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  • in reply to: LABOR INDUCTION :( #14595

    I was induced with my first child, but I didnt have the cervical rippening done first. I had a very good experience. I was only 15 years old so I was scared, but the nurses were super nice. I was only in labor for 6 1/2 hours with about 4 hours of hard labor. They say induced labor is harder, but my second child(which I wasnt induced with) was the same as my first. I personally would choose to be induced, but with my third I had a different doctor who wouldnt do it. I think you will find it to be a good experience and CONGRATULATIONS to you and your husband!

    in reply to: Will he get into trouble?… #14531

    Im not sure, but from what I understand he wont get in trouble if your parents dont press charges. I was 15 when my first was born and my bf was 18. I was 16 when my second was born and he never got in trouble. The best thing to do is just sit them down and tell them, hiding it only makes things worse.

    in reply to: I am 16 and pregnant #14530

    Well, the easiest way for me was to just sit her down and tell her. Hiding it only makes it worse. Make sure she knows what you are going to do, and dont let her talk you into something you dont want to do.

    in reply to: can someone help me? #14529

    If you were supposed to have your period on Dec. 12, and you are having all those sings, I would definatly say you are pregnant. You can take a test if you want, pregnancy can show up as early as 5 days before your first missed period, it says right on the box. Best of luck to you!

    in reply to: i took the test!! #14528

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! take care

    in reply to: . #14527

    Hi! I would first like to say that your mom was wrong and out of line, it was in NO way her decision. I had 2 kids by the time I was 16, and they are healthy, smart, beautiful girls now. I never thought about abortion, but people did try and talk me into adoption, but it wasnt for me. I am 22 years old, have 3 girls, go to school, am a wife, and own a home; so dont let people tell you that you cant do it because you can. I am now pregnant with number 4, but because of circumstances, I have to terminate the pregnancy. It is the hardest thing I will ever do, but it was my decision. I hope you can find forgivness for yourself! Take care.

    in reply to: im 17 and me plz! #14526

    Hi! I am also in your position, I dont know what to do. Everybody on the site has been so helpful, They helped me realize that I dont want to end my baby’s life. I am now 22 with 3 kids. I was a teen mom at 15. I know it is hard no matter what age you are, but it is also the most wonderful, precious and magical thing; being able to watch a little human being grow into a wonderful adult. AND you are the one that made that person who she/he is. I hope you go with your decision and not everybody elses. Congratulations and take care!

    in reply to: Help needed #14490

    I fell your pain. I am pregnant with number 4 and my husband wants me to get an abortion. He said if I keep the baby, he is leaving. I have asked for support and everyone says the same thing, and it all makes sence. If you want this baby, keep it. This is 100% your decision. Your family will get over it with time and if your fiancee leaves you for having his child, then he doesnt sound like a very good candidate for a loving, supportive husband. Sorry if that is harsh, but that is the decision I have made for myself. I would love to talk if you want to, just email me.

    in reply to: I’m 16 and just ruined my life #14479

    I am now 22 years old and pregnant with number 4. I found out I was pregnant with my first at 14 years old. I had my second daughter when I was 16. I had number 3 when I was 21 and am going to have number 4 at 22. The best thing I ever could have done as a teenage parent was go to a school for pregnant and parenting teens. I know it sounds misserable, but it helped me so much. Free diapers, formula, clothes, even food for me. And the best part, no one could judge me because we were all in the same situation. I actually graduated early. The only financial resource I can think of right now is WIC, Medi-cal, food stamps, and cash aid. I know there are more, I just cant think of them right now. Feel free to message me if you want to talk. Good luck!

    in reply to: Someone plz….. #14476

    I would love to talk to you. I dont really know how to navigate through the site yet so go ahead and e-mail me if you want.

    in reply to: Someone plz….. #14475

    thanx for the support. I have an ultrasound on the 19th to find out how far along I am. I cant picture myself having an abortion, especially after I have seen the baby. I dont know what to do. I tried talking to my husband about keeping the baby and he said if I do he is leaving. Well, I would love to talk to you. I havent quit mastered this site so bare with me if I take forever. Take care!

    in reply to: Someone plz….. #14394

    I am new here. I like the site a lot and would love to have some friends. I had my first baby when I was 15, my second when I was 16, and my third when I was 21. I am now pregnant with number 4 but I dont know who the father is. I slept with my husbands brother because I was mad. Stupid, I know. My husband wants me to get an abortion because we dont know if its his but I dont want one. This is my baby and I want it! Well, I would love to talk to you.

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