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Participantwow thats so good u r gonna keep your baby =] good on u hun! how far gone r u? ur parents may resent it at first but as soon as they see that lil baby born and healthy they will regret everything they ever said & wll support u no matter what…jt sit them down and tell them!!
Participantwell it turns out im not pregnant which is kind of a relief as me & my boyfriend have just split up because he was beginning to get violent towards me & brining a baby up in that envirmoent wouldnt of been safe!!! there is alays the future to be a mum =]
Participanti had a problem with my pill a while back and i kept having breakthrough bleeding and spotting and it was just a problem with my pill you should go to your doctores and get them to do a test. =]
Participanti took a hpt and it came out negative that was about a week ago now and i still haven’t come on my period? what should i do now take another hpt because my doctors are useless and you have t wait like 1 month for any bloody test =s HELP!!
Participanti totally understand what u feelbut the pain does get easier i promise u that some days i feel so awfl i dnt even wana get out of bed but really u will always love your baby and you will meet him/her one day in heaven and you can explain just try to live your life as normally aas possible. i completly understand the saying you don’tt know what ou’ve got until it’s gone x
ParticipantI am still worried even though i have been to the doctors this morning and she said she thinks its just i need a different pill and have a hormonal imbalance but i felt like saying well why do i have all the symptoms of being pregnant then? apart from a missed period (hardly had one though) and a test(havent taken one)?! confused need help am i just making it up in my head and is what the doctor said or is there a chance i could be that i am pregnant????
Participanti decided to do the right thing and talk to my boyfriend and he told me if i want those things with himm i have to wait. i feel cmpletly numb because i know i cant have what i want and i know until hes ready the hole in my hear is going to grow emptier each day… i cant stop crying :dry:
Participanti know how u feel but firstly be grateful u had ur boyfriend around when i had to make the decision my ex was knowhere to be seen. when i first found out he promised me all these things that he would provide for me and the baby but as soon as our parents found out he had no back bone and backed out of everything he promised me!! i know exactly how you feel about feeling guilty and like you have betrayed your baby…it does get i promise it takes time but concentrate on your future and completing school thats what i had to do i was taking my exams when i found out i was pregnant and it had its consequences but im a college now and i think sometimes i wouldnt have that if i had had my baby you sometimes have to convince yourself of the way things could have been bad. but one day you will meet your baby in heaven and then you have all the time in the world to have with him/her. hope thats all i can say hope for the future =]
Participanti went through the same experience as you about a year nd a half ago apart from my ex was sleeping with another girl so that kind of made me act on impulse and think of the baby and not wanting to bring up my baby in that enviroment and i dont know what your reasons were for the abortion but i struglled with depression for about a year after my abortion i still cry about it now but the emptiness and the numbness does begin to go away after some time but it does take time i still think what if and imagine how life would be now anything sets me off like shopping or being on the bus i think i should have my baby with me now. i was 12 weeks when i had my abortion the choice was not mine and i do regret it but then i think i wouldnt be doing the things i am today and i know one day when i die ill meet my baby girl in heaven and ill explain to her why i couldnt bring her up because her daddy didnt love her like i did just be grateeful you had your boyfriend what hurt the most for me was when i di find out i was pregnant my ex did kiss my stomach and made me all of these promises about having the baby but he lied, the pain does get easier trust me. if you ever need to talk to anyone who has been through the same thing im always here.keep your chin up =]