipantIf you have had periods and a negative pregnancy test I would usually think that you are probably not pregnant. If you are concerned about unusual changes and symptoms with your body you might want to see your doctor who might be able to do a blood test to determine if you are pregnant and if you are not pregnant to find out what is causing the changes in your body. Best wishes.
I know that Birthright and many crisis pregnancy centers offer free pregnancy tests. If you are pregnant they may also point you towards financial resources to help with the pregnancy and baby. Have you told your boyfriend that you suspect you might be pregnant? If you didn’t take your pills theb there is a chance that you could be pregnant, but it could just be stress. End of the semester is not exactly stress free! You should probably try to find a clinic that offers free tests to find out whether you are pregnant or not. Best wishes.
I’m so sorry to hear about your family’s reaction!! I would talk to Birthright or a crisis pregnancy center for emotional and financial support for this pregnancy. Perhaps (hopefully) your family may turn around a little bit and be more supportive as they get more used to the pregnancy. If you decide that it would be too hard to raise the child yourself adoption is always an option also. Im sorry this is such a rough time! I know it is hard. You are not alone. Try to hang in there as best as you can. I will be thinking and praying for you. Best wishes.
I’m glad to hear that if you are pregnant you are not going to have an abortion. My advice would be to take a pregnancy test to find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not. Hopefully if you are pregnant your ex-boyfirend and family will be supportive. Hang in there and remember you are not alone. Best Wishes.
That must have been so emotional and frightening to go through! I’m so glad to hear that your daughter is doing well. Best wishes to you both!
Again I’m not sure. Those do sound like symptoms I experienced in early pregnancy… Normally if you have a period and negative tests I would suspect that you are not pregnant. I think it is pretty rare to have periods while you are pregnant, but I have heard of it happening before. If it happened with both your mom and aunt then there is a good possibility that it could be true for you too. A blood test should give you an accurate answer to whether you are pregnant or not. If you haven’t already done so I would stop smoking or drinking if you do either until you find out whether you are pregnant. You might want to take prenatal vitamins too just in case you are. I can understand wanting to wait to see a doctor that you know and trust. That is very important for a health provider. You might want to conseder talking to a Birthright or crisis pregnancy center to see if they could do a blood test to determine if you are pregnant or not if you want to find out sooner than you can get in to your ob/gyn.
ParticipantI feel for you. As the father the baby is as much yours as it is your girlfriends. Before I became pregnant I thought that I was extremely opposed to abortion. I thought thqt I would have some sense of the presence and a bond with the little human being growing inside me. In the first trimester I have to admit that I really didn’t. I mostly just felt sick. I wanted to have this baby and I am extremely excited that he will be here in a couple of months. I never would have chosen abortion. However I think morning sickness doesn’t help expecially with pregnancies that were not planned or unwanted. I can understand a feeling of just not wanting to feel sick anymore.
Have you spoken with your girlfriend about how you are feeling about this baby and about the previous abortion? My advice would be to tell her how you feel. Tell her that you love her and you love the baby. Tell her that as the father of the baby you do not want to see your son or daughter aborted. Be by her side as she is sick with morning sickness. Get her gingerale or pepermints or crackers or whatever she needs to feel better. She needs your love and support. She needs to know that she can make it through this tough time. Morning sickness thankfully will not last forever. Talk to her. I hope and pray that she will listen to you and at least consider your feelings before making any decisions about terminating the pregnancy. Best Wishes.
If it has been two months since your last pregnancy I would take a pregnancy test ASAP to find out whether you are pregnant or not. If you are pregnant then you will need to stop taking drugs for the sake of the baby. Even if you are not pregnant I would advise that you quit taking drugs (at least cocaine if not the marijuana also – cocaine can kill you – It’s just not worth it!). I know that quitting drugs is not easy. You might want to seek help in quitting drugs. Also if you are pregnant do not be afrid to discuss the drug issue with your doctor. Don’t cast too much blame on yourself for what you did before you suspected you might be pregnant, but since there is a good chance that you might be pregnant you should try to change your behaviour in the future for the sake of the baby. Your lifestyle will be changed by having a baby. Adoption is always a loving and viable option also.
I’m sorry to hear about your boyfriend’s reaction. This makes the matter more complicated and difficult. If I were in your shoes I think I would have told him that you are worried that you might be pregnant, but if you are that you don;t want an abortion and really need his support because you don’t want to be alone and pregnant. It sounds like if you are pregnant (and if you’ve already had four positive tests than the chances are extremely high that you are) he isn’t going to be supportive. You deserve better! It is as much his responsibility for the pregnancy as it is yours. If he accuses you of lying tell him that you were not intending to lie but his question made you wonder and you decided to go to the clinic to find out if you really were pregnant. Tell him that you are feeling scared. Tell him that you love him, but do not want to be pressured into an abortion. If he really loves you and cares about you he will consider your feelings and be willing to engage in an active diologue with you. He may still think abortion is the best option, but he should at least be willing to listen. If he won’t then I think I would reconsider my relationship with him. I don’t think I’d want to stay in a relationship with someone who would treat me so badly and who I did not trust to count on.
ParticipantIt is unusual to get pregnant again so soon after the birth of a baby, but it is technically possible. Have you taken a pregnancy test to find out for sure? Either way you might want to contact your ob/gyn. I’m sure there will probably be some special considerations for if you are pregnant again so quickly, especially if you are pregnant and breastfeeding at the same time. Best wishes.
I’m sorry to hear that the father left you when he found out you were pregnant. That’s pretty lousy. Perhaps your family could be there to support you emotionally and financially for the pregnancy. I think there are support groups out there for single moms too…that might help. You could contact your local crisis pregnancy center or Birthright also for financial and emotional help.
You could also try to get shild support from the father even if he doesn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life. Hang in there. Best Wishes.
If you are not sure about home tests you could contact your ob/gyn for an appointment. Or you could contacting your local Birthright or Cirsis Pregnancy Center. If you go to or call 1-800-395-HELP They should be able to put you in touch with resources in your area.
I’m not sure. I would wait a week or so and take another test. If it is negative and your cycle is still unusual I would contact your ob/gyn to have a check-up and see that might be causing the changes. Best Wishes.
Just because your boyfriend has had unprotected sex in the past that has not led to pregnancy and you have had unprotected sex in the past that has not led to pregnancy does not mean that it is not possible for you to get pregnant.
If the condom broke, then there is a chance that you could be pregnant (but anytime you have sex, even if the condom hadn’t broken, there would still be a chance (granted much lower) that you could become pregnant.)
I don’t know much about endometriosis. I know that it can make conception more difficult, but it is possible to conceive even with endometriosis. Have you missed your period? If your period isn’t late yet I would try not too panic too much and wait to see if it comes as expected. If your period is late I would take a home pregnancy test to find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not. Best Wishes.
Perhaps you should contact your ob/gyn and have them do a blood test, which can detect lower levels of HCG than home urine pregnancy tests. If you are pregnant then you can start getting prenatal care. If you are not pregnant then perhaps your doctor might be able to explain the variations in your cycle. Best Wishes.
It is not uncommon for strong emotions during pregnancy as the body undergoes drastic changes both in preparation and physically with hormones. If you are worried about emotions affecting the relationship bring it up and discuss it with your boyfriend. You are certainly not alone. If you need to talk I’m glad to listen. You will be a fine mother. I know that it is hard but hang in there. Best Wishes
I’m not sure. It is good that you set up an appointment with your ob/gyn. Two months seems like a long time to be able to get in. If you don’t get your period in the next week or two I would take another pregnancy test. If you have any severe problems with bleeding or cramping I would contact your ob/gyn to see if you could get in sooner. Best Wishes.
If you are late, have been experiencing pregnancy symptoms and have had four positive tests, then I’m pretty sure that you are in fact pregnant. I know that you are afraid to tell your parents and boyfriend. They may not be thrilled at first, but it could turn out that they will be more supportive than you might think. Hopefully your boyfriend will support you and the baby – after all he is the father and he is involved in the creation of the pregnancy as much as you are. I would contact Birthright or a crisis pregnancy center for advice help and support. Keep in mind that you are not alone and that there are people out there that care about both you and your baby. Best Wishes.
I have never been raped, but there were a couple of times when it came very close as guys tried to force themselves on me. I can relate to how violating of a feeling that is! I would not want to be in your shoes and I won’t make any judgements about whatever decisions you make. I hope that you consider giving life to your child. It’s not your fault that you were raped, but it isn’t your baby’s fault for being conceived. Sometimes children can be a great blessing from God no matter how horrible the circumstances under which they were conceived. If you feel that it would be too painful to raise the child, adoption is always a loving option. Have you contacted the police regarding the rape? I think you should press charges so he doesn’t victimize others and has to face consequences for his actions. Best Wishes.
Don’t let anyone pressure or force you into having an abortion if it is not what you want to do. Pregnancy is difficult, particularly when you don’t have support from your boyfriend and your family. Know that there are others out there who have gone through the same situation and others out there who care. My advice would be to talk to your local Birthright or crisis pregnancy center. They may be able to provide emotional and financial support for the pregnancy and help you with options.
I hope that you do not choose abortion. There are plusses and minuses for both adoption and raising the child yourself. It is a choice that you will have to make, but either way your child will have a chance at life. Best wishes.
If you feel close and attached to your baby, then you should listen to your heart and keep this baby. I’m not sure what the problems with the pregnancy are or why the doctor is giving negative predictions. I did have doctors give me some scary news in my own pregnancy but I hung i there and thank God everything seems like it is going to be healthy and OK.
I know how difficult miscarriage can be. Perhaps the baby won’t make it, but if you have an abortion there will be no chance that the baby will make it. It sounds like your sister loves you and is there for you. I doubt that she would want you to feel like you have to choose an abortion even though you don;t want one just on her account. Also your family may be a little surprised and disappointed by the pregnancy, but my guess is that they will be more supportive than you might think.
If money is an issue you should contact Birthright or your local crisis pregnancy center and they might be able to help with pregnancy and baby supplies or point you in directions to get financial help. You could also see if you qualify for WIC or medicaid. If you feel that you are not ready for motherhood then adoption is also a good option.
I can’t make the decision for you, but I am here for you if you need to talk. I hope and pray that you choose to give life to your little girl. Best wishes.
I haven’t been through the experience but I have had freinds that have had early miscarriages and I know that it was very hard and painful for them. I do know that the HCG hormone works to keep the body from rejecting a pregnancy. I don’t know much about specific levels…you’re ob/gyn probably knows best, but I would say to hang in there. Try not to despair. Perhaps you will not miscarry. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
It is possible to become pregnant while on the birth control pill, though much less likely than without birth control. The pill usually prevents ovulation from occurring, and hence prevents pregnancy. If ovulation did happen to occur, which is fairly unlikely but possible, the pill can change the lining of your uterus to make it less likely for a fertilized egg to implant and a pregnancy to develop. I don’t think that birth control would be enough to cause the termination of an embryo that has already implanted, but if you do find out that you are pregnant you will want to stop taking birth control because it can interfere with hormones designed to maintain a healthy developing pregnancy. If you suspect that you might be pregnant you should take a pregnancy test to find out for sure. Hope this helps.
Post edited by: Julie, at: 2005/12/13 01:30