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  • in reply to: So Scared! #13085

    hi !My opinion: dnt do anything so fast without thinking well things first ,remember you are only 3 weeks and is normal that u feel so confused.I dont know how old are u but u need to talk to somebody else very close to you , if you are not ready to tell your family just try to count with a close friend but remember that your mother needs to know that too.You are not alone , even I felt like that at the beginnig of my pregnancy but i noticed about all that people that are supporting me.If you dont let it out it can be worse so take things easy and ull see what a Great Gift God gave u!Good luck!

    in reply to: questions… #12605

    Hey dont worry ,sometimes I feel exactly like you .Dont feel ugly and fat ,remember is alll because of your pregnancy.Symptoms are supossed to last until 3 months in most cases but not on all cause im feeling dizzy and nauseous too and im almost 4 months.When i get sick I drink a club soda,believe it works for me alot!For morning sickness they recommend crackers(those withot flavor), eat them early on the morning.Avoid salty or saucy foods.I hope you feel better soon.Good Luck!

    in reply to: going too far #12503

    Hello! I think you guy s shold talk about why you want to wait to have sex and then put limits .Dont be afraid of showing what ou want and dont want to do ,remember he will understand if he really loves you.Im very happy that you decided to wait until you get married but is like you say ,temptation will always be around.So talk to your bf,and both put limits on your relationship .Im sure everything will come fine

    in reply to: Abortion worries!?!?!? #12502

    Hey ,think things twice!Why you cant have your baby?Having a baby is such a beautiful thing and I know is not easy .Abortion is a really big issue thaht not everybody can deal leater on with that.Remember is not your babys fault,so my opinion is; Please think a lot about having an abortion, if so have any advise with somebody that had and abortion before too see what you can gain with that and what can happen .Good Luck!

    in reply to: deperately need help #12357

    First I think you should tell your parents about this cause you never know what will happen , they can be a lot of help for you and if they dont accept you after that there are always people that can help you out.In my case I was scared too to tell them but they did support me with my pregnancy.About you bf just dont do nothing you dont want, cause u may regret it , Is so special to see your belly growing and to give birth and have someone who is part of you.If you want to have this baby just stay strong , I know is not that easy and even more when you dont have your bf support, but you can do it!Im 24 and I was confused too ,i didnt believe in abortion never in my life but when you are in that situation is very different .Instead of all I decided to have my baby if my ex is with me or not ,All my blessings to you!

    in reply to: Child support/Advice #12356

    Hi! Im 24 and 13 weeks pregnant .Im so happy you decided to help your daughter with her baby!My parents are helping and supporting me too and Im so thankful bout that!My story is a lil bit like your daughter’s but in my case I have told to my ex about my pregnancy and he acted like "its ok".He told me he was going to call , I told him that I didnt wanted him to return with me as a couple but i sure wanted him to be responsible bout his baby.Today Im still waiting for his call and Im very worried .I dont know what he will do!.Im looking for info aboutl child suppport on the internet and with some friends but I have to wait until I find him again.But I dont know what I would do if I had not my parents support that is so important to me.My opinion is you should check on your goverment offices in Texas and get all the info you find.I hope things will get better with your daughter!Good Luck!

    in reply to: What are the chances? #12355

    Well Kiara ,I think is just matter of time and wait couple of weeks to see if you are really pregnant.I have very low prenancy hormones too , instead of that am pregnant of 13 weeks.Pharmacy pregnancy tests are supossed to be accurate,in my case they where positive at first time .So my opinion is that you should wait a lil bit and take the test again.If you are not sure about the results and your period dont come take a blood test cause the results will be more exact.Good luck!

    in reply to: Why am I not getting pregnant? #12354

    First of all you got to stay calm cause I know is not easy.Im 24 and I thought that I was infertile .Even thou i never had taken birth control pills.I had many boyfriends and never got pregnant when I wanted it but now that I wasnt even looking for it I am pregnant.i had hormones problemas too and I was very scared I think you should trust God before everything and stay calm.Keep trying and dont get obssesed with having a baby,ull see when u dont even think of it u will get pregnant!Good Luck!

    in reply to: can pregnant happen ? #12352

    Yes , Im sure it can happen .That happens mostly to girls with irregular periods.

    in reply to: He has another son. He is still married. #12351

    Don’t worry ,now past is past.God will sure give you the opportunity to be a great mom! My Best wishes

    in reply to: Why Me #12134

    Girl let me tell you something: Im 24 and im pregnant .This is my first baby and I was so depressed like you,at first.My babys daddy knows what happening but he hasnt called since he knew even thou he is not in denial.Ive felt that few people dont talk to me,but why? Im a human being and maybe I got pregnant not at the perfect way but God blessed me with this beautiful baby.I dont care what everybody say,cause we are not the first neither the last with this problem.So dont think that all you need is your bf cause is not true ,you just need to take things easy andthink what you really want.Dont take it to fast cause you may do something u really dont want to do.About the peolpledont talk to u , just dontlet themkmake you feel bad cause I dont think they are really your friends.Please! talk to your parents as soon as you can,remember the are your family and you need to take care of your baby now , God loves you a lot!Good luck !!

    in reply to: Is it possible? #12106

    Well,really I cant tell u if is possible or not cause i didnt heard of that before.I think It Is possible to get pregnant if u have contact with sperm and ovulating but if u r relly exposed to the sperm even thou u didnt have the intercourse.That case can be possible in certain way but is very weird cause sperm lives 48hours if the atmosphere is warm …so if u think u re pregnant bcause of that give it time and later take the test ,u never know .In the meantime just stay calm.;)

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